Page 9 - Mum's_5.12.1943_flipbook
P. 9
.The Lowell Sun Wednesday May 12 ,1.943
May Dinner fcr L. T. C. Chapter
Bridge to Follow Social at Vesper
Country Club; ReservationsClose Tonight
LOWELL—The May meeting of Miss Olga Bordy and Miss Alice the Greater-Lowell Chapter ol Gallagher will be I'n c'harge of'
door prizes and the following Lowell Teachers' College will take make »|> the general committee:
Miss Lamoureux
place on Mondny evening, May, The Misses •E~mily Hohlr, Al'ice 17, at the Vesper Country Club. McEnaney, Gerardine Curley,
Woods Blls.5, to show us a film depleting the re- sults of the work he has been do- I n g OH t h e Church of St. Sophia, .in Tur- key. The Mos- aics a r c t h e m o s t beautiful color I have ever seen. One mar-
vels at the pa- tience' and the
Joseph Vnlcrlo Harvey, 72 Lnlay- cttc street.
Miss Lamoureux Is a graduate o( St. Joseph's girls grnmmm school nnd of St. Joseph's high school for girls. She also attend- ed Lowell Commercial college and is now connected with the local branch of a national sewing ma- chine company, Mr. Harvey wns graduated from St. Joseph's high school for boys and holds mem- bership In the Y. M. C, A. He has been active In sports for several
years. He enlisted In the Coast
Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock, Helen O''Loughlin, Katherinc with bridge and game period later Sullivan, Marion Farley, Beatrice in the evening. Devine, Catherine O'Connor, Lucy
Members nre urged to secure Sullivan, Sarah O'Brien, Agnes reservations tonight by contacting Liston, Mary Kennedy, Georgia the reservation committee chair- Sarris, Mrs. John Conway, and men, calling Miss -Mary D. Mc- Mrs. Edward McSvveeney.
Guard in September, 1942, and is beauty which were created so now attached to the office of the
Enancy at 2-1155, Miss Dolores Those interested in bridge must Regan at 3-25S4, supply their own playing cards.
many years ago.
D. A. R. CHAPTER ELECTS—Participating in the meeting of At my press conference yester-
captain of the port of Boston. Last
L. T. C. Graduates St. Peter's
Molly Varnum chapter, D. A. R., yesterday afternoon v/ere, left day morning, representatives from the Department of Agriculture
GIRL SCOUT AVIATION CLASS—Meeting every Tuesday at the Girl Scout headquarters, Middlesex street, is the class in model plane construction sponsored by trie local council. Any girl 14 years old and over may join, whether a Scout or not. Pictured above, is the scene during a demonstration by Miss Doris Gearin of West street, while Mrs. Nesmith Thompson, wing
Scout director, and Miss Mary Virginia Gainos, Girl Scout secre.-,;
Reunion Saturday Alumni in Play
to right, seated: Mrs. Melvin F. Master, Mrs. Albert V. Gather- ctiaomneoftowotmalekn afbooruwt otrhke omnofbailrimzas-. LOWELL—Reunion day for the LOWELL—The alumni and ex- wood and Mrs. Dewey S. Darling. Roar: Miss Goldie M. Gard- Miss Florence Hall, from the ex- Lowell State Teachers college pression pupils of St. Peter's con- ner. Mrs. Roger W. Gage. Miss Helen W. Noycs and Mrs. Lewis tension service, has been appoint-
alumnae will be a full and happy vent recently presented before a N. Balfe. ed head of tills work. She brought Miss Margaret Smith to model the one for those members who plan large audience in Keith Academy work clothes, which arc not obli- to attend the affair on May 15, auditorium an historical play with LOWELL—The election of Mrs. of the nominating committee, was gatory but which ave being sug- this coming Saturday, in Boston *reat modern significance titled F. Leon Gage to the office of re- assisted by Mrs. Arthur Wright, gested for work on the farm. The In addition to the banquet and "The Shadow of the Lady Anne." gent to serve for the coming year Mrs. Robert Barris, Miss Minnie program is to he completely de- the reunion with former <class- Very well received, it concerned highlighted the annual meeting of C. Gray and Mrs. Bertha F. centralized so that every, state mates and old Irlends. the com- the lives of two 'recently canon- Molly Varnum chapter, Daughters Humphrey. will do Its own recruiting. They mittees in charge ot entertain- ized English saints, St. Thomas of the American Revolution, held Mrs. Dcwey S. Darling, retiring hope to set some standards for ment have arranged a musical ana More, and St. John Fisher, who yesterday afternoon at Spalding regent, conducted the business training, and also for the condi- dramatic program for the mem- suffered the malice of one woman, house. session, and reported on the an- tions under which women will
Commissioner Walter 1. Dow teenth century Europe, those emi- Mrs. Albert V. Calherwood, re- it, this affair, which sold war the women, ju the land iirtny
tary, look o n .
Women Bowlers VVedsN.H.
. . . t\-
bers and their guests, who "'» Lady Anne Boleyn, mother of Serving in office with Mrs. Gage nual continental congress held re- work.
include many distinguished llg- Queen Elizabeth, Although the will be the following members: cently in Cincinnati, 0. She landed 7)1 (Irent flritaiil, of course, urcs in the tield ol education. background of the play was six- Mrs. Harold Jewclt, vice regent; the work of the war bond group
Hold Banquet Vlan in Boston LOWELL—The women's bowl- HEENE, N. H.,—Fay M. Smith, Ing league of a local printing r., student at Tufts Dental school, concern finished its season last 'ufts college, Modford, Mass,, son evening with a banquet In a ,f Mr. and Mrs. Fay M. Smith of downtown restaurant. Vest street, this city, took as his Prizes were awarded to the ride Friday, Miss Anatasia L.
ncy, of the state department o( nent men faced problems amaz- cording secretary; Miss Elizabeth bonds to the amount of Sl,S77,'13l
education and his duughlcr, Miss ingly similar to those of persecut- P. Dexter, corresponding secret- in a short period of lime.
Kathcrine Downey, will be pres- ed Catholics in Nazi dominated ary; Mrs. Lewis N. Balfc, treas Ilostc.sses for the afternoon
ent, and State Colleges Director Europe today. Perhaps because urer; Mrs. Andrew G. Jenkins were Miss Goldie M. Gardner, Mrs. jnetorics have* They arc in- nnd Mrs. William Sulli the unhappy conditions of the registrar; Mrs. Roger Gage George H. Upton, Miss Hazel A. cluded nndfr soeial xeenrilii accepted the invitation of the world we are living in are im- librarian; Miss Helen Noycs, Gardner and Mrs. John Harvey,
guest list committee to address pressed upon the young as well as historian; Mrs. Nathan D. Pulslfcr, Mrs. Bertha Humphrey poured at <nnl rceeire sickness insur- the members of the important their elders, the pupils and alumni chaplain. the informal tea which followed. ance, pension find nncntploy- place of colleges in war education. were able to interpret such a play Directors will be Miss Goldie M. A novel centerpiece consisting of mcii benefit*.
President James Dugan, of the with surprising understanding. Gardner, Mrs. Clayton F. Jenni- a gold painted gum-drop tree
high scorers by the president,
Dorothy Murray. The tables wore ihnrmrmn of Lowell, Mass., daugh- itcc'oL'nl'od with assorted carnations cr of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Frederick [md each bowler received as favor Shanahan.
Jane Cox and Kathortne Lester; ady Anns, Kdward I.rlarhciir; Kir Kd- jccn meeting at the chapter
publicity, Elizabeth McLaughlin, mrl Vv'sUsInKham, (Jovcrnor of Ihr Tower dividual and group loyalty toward house, Pawluckct street, took ter cetiiipiied In, work in Ihc
Edith Atwood, Gencvleve Calla- London, William Kurc-y; Grorpc (icicle, their church and various organi- ilace last evening at the chapter rvant of Sir Edmund, James Clbson; SI zations.
Uno: The Informer, Jnhn MrDonalt members of the society before the
n Me^enKGr. Pnier Ptnllno: Spirit of
iplaltr>n, Charles C;irroll : A Nun, Tran- close of the chapel service, for Frances M. Finnick, R. N., were
Bushy; A Man of WinrhtsUr. Gilbert which Mrs. Jason Johnston was Mrs. Sndie McDermoH, chairman,
no* ; Prologue, r.ilMcU Kvans; Vilinners the accompanist. Mrs. Helen Cunningham, Mrs. Connecticut Is running an nil-
han, Irene E. DoLorme, Kathleen icunai rromuell. Secretary to Ihe King
Delaney, Geraldinc Cm-ley, Cath- Ilakey; Tower Guard, John Mo Miss Gloria Bickford and Miss loIunse. the Pawluckctville group, erine Wrcnn and Ruth WeslcoU; nnald; Kolillers, John McDonahl, Fct Virginia Lee Wood were made which was instructed uy Mrs.
LOWELL — Tonight at 7.45'club at a meeting tomorrow aft Community hospital Training be presented, under the auspices' m preside. Mra. Harry F. Belt: Boston Lying-in hospital.
tickets, Marguerite Lynn, Eliza-
beth Hoar Johnson, Ethel Sulli-
van, Kathleen Byrt, Catherine Ca-
hill and Kathcrine Hayes; guest nd Narrators, Mary Kolcy, Maty Mr-
of the Phllnthea class. w Mrs. Paul R. Stevens Is
ot the visiting, or Mr, Smith is a graduate o'f Keene high school and received his
"My-Day"- to Wed Soon 1
Mrs. Leon
dclcgation'from the Const Guard to n pound box of maple fudge. The wedding took place in the Nora Abearn is secretary of the •ectory of St. Patrick's church ;in Lowell State Teachers college, and In the audience as special guests son, Mrs. B. J. Mahoney and Mrs. adorned the tea table, with tall . Wo nre dividing our program journey to Montren league, nnd Catherine llynn treas- Boston nnd the double ring cere-
into full lime, year-round workers tlclpalc in the Victory Loan cam-
Mrs. Dugan are .Iso to attend the were Rev. Thomas F. Markham, Melvin F. Master. yellow and green candles in crys- and seasonal workers. The season- paign In that Canadian city in urer. The individual high single iiony was performed by Rev. Fr.
event. D. D.,, D. C. L., Very Rev. John Mrs. Walter Martel, chairman tal holders. As a special feature, Miss Anna J. Lane, and Rev. Daniel A. Mc-
al workers have to agree to do which nil Allied nations were rep- was won by Doris Fisher, with Carey, with guests present .from-. one month's work, and there is resented, Prior to his enlistment, 121, and the high triple award •Cceno, Jamaica, N. Y., Providence,' a requirement that the women he was employed nt the loral plant went to Betty Mcajihoi- with 307. R. I., and Lowell, Mass.
Carey, of Boston, has arranged a Cabc.
clever playlet titled '-Mr. Presi- The entire cas't Is as follows:
Chapel Service for Girls Friendly
Society; Coming Events Announced scl, .so this may be a flold In The marriage will take place line McLnughlin, Emma Sanlry ind her maid of honor, Miss Flor-,
Sir Thuniii.s More, Joseph Hart; I.atlx Alice, his wl(«, Eleanor Mansan; Marsarcl
lldrcn, Maureen Xcl-son anil Maureen Kenna and Helen Welsh, co-clmir- Marion ; John More, n<m of Sir Thomas, men, assisted by Alice Carey Cog- llfarn Busby; t'eclly Heron, (latiKEiter of
must tie at least eighteen years of the American Hide and Leath-
which some women over -15 may Saturday morning, Mny M at a lllnnchc Duff, Nora Ahearn, Dor- powder blue suit, dark blue acces-j
The complete committee chair-
man and assistants list is as fol-
lows: Entertainment, _Clara Mc- icpli Acre]]*; Hcsi and Mary, the Koper LOWELL—An evening chapel
Pauline LaPlantc, Olive Stackpolc dice Holton of Lowell, wore 'a' othy Murray, Doris Fisher, Cath- sorlcs and pink roses, The
Uopcr. his son-in-law and secretary,
Two Red Cross Mary Monahan, Alice Ryan, Em- 1h More, danpliler, Garanilno Condon ; church, Chelmsford, took place be- Classes Graduate
iind useful employment. nuptial mass to be celebrated in St. Jean Baptlstc church at 10 o'clock
ger, Mary Kennedy, Alice Holden, r Thomas. Gloria Miller; Giles Heron, Charles W. Henry of All Saints nd ward, B<iytm>n<J Joyal, Kliiii-
conducted by the Rev.
Wfitnen nre Iteinn uskcd if by Rev. Armand Morlssetlo, O. M. erine Ryan and Eleanor Reeves. mothers of the bridegroom and then will not only perform the I., assistant provincial director of :)ridc wore aqua dresses and "cor- tho French-American Oblntc mis- sages of sweet peas. Best man
ma Brennan, Lorelta Gardner, argaret (Jltment, adopted daughter, fore the Monday meeting of the LOWELL—Graduation exercises irrjr/i for Ti'/iio/i then have. sionary society and a close friend Literary Group was Joseph Shanahan of Lowell.
Grace Shcchan and Alice Dacey atrlcla Erans; Father LarVc, ehaplain of
• Tliojuas More's home sit Chtlsca, Kd- Girls Friendly Society of St. for two Red Cross home nursing
been esjice,\dll)i trtiined, hnt if then N'lM help out in the. lionxc, for many regular fnrm women feel tlittt they tire bet-
of the bride's family. Philathea Class
A buffet luncheon and reception n the home o{ the bride's parents Meeting Guests 'ollowed the ceremony, with Miss LOWELL—'Members of the Sam Florence Shanahan assisting In re-
Walter Fnss I.ltcniry club will he The bride is a graduate of Low-,
Belmore; music, Snlma Nettle, rd Flynn; Jolin A. \Vood, HJr Tliomss
Marguerite Lynn, Mary Wallace, ore's personal servant, Charles CnrroU; Anne's church, Rev. Henry ad- classes, the Pawtucketville flrc-
rothy Colly, maid, Marie Aaron; Tlioiuns dresed the members in a talk em- housc group and that which has Hanna Barrows, Alice Ingham, oiviird, JJxikc ot Nor/oik and uncle of tlie phasizing the importance of in-
the cvcnl, withchMnirrs-.'1ganAlzpatrioomni.sing program lias'bee predentol training at the Univers- Pollard, Sarah Taff and May Mc- ^eannette Dugas charge. Miss Barbara McCabe, sec- Murphy, Mrs. Mary Hatidloy, Mrs. training courses found most useful grams, anc! Mrs. Ralph Locke, re- Wing, Mrs. Edgar Fay, Mrs. Sic fraternity. :
list, Miriam Regan, Harriet Done- " hue, Eileen Cashman, Esther Co mer, Veronica McTeague, Mary
Carmen I'oley, Mary Kllcn Moynl- Members then gathered in the Mary Mclnerney, Mrs. Gertrude year-round, two weeks course for
church library for their quarterly Tarpcy, Mrs. Ell/abeth McErlane, would-he farmers, and 1 Imagine man of Ramsay In charge of planned by the proRram commit ity of Now Hampshire, He is :{i business meeting, with Miss Eliza- Mrs. Irene Malo, Mrs. Rose Saw- every state will gradually do Dorothea member of the Delta Sigma Delta beth Dame, branch advisor, yer, Mrs. Anna Folcy, Mrs. Grace something similar. Two of the tickets; Mrs. Laura Grant, pro- tee. Hostesses will be Mrs. Charle
Govei-n; invitations, Ella J. Mulli-
gan, Lucy H. Sullivan, Mary F
Robinson, Mary Flahaven, Eliza- To Wed Soldier
beth Flahavan, Kathcrine Kear LOWELL—Mrs. Lcontine Dugas read from some of St. Anne', Rousseau and Mtss Eva Roy. ney, Gertrude Keyes, G. Myrtle parish in the service. The chapter house class In- Mahoney; flowers, Elizabeth Fen- f 129 Dalton street announces Among the many items of neiv cluded Mrs. Jiuth Phllbin, chair- ton, Mildred Swiniarski, Bessie he engagement of her daughter, business which came up for dis- man, Mrs. Annie Muller, Mrs. Ger-
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will resld^
Rocke, Dorothy Reedy, Helen Dow, Margaret Murray and Har riet Farley; voting arrangements Doris Volpe, Agnes Fanning, Rose C. Geary, Ann Hehir, Mary Ho gan, Lillian McCarthy and Esthei Brennan; programs, Helen Welsh Alice Gray, Chrlslobel Gormley Mary Sullivan, Anna S. Carey Anna Heath, Evelyn Hyde, Alice Hearn, Clara Quigley and Helet I. Harmon; reception, Anna O'Shea and Mary F. Robinson
cp>ehairmcn, . assisted by Mary Kelley^ McCarthy, Mary R. Ma guire, ':Gertrude Donohoe, Marj Tobin, Alice K> Dlnneen, M Crowley, Bernice McCann, Bea trice' Devine, Mary MacEnanej Helen'••O'Loughlin.
• Keen interest is being shown I the 'choice ot candidates for th presidency of the alumnae since j is four years since Lowell has ha the opportunity to present a can didate for office.
Fashion Stylist
The installation exercises \vill
Members of the Junior Tri-H Meeting Tonight : conducted by Mrs. Frederick over sauerkraut, using three
Guest Speaker ' LOWELL—Mrs. Bertha C. Huse
Miss Jeannette Dugas
Icannette, to Pfc. Leo A. Motard,
;ori of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Motard ion of officers of the Middlesex Pins were presented to the if 99 Ennell street. Pfc, Motard is Village Parent-Teacher association graduates by Miss Mary Ogawaz- n Ihe U. S, Army Air corps, sla- ka, following which a luncheon ioned at Madison, Wise. vill take place tomorrow after' was served under the co-chair-
No date has been set for the noon at 3.30 o'clock at Ihc school. manship of Mrs. Sadie McDer-
fashion stylist, will be the gues wedding.
speaker at a joint meeting of Tri
Hi clubs In Kitson hall, Y. W. C
A., tomorrow afternoon at 1.3 V. F. W. Auxiliary stalled as president. brown spareribs, then place them
club who, with their advisors Mrs S. Beattie, state chairman of the pounds of ribs fcr each 4 cups of Wilton C. Bales and Mrs. Al LOWELL—A meeting of the oundors day program. Mrs. Carl kraut. Place the kraut Iri n bak- phonse Landry, are sponsoring th Walker Rogers V. F. W. auxiliary ^eslow is chairman of the nomi- ing dish, add one-lhird cup boiling program, have invited all mem No. 662 will be held tonight at nating committee. Mrs. John Rob- water and cover with the browned bers of the other clubs to attend ! o'clock in the city library build- ertson will report on the seventh ribs. Cover nnd bake 30 minutes Mrs, Huse has selected as he 'ng. Mrs. Rose Dalgle will preside. annual spring conference held re in moderate oven- -uncover and subject, "What to Wear an Attending the annual banquet cently in Lawrence. bake 15 minutes.
Where to Wear It." of the Middlesex County council Refreshments will he served un-
Junior G, F. S. took place at the children in her own family in
close of the business meeting. .hat country actively engaged in The next meeting will present war work, a nine-year-old niece Lieut. Wall of the WAAC as guest who docs first aid work in a hos- speaker. pital daily, and a nephew, aged 12, who Is in the Coast Guard, Middlesex Village watching ships. She spoke of the
Regular $121.95 to $36.95 Values REDUCED TO
$ 95 $ 95 8 to24
Occasional' and Lounge Chairs in a great variety of styles ' and beautiful upholstery fabrics.'
Each chair is a rare value and cannot be duplicated! under present day condi-j tions.'
Upholstery f a b r i c s in- clude B r o c a t e l l e s / Boucles, Tapestries, Da- masks, etc.
We urge an~early selec- tion.
Y<hi canT Budget1 your Purchase at Moller's.
P.-T. A. in Session LOWELL—The annual Inslalla-
and of communications she ccivcs frequently from across the
icld over the past week-end in der the direction of Mrs, Cyril The Victory corps high school /•To relieve distres* oJ MONTHLV\ Medford with Mrs. Daigle were Graven, chairman of hospitality. group, which is also being re-
Vlrs. Frank Jones, retiring presi- motl and Mrs. Ruth Philbln. dent, will conduct the meeting.
Mrs. Frank Sanlamour will be in- For a good sparerib kraut dish,
FemaleWeakness Sally Forbes, patriotic instructor; All the food /or the presidential cruited, work in a different way Mary Molloy, chaplain; Anna r
Quinn, secretary, and Jean Crane, amHy and Ihc White House serv- than this women's land army, treasurer and publicity chairman. ants is paid (or by Ihc president They will go out in groups dur- On Sunday, Mrs. Daigle was In out of Ms salary- When any meal ing the summer and be under
Which makM you CRANKY, NERVOUS
lydli! E. Hnfcham's VegetableCom-
pound Is made tipcetally for women
to relievo periodic pain, with wcafc,
nervous, blue feelings—due to func-
tional mpnthly disturbances. Taken
regularly — rinfchurn's Compound
helps build up resistance against McCue, past president, Mrs. Ar- •ucb symptoms. Follow label direc-
an "official" one, the food paid for by the government.
tilce to hivt your HOT B:scvm come out of the <mn
iiry-Hght and deliciomly tender every time t
supervision, probably living camps or in some central place.
, Uona. Thousand* benefitedI
thur Forbes, Jean Crane and An- na Qulnn.
charge of the local delegates to the regular meeting of the Mid- dlesex County council In Cam- bridge. This group included'Mary
Use Pillsbury's Best... the ' great all-purpose flour. i Remember, it requires |
Full Selection of Proofj NORMAN CHAPLEAU STUDIO
no ration pointsI I
IAHVELL—Ml , find
W. Lamoureux, 4 Dane street, an- no.uncc the' coming marriage ot their daughter, Irene.R. Lamour
WASHINGTON, Tuesday—Last cux, to Petty Officer. Third Class, evening Mr. Thomas Whlttcmore Clifford A. Harvey, United Slates came with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coast Guard, son of Mr. and Mrs
lidre many of the. satnc bene- fits thnt the women in the
Dowlcis arc Belly 'Meagher, Helen The bride wore a suit of tan* old. No ceiling on age has been er company. Marshall, Ilnzel Klllpalrlck, Made- >rown accessories and white roses,
fields than some nf the peo- Victory Concert guests of the Lowell Research ell high school and the Elliot'
ple, tvho tire, trained for n
short lintr. If they could he o'clock in the vestry ot the First1 crnoon at 2.30 o'clock In the parish School for Nurses in this city. She relieved of housework, they Congregational church, a victory! house of tho Grace Unlvcrsalls has been employed as a fcglslerc'd could do a great dcul more concert of music nnd readings will-church. Mrs, Auguste P. Sam nurse in Richardson House of th'e nut of doors,
rotary, presented her report ant: Ada Mooncy, Miss i^orctta Shea, are those for women who wish to freshments. Mrs, Samuel Oddlo isjphen Hands, Mrs.-<Johiy Chalmer
In Boston.
- "- [
letters of acknowledgment were Mrs. Ellen O'Ncil, Mrs. Kathleen replace dairy and poultry men. class president.
nnd Mrs. Valentine Wllmott.
cussion and voting were the plans trude Boyle, Mrs. Catherine for the annual lobster supper anc Thompson, Mrs. Alice V.-.ughan, •den party, Ihe food sale, i Miss Agnes McLaughlin, Mrs. election of delegates to the Catherine Caruso, Mrs, Hazel nual Girls Friendly Society n Kcycs, Mrs. Jennie O'Lnughlin, slonary offering service. In that Miss Mary Fallen, Mrs. Marie Bo- order, it was voted to hold the land, Miss Margaret Ferris and
sale the later part of May, ant Speaker at the affair was Miss the delegates who will present the Sally Friebcrgh, a graduate of
St. Anne'a check to the mission- Sabestberg hospital, Stockholm, ary offering at SI. Paul's Cathe- Sweden,, who captivated her au-
lobster supper in June, the fooc Mrs. Agnes Fanning.
dral next Sunday, in Boston, wil dience with breathtaking accounts
be Miss Alice Johnston and Mis? of what is going on in her native
Evelyn Talntor. country at the present time.
A plant sale directed by [he Miss Friebergh told of two