Page 12 - Mum's_5.12.1943_flipbook
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The Lowell Sun Wednesday May . 1 2 J943
Fort Devens
Dog Hospital Cares for 200 Carjines at a Timo
CSpcclal to The Sun)
I'EtTEUELL, May 12—Beacon FOItT DEVENS, May 12—The lodge, I. O. 0. F., lias postponed the Army dog — thoroughbred and supper and the working of the mongrel—has replaced the Armj third degree which had been mute and horse, at least as fai planned for the meeting tomorrow as the Army veterinarians on this and willjwork the for post are concerned. These skilled a class of candidates from the men on duty at the Fort Devens Townsenrl lodge. Clyde H. Lansil Veterinary hospital have cared will be degree master. for as many as 200 dogs jn
Holy Trinity Greek Church To Honor Youths ,in Service
Bishop Cavadas of New England to Officiate at Ceremonies
Grange Session—Annual Parish Meeting; Town News
LOWELL — The hundreds of young parishioners of the ' Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church who are in the nrmcd services of the nation will be honored next Sunday morning and afternoon by Lowell's oldest Greek parish In a religious and patriotic program, it was announced this morning by Louis J. Kolofolias, president of the parish.
A special tablet, containing the names of young men in the Army, Navy and Marine corps will be dedicated, with Bishop AUionago- ras Cavadns, head "of the New England Greek Orthodox church, officiating.
.'May 12 (UP)—State -Jmmlssioncr Vlado A. 'ng has announced thai 12, :^c'husctts hospitals have been closed or converted Into conva'es-
Richard Campbell, who was seri- single day, and every one of the ously injured several months ago "dog patients" apparently has had nil equal number of men inquir- when the ship on which he was ng for their condition with serving was torpedoed, and who queries as -Do you think he'll has been hospitalized for many :>ul! through doc?", -Is he going weeks in Oakland, Calif., has been io be alright?" or -When can we transferred to the Chelsea naval lake 'Duke', 'Spike1 or 'Cartridge
Tlie Program's Details
The program will start with sentatives anil senators.
Dr. Getting said that 36 other hospitals had been inspected and that final action was awaitingcor- rection of defects reported in them Only 40 hospitals, all in western Massachusetts, remain lo be in- spected, he said.
Surprise of His
Mass. Bomber Ace
Becomes Colonel
hospital and was able lo spend Case' back to quarters?"
Mothers day with his mother, Mrs. Reminiscent of the days of
Mary Wilson, Mrs.Edward Ward,
Alfred Mcraunt, Mrs.Sartie Car-
James Castine, Mrs.Sadie Thiel,
Mrs. Alfred Meraunt, M rs, John
vlrs. Drew, Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Sergt. Arthur Fish, Pvt. James Greer, Mrs. Susan T. Esier, Mrs.
Class of 15 Confirmed
Bishop Gushing at
Lithuanian Church
Lydta Campbell on Grolon street.
She gave a family dinner in his [ind American soldiers you'll tind
honor. Dick has improved suffi- logs, all kinds of them. The dogs
onor plaque at the Wilmington town hall Sunday are,left to right: Rev. Clyde M. Martin,
ciently to be able to get about with
the help of a cane. and" even rank; is sometimes
Betty Davis of Groton is spend- buried wiih full military honors ing three weeks with her uncle and ind sometimes too,is left (o run aunt, Mr. and Mrs. EdwardMar- lesolale and alone when some out- cotte at their home on Keyes hill. it moves out.
-rederick W. McMahon, Miss Adelaide Fitzgerald and Mrs. Louis McMahon.
Army Veterinary school and a James Piper has been home from member of the Army Veterinary
ride and a few accepted the invi-
(Special to The Sun) ,
church services ni the Lewis
slreet Institution in the morning.
In the afternoon, the bishop will
bless the service flags of the
church. He will be assisted by
Rev. Fr. Demitrios Sgouros, pas-
tor of the Trinity; Rcy. Dr. Deml- ils action followed a measure Su trious Frankos, Rev. Michael Pap-Ihorlzmg his department to inscect padopoulos and others. Students and license hospitals. He refused from the Holy Cross Greek Ortho-
1917-18 in Franco wherever you HONOR PLAQUE DEDICATED AT WILMINGTON—Shown taking part in the unveiling of the ter, Mrs.Willard Walton,Mrs,
enjoy the best of quarters, rations
Joyce, Mrs.Gardner Ritchie,Mrs. Mabel McDonough, M rs. Joseph Kelley, and M rs. Alice Cady. The door prize was won by Alfred Meraunt. Virginia Day won the chance prize, and scorers were Loretta Field, Virginia Day and Betty Cavanaugh.
Mrs. Susan T. Esler was In charge of the party, the proceeds of which will be used to buy sew- ing kits for men and women in Ihe service.
Mrs. Charles J. Allgrove, Jr.,nl Middlesex avenue has been ill at her home for Ihe past 10 days.
Irian) may move during the blue signal.
The Monday Evening Bridge Up on the nil! in the old caval-
club was enler'tained this week at •ay area on the reservation is one
the home of Mrs. Sidney S, Tower of the best-equipped animalhos-
on High street. Honors went to Mrs. pitals in the country, with con-
Amos D. Mnhony, M rs. Harold J. .•refe floors, painted atid scrubbed
Hayes, Mrs. Bessie J. Wright and vails, shelves completely stocked
Mrs, Roger Bobbins. vilh the latest drugs, medicines WESTKOHD, May 12-Samuel PIXEHUUST, May 12—There Pupils of the Dilson school en-
LOWELL-Flftcen child.'cn, nine his life came to 26-year-old Lib-
The regular mceting.of Prescolt plan, a schedule or a recondition- ollected !)37 egg masses. A total V. F. VV. ball, but many more arc at Grange hall, Park slrect, after quota which has been set for Pine-
(Special to The Sun)
P.-T. A. Contest Winners; Aircraft Course Lecture (Special lo The Sun)
Auxiliary Meets Tonight; New Blackout Rules
'.'J. W. FARLEY, "Executive Director." Enjoy "Jeep" ftide t
erator bomber ace Cecil Faulk- ner today in Lieut. Gen.George C, Kenney's office.
Miss Marie Sawyer of Bryn ind special equipment for animal V. Richards, Jr.,a third grade pu- will be a regular meeting of the joyed a ride in the "jeep"pur- Mawr, Pa., Phyllis and Alfred operations. Staffed by live enlisted 11 of the William E. Frost school, Ladies auxiliary lonighl nt the chased by the sale of war stamps Sawyer of Silver ranch, Jaffrey, N. men and one ollicer, Lieut. Fred in Die Billerica schools. It was H., have been guests of Miss Fay ^ Bushnell, the hospital is under ,'on the grand prize of 55 in the V. F. VV. hall on Boston road. Thenoted that Ihe teachers enjoyed Sherwood at her home in Main tie direction of Lieut. Col. Henry Veslford Parent-Teacher associa- meeting will be conducted by the the ride as much as the pupils. street. i. Hess, a graduate of the U. S. ion lent caterpillar egg mass new president, Mrs. Mabel Eggo. Several passersby were invited' to
Lawrence, deacon; Rev. Joseph T engagements of thiswar.
Gnllo paslor of St. Anthony's Most Versatile
church, Lowell, sub-deacon; Rev The young flier Is recognized as John Kidykas, S. J., of Philadel-
phia, Pa.; Rev.John Skalandas one of the most versatile and able of St. Francis church, Lawrence- heavy-bombardment pilots in the Rev. John Plevokas, chaplain of southwest Pacific. Several weeks
Many more townspeople have Allen road, was awarded the de- In the Sargent school, Jchn An- donated to the blood bank in Bos- gree of bachelor of arts during erson collected the largest num- ton the past two weeks. It has the combined commencement ex- cr of egg masses and thereby been reported that the quota has ercises of Middlebury and Wom- been raised to 6000 pinls of blood en's college of Middlebury. Gros- brought their children to the pre- Jevens like a homing pigeon", arned the school's first prize. A a week. Among those who donaled venor left Middlebury at the end school clinic. These children were fth _grade girl, Evelyn Reeves, 'ast-wcek were Catherine Hallen- of March lo enroll in Ihe midship-
day yesterday at the C. M. Shat- of this situation through the "dog tuck school when many mothers rapevine" for they "hitFort
given a thorough check-up and sure of a welcome and a feed, •n'a school at Columbia univer- suggestions were made for correc- varm barracks to snooze in and 'on the first honors for the Cam- torg, second donation; Ruby sily, but was granted a furlough
(nowles, M rs. Gerangcr, M rs.
tions to be made so that no time sands of "natural dog lovers", ponsorcd at Hie Weslford i.cad- chafiner, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Mc-to return lo receive his diploma
the adulation of
several thou-
ron school.
No contests were
The Sun reporter in ]Vil- Grange will be held Friday nighl ng scheme. It's something that f 27,320 eggs masses were col- iceded to nllend the class if the minnton is blury Buzzcll, Ttl,
Monthly Smoker
LOWBLL — The monthly smoker and entertainment of Lowell Council, Knights of Colum- bus, was held last night in the council's headquarters on Dutton street.
Guests of the evening were Theresa Donohuc, John J. Durkin, T. Roughan, Vic and Sade, Georges Cigar store, Peppy Snorties, Pat and Mary, Me and Y ou, Mary Kay, Harold Dean, Anna Hogan, Cis and Blue, Skippy "T", T. P. Don-is, Louis A. Titcoinb, Alice V. Hart, Alfred J. Lalondc,M rs.
which an entertainment and hobby •leeps their minds occupied, their ected, and of Ihis number the uirst is to be compleled. U is •20M.
show will be open to the public. Bodies healthy, and gets them 'rest school contributed 21.S9G. very large and anyone having (Special lo The'Sun)
Non-members may exhibit their 3ack into action faster than they iliss Florence Barnard even a small amounl of lime to
hobbles as well as members. Mrs. hoped. Word has been received by WILMfNGTON, May 12 — Mr. Theodore H. Palmer heads the One of the most .Important Wcstford friends of Ihe death of spare could ulilize it by attending nntl Mrs. Hobarl Spring of Salem committee in charge of the exhibit. aspects of the process is the emo- rliss Florence Barnard, on Tucs- he class. All that is needed is street antl Mrs. .Philip B. Buzzcll
diphtheria immunization will be held at the Highland school to- morrow morning at 10.30. Those desiring to lake advantage of this
tional, or psychological progress
the Garden-club, announces that of the patient, for a soldier long ine, following an illness of six i smock or some covering for the ton 3'esterday afternoon lo attend
Time to See a Preacher
meet tomorrow at the Congrega- NEW YORK, May 12 (INS)— tional church. Red Cross sewing Penny Hale, stage and screen slar- will be under way at 11 a. m. At lel and Lt. Jackie Coogan have noon dinner will be served by Mrs. decided that now's the time to see George W. Dutton and Mrs.Paul a preacher.
Miss Bertha Colson, president of
lay nt a nursing home in Brook-
of Middlesex avenue went to Bos-
the May meeting will be held next confined lo beet and sick ward can months. Miss Barnard came to street clothes. an exhibition and ten in honor at
Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock easily become distraught, and a Vestford with her mother, im- Young Billy McKay, son of Mr. the 25tti anniversary of the found clinic should call Mrs. Charles Mil-
at the home of Mrs. Addison Wood- icrious mental problem. To offset -ncdialely after her graduation ind Mrs. G. McKay of Shawsheen ward, Park street. his, under the recovery program, rom Smith college, to teach in •oad, fell while riding on the Mrs. Henry E. Wilson, president .he convalescents are housed Veslford( academy, and had been landlcbars of a bicycle and cut of the Woman's club, has asked iparl from the sick-room ntmos- frequent visitor here for many lis face. He was treated at a
ing of Die Children's Art center at 36 Rutland street, SouthEnd. Fitzroy. Carrington, founder of the center, spoke briefly to the guests', giving a short history of the origin and early days of Ihe
ler to make arrangements.
The Ladies' Social circle will
the board of governors to meet ihere, t h e - wine-colored pajamas r-ears, She was widely known as .owell hospital.
at her home on Brooklinc road are dispensed wiih, and the pa- ti author of books on money .lames Humphrey of the U. S.
Friday at 2 p. m. to fill vacancies tent dressed in reg'ular olive drab nanagement and also as a lec- navy is home on furlough with institution. .Many water colors and
F. Swanson. There will be a bus- iness meeting in the afternoon with Mrs. Edgar F. Hale, presi- dent, in charge,
in the standing committees and service uniform. urer, and had taught for many lis family.
to transact routine business in re- There they live n normal life, 'oars in Biookline. Funeral ser-
gard to the compiling of thepro- military life—as normal as their ices will lie held Thursday at 3 Air Raid Rules
gram for the coming year. ncapacilie.s will allow them—are i'clock al All Saints church, Ralph Dodge, chief air raid war- the work of six-year-old boys and
The Fiesta Bridge club was en- shown movies lo break the monot- 3rookline, followed by services at en, tins received the following in- Hs.
tertained Monday night at the ony of the program and also play he cemetery chapel Friday at orination relative to extinguishing The Tewksbury-Wilmington unit home of Mrs. Seymour Townsend, such athletics as their condition Manchester, N. H. treet lights during the blackouts. of Ihe Massachusetts Women's De- Mason road, Prize winners were vill permit. The soldier-palientis The fifth lesson of [he aircraft The following regulation hc- fense corps will hold a regular Mrs. Henry Newhall, Mrs. Harold •Ulocated to one of four groups, ecognition course, under the di- omes effective forthwith through- meeting in the baracks at 7.15 Gilbert, Mrs. Albert Jones and Mrs. guaged by his stage of recovery, eclion of Mrs. W. Arthur Per- iut the slate of Massachusetts: tonight.
Julius Greenwood. as soon as possible afler passing ins, Jr., was held Sunday night "During the period of black- Circle 2 of the W. S. C. S. of
"We're r.oing io he mar- O'Grady, J. P. S., -Betty and
the various activities. Charles L. The military life of Ihe con- The results shown by thestu- Fish, chairman of the trustees, will valescent is a vital factor, accord- dents in the class have been ex- conduct the meeting and it ishoped ing lo.the doctors, who stale thai :cllent and considerable interest that all interested members of the roll call every morning, cojiplcd las been aroused in identifying the parish will make, an effort to be with inspection of uniforms helps jlane.s which pass over or near present. Supper will be served greatly to improve Ihe morale of he Wcstford post. If enough ob- at 6.30. Parents and children are (lie palient. The ;nedical men state servers are interested, a class i'n invited to the supper. that once a patient puts on his uni- aircraft recognition will be formed
and pedes-
lian Chapman,
M rs. Keene,M rs,
are nationals of Axis nations.
Charles Hills, who is serving form, stand his first inspection to be held Monday night. This overseas, has been made a ser-ami yells "here" to.his first roll course does not require outside geant, according to a letter re- call an immediate improvement study. Teaching and reviews held
ceived recently by the Home Town
committee. Clifford Chapman has
been made boatswan's mate, 2-c,
and is in West Africa. Everett Graniteville Mrs. Pcrrins. The fourth lesson Ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward of the course will be given to the
Ham of Main street, is in Africa. The Methodist Y outh Fellowship of the Helen L. Lawrence Memo- rial church will present "Ye Oidc District School" tonight at Dole hall. George Hill will assist in the program with his sleight of
Sargent School Pupils Present Three-Act Play
(Special 'o The Sun)
L. Lawrence Memorial church will meet at the church Friday after- noon for a rehearsal with the or- ganist, Mrs.Sidney F. Mason.
direct ion of the faculty member presented a play, "Simple Simoi Kimplo" in three acts by Henr; Row-Hind. Tho cast was as follow Simple Simon, Joseph Cnnnell .Sophie Simple, Theresa Mafolny -Stella .Simple. Rita Milot; Samm:
The First Nighlers were guests
of Mrs. James Robinson, Monday
at her home on Cottage street.
Prizes went .to Mrs. Leon J. Winch,
Mrs. John Rodier, Mrs. Lester Simple, Waller Charasko; Sally Blood and Mrs. J. Orrin Williams. Ann. Pnlrkia Carbo; Minerva
Meetings of Prudence Wrighl
chapter, N. S. D. A. R., which have Webb. Phylils Sinlon; I tn/.cl Haw- been omitted since before Christ- kins, Shirley Olson; ThankfulBar- mas, will he resumed Monday at low, Anthony Minko; fchvood El- 2.30 p. m. at the chapter house kins, P.obcrt Gowcr, ann Dorothea on Memorial circle. Board meet- Ducksvvorlh, Monica Woznac.
ing at 2 o'clock. Between the acts a boys chorus
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Sha't-sang several numbers accompanied tuck of Filchburg have been visit- at the piano by Miss Lillian
Ing his parents, Mr. andMrs. Wright. The boys were Paul Walter Shattuck on Main slreet, Milot, Edward Connolly, John Spin- Rev. Wallace E. Hayes and Rev.ner, Aime Gervais, Dwight Han-
can be noted in his spirit.
students at Weslford academy on Thursday,
Miss Clara Fisher returned Tues- day from Florida. Her sister. Mrs Addie M. Buckshorn. who has spent Hie winter in Washington, is ex- pected this week.
Alex McDonald of Concord road, who has been confined to Ihe Low. ell General hospital by injuries re ceivcd when he fell under a horse while working in his barn, is ex- pected to be discharged this week from Ihe hospital.
Victory Garden Session
The Victory Garden committee
will meet tonight at 8 o'clock, at Ihe home of Mrs.Clifford F Johnson.
The Red Cross jewing unit wil hold .ils weekly nil-day mecling on Thursday in the Congrega- tional vestry.
The watch at the observation tower, beginning this afternoon, is as follows: Daniel Hartley ant John Flanagan, 4 to 8 p. m.; Mr and Mrs. Eric J. Anderson, 8 to 12 midnight; Ben W. Drew anc Fisher Buckshorn, 12 to 4 a. m.
morning by leading clergymen of of girls, Phyllis Sinton, Theresa 4 to 8 p. m.
the country for ministers of near- Nadolny, Shirley Olson andPat- The rationing board met Tiies by towns and chaplains at Fort ricia Carbo also sang one number day night at the office on Main Devens. The junior Girl Scouts will meet street. Action Whs taken on al
OKAMTKVIIJ.Kf May 12—Til The junior choir of the Helen pupils of Sargent .school under the
hand tricks'.
•1 to 8 a. m., open; Weslford acari J. Osborne Crowe are attending son, Robert, Wall, Robert Holmes, envy studcnls, 8 a. m, lo 4 p. m. the preaching missions held and Ernest Cagnon. A quartet Lucien Milot and Thomas Dunn
Thursday.afternoon al 3.30at Ab- types of rationing applications. A few drops (one-fourth tea- bot hall under the direction of
their leader, Dorothy Sinton. The
,sp°on for- each two cups) of lemon Senior Girl Scouts will meet on If you have trouble gelling Juice added to dried fruits when Thursday afternoon at the home >nge cake or lady fingers for they are cooked brings out bet- of Mrs. Waller N. Flclclicr of your favorite ice box dessert. Iry
ter flavors. Main street to assist in mnhinK using Graham crackers, they wii
i. Red Cross surgical bandngcs do very wcl!.
in the class are sufficient. Observ- ers who are interested in joining a Moi^fay night class should notify
• (Special lo The Sun)
Faulkner was the leader of a
Circle 1 of the W. S. C. S. met at Ihe home of'Mrs. Mary Starr yes- ollecling contest. A grand prize Membership in Ihe Blanket club tation and had a ride that wil! not terday afternoon for a luncheon meeting, attended by 35 members and friends. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Edith Fiske, president of
his Army base for a short furlough corps since 1017,
with his molher, Mrs. Clifton Par- They care for any sick animal
mcnter on Groton street. on the post. With the advent of he winner in several schools. any of the members. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Grosvenor of
Mrs. Winnifred W. Nagle, R. N., mechanized \varfare, hundreds of school nurse, and Dr. Abbott Wino- 'strays" in the greater-Fort Dev- grad, school physician, spent a busy ens have apparently learned
the Working Boys Home in Shir- Ihe organization, Mrs.Maude ley.
Matthews, M rs. Sarah Kidder and
Mrs. Willard F. Walton. After the Cross-bearer in the procession luncheon Mrs. Fiske presided at awas Frnacis Dzedulonis, while the business meeting. II was an- acolytes were Francis Kasalian- nounced that a spring sale and skas and Edward Alikonis. Music luncheon will be held on Wednes- was under the direction of Vero- day, May 19, at the Methodist nica Dzedulionis, organist and di- church. The next regular meet- rector and was presented by Ihe ing will be at the home ofMrs. junior choir. The singing included
as offered to the largest collector slill is open and anyone wishing soon be forgotten.
ilh individual prizes of 52.50 for to join may do so by contacting A. Edmund Grosvenor, son of
ago, wearing a major's oak leaves, he was withdrawn from combat duty and ordered to a special sec- lion of the air forces. On Monday his orders were changed again, and he was requested to report to Gen. Kenney immediately for a- "conference." He reported this afternoon.
For several minutes Kenney and Faulkner chatted informally. Then Gen. 'MncArthur's aircom- mander nonchalantly stood up, took off Faulkner's major's leaves and pinned on him the silver leaves of a lieutenant colonel.
With his nesv rank—which came only a few months after he be- came a captain—Faulkner also was assigned as . operations officer of one of the' key combat units in the southwest Pacific'.
may be lost by illness after the American boys. my or Nabnasset schools. The Jwen, Mrs. Riches, Mrs. Sheridan, from President Samuel S. Strat- Sarah • Kidder on Thurston av- presentations of "Ecce Sacerados," children enter school. 3 Irs. Lee,Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. lon. He also is a graduate of Til- enue on May 25. "Tnntum Ergo" and '-O, Salut-
Home Town Party Ne\v Convalescent Program arent-Teacher association awarrt- ^e.slcr Smith, Mrs.Harlwcll and ton school.
At the New Stallion and Lovell d special prizes of $1 each lo Dr. Hookway, who also donaled Mrs. Ardena Small of Greenville
is visiting her sister al Kiltcry, Me., for the week.
W. S. C. S. Meeting; Whist Winners; W. D. C. Session
Mrs. Louis Grossman of Federal aris."
street visited Mrs. Ernest Currier Rccipienls of (he sacrament at the Deaconess hospital in Bos-were: Richard Buja, Albert Mall- ton yesterday afternoon.
Immunization Clinic to Be Held Tomorrow
- Last night the Home Town com- :eneral hospitals here thepro- hree pupils of the William E. is car.
mittee sponsored a card party for gram is already under way and ^rost school whose collection num-
service men and \vomeii at the doctors enthusiaslically havegot- ers were unusually high. Thev There will be a meeting at the U. S. O. club in Aycr, which was ten behind the plan for it helps vere Ruth Smith, grade 8; Arthur Community church tomorrow ol largely attended. Refreshments tic officers, teachers and religious were served during the evening. speed up a patient's recovery and \ntonelli, grade 8, and Roger iducation committee al 8 p. m. On May 28, it will hold a card makes Ihe slay in the sick ward tancour, grade 6. Young Richards 3lans are to be made for Ihe for- party at St. Joseph's parish hall more pleasant'. Doctors believe ollecled 5665 egg masses to cop nalion of the church school for the to earn funds to help carry on the that emotional reconditioning is he blue ribbon honors and the oming year.
various 'activities for town men as important as physical recov- rsl prize for the entire town. Evc-
and women in the armed forces. ery, and they think thai this re- yn Reeves collected 3031 to win The response has been great lo
nauskas, Thomas Peslikas, Eugene
Prakapas, Paul Saulenas, Francis
Shanon, Stanislaus Stanilionis Al-
bert. V alentinas, Richard Zilionas,
Helen Andriuskevicius, Johanna
Malinauskas, Virginia Naunkeve-
cius, Marion Paulauskas, Johanna
Stanalionls and France.; Slivau- fleet, 'Mass.' - skas.
labilitation plan is the answer. Cameron's first prize and John he surgica' dressing class held Grange Meeting To the patienl it'smore than a .nderson, at the Sargent school, •very Monday afternoon at the
In his talk to the recipienls CARLISLE, May 12—The class Bishop Gushing stressed the im-
in surgical dressings meets tonight portance of the Sacrament they are receiving, meaning as it does,
at the home of Mrs. Paul F. Swan- thai they are now soldiers of God,
son, Curve street. heirs lo Heaven, defenders of the
principles of righteousness and The first in a series of clinics for justice.
.hue, a covering for the hair and
The Junior Endeavor society will through the dangerous stage ofill- the Methodist church will meet to meet tomorrow afternoon al the
It will be her first marriage. Jackie has been married twice before, lo Betty Grnblc, l?ie actress nnd Flower Parry, n model.
Parish Meeting ness. The physical side of the n Westford academy audilor- out, whether lest or in actual morrow at 2 p. m. at the borne Congregational church at2.30. The annual business meeting of case calls for rigor in training and um. A review of all planes pre- operations, all street lights will of Mrs. Ralph Odiorne on BouL- Mr. and Mrs. John W. J. G. Wil-
the Community church parish will calisthenics' lo develop the body •lously learned was held and a be extinguished as rapidly as well slreet. A dessert luncheon son, River road are observing the
be held tomorrow nighl al the ind put into shape muscles Ihat est given. Nine planes in the vestry following the annual parish lave been lying idle during the pe- iflh and last group were intro- supper. Officers and committees riod of sicjrnejs. The program :ucled. At the final lesson, to be will make reports of the past calls far varied exercises, ranging iven next Sunday, an informal year's work and plans will be dis- from light finger and toe work to est will lie given on 40 planes. In cussed for the coming year. OlFi- *roup calisthenics, regular infantry II, 54 planes have been intro- cers will be elected lo carry on drill and fatigue work. .uced to the class.
possible on the first audible will be served, ami all members ninth anniversary of their mar-
signal, whether it be blue or are urged, to attend riage. Mrs.Wilson was the for-
red, and remain extinguished WJiist Winners mer Glenna Katherine Smith of
until the all clear (whitesig- Winnners at (he Legion auxili- Carlisle. They were married May
nal) has been received. ary whist party held in Legion 12, 1934 by the late Dr. J. Varno'r Less than 8 per cent of all
"It should be noted that hall Monday night were: Mrs. Lil-Garton, pastor of the Congrega- aliens registered in this country
"Vehicles should proceed cautiously, using low beam headlights, not .parking lights.
sketches, drawn by children of the neighboi hood, lined the walls of the room, several sketches being
ried this Saturday," said Miss Hale. "This is our first real chance." She said she will fly to Maxton, N. C., where
Eddie, Joe and Jack, J, F. .Beau-
The Women's Branch Alliance
of the First Parish Unitarian
church will meet tomorrow after- Jackie is stationed. Penny is noon at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. the daughter of Mr. andMrs. James A. Patch wiih Mrs. Edward O. c. Halo of Los Angeles. E. Lapham, speaker.
Judges for the evening were Mrs, Thomas King, Miss Ann O'Connor and Master Thomas Grady. Committee in charge of Ihe smoker included Thomas Kel- lehcr, Paul Donovan, Edward F. Ryan, Thomas J. 'Fitzgerald, James J. Gallagher, John F. Sullivan, Francis Duggan, Joseph Farley and Scrgt. Joseph Keefe.
NEWTON, May 12 (UP) — Ed-
ward W. Seccomb, 92, sportsman and pioneer in the oil refining in- dustry, died at a rest home yes lerday after a long illness.
dox seminary of Pomfret, Conn., will be in attendance, as well as various parish and other organiza- tions. The tablet will be unveiled at '1 o'clock in the afternoon.
Congressman Philip J. Philbin of Clinton. Mayor Joseph Ssveoney, various members of I lie local city government will be In attendance, as well as the local slate repre-
to reveal the names of the closed hospitals.
boys jind six girls, were confirmed at St. Joseph's Lithuanian church yeslerday afternoon at 4 o'clock
intercepted Jan.21 over Wewak, Assisling prlesls Included Ihe New Guinea, by 25 Zeros and de- following: Rev. Francis M. Was stroyed 12 of them in one of the paslor of SI. Francis church In most brilliant bomber vs. fighter
U1 RL I OV nichl
n V ut}lnm'ilsleri"n-" J.'Gushing,
menf" S Hie surra- big bomber formation which was
The cuffs from 21 pairs of trousers contain enough wool to make one army uniform.
cent or old-age homes
Dr. Getting said last nieht that
Faulkner's wife lives in Well-
soliel, Betty Burns, and N. Hfggins.
Jim . and Bill
   10   11   12   13   14