Page 15 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 15

 L L U o Ww B e M l l S j u u n n a a n n ' o d v C ^ i t m i z z e e n n - - L L e e a a ' d a e e r r T l u u e e s s d a a a y y D u e e c c e e m m o b e e r r 3 j u 0 i 1 v 9 4 t 1 i ' t , r Customary New Year's Party Will Be Given By Lowell Art Association
Today We Meet
l.stlirr V . I lunllry lo
I.OWKU. — Mrs. Nelson )•:. lluiitley, 1-!!0 Bridge SUITS, DiMr'til, announces the eit- xugcmcm of her daughter. Esther I). H u n t ! e y, to Chillies U. L'shcr, son o'f Mis. Chalks M. I slier, 15 Middle sttcct, Collinsvillc.
William McGuirk
ol Lowell Marries
No. Andover Gir l.OWKI.I. -- William McGuirk. it, of Mr. ami M:s. .1. J. McGuir';, 179 Meihuen strcer took as his M irlc yesterday morning, Miss Klcanor [lohensnn, d;\u^hter of Mr. and Mrs. Albejt K. flobcrt- n. 0.") !!i;;h stictt. North An- do\-er. '['he ceremony took place in St. Michael's, cliurch. North An- lover at a nuptird mnss a' 10
o clock, * The iiridc. who u a s -jiven in
Whistler House to Be Scene of Party
Holiday Even! lo Take Place From
4 io 6-—Music in Charge of Julius Woessner;
Art Exhibit Also a Feature
I.IMVKI.I, Til" customary >;,,<• limicd occupancy of Ihe Whistler ^ '.- parly will be given I); tin- House, whicli is one of Lowell'*
I 'II Ai'l .•is-orhition at 1'ir'most notable old Imildings and an U In Her Huns,.' on .Now Year's ohjecl of visitation hy many Jiui-
Tluit.siiay, Jan. 1, from 1 Ic'drcd tourists durlnp, fho year. The
m. Music will be furnished new caretakers have put the \ luluis \Vi«->snoi''s I'hilhaniKinic'premises in excellent shape m- i tir.stra and there will ho an ex-'doors and out, and a new heating
hi I of Hie work of liie \Vhisihr'plant insures winter comfort. Bat. i l l in lo.'al artists. Light re-'the Art association operates on \ hnients: will he server! as uoll>!rocsiring year after year *.;d
the Usual "prcsidc-ntial punch." only by the maintenance'of a full It is stated in the notices of UK membership roll can this bo con- I u iv that more mombcis are im- linurrl. Cues s atleiuling the .N'cv/ lively needed if the«.':.i-1Year's parly will have nil oppjr-
' "• I" t"' n-surcd oi Its con-'ltmity !o join.
ow Olliccrs Nanicd by Jewish
War Veterans Auxiliary, Post 20 1 turnip \ ulrs lo 1'ivsctil
MI S S " L O U I S E
Address: (VJ8 Beacon s
I.ive.s with: Parents, Mr. anil.|Jrannn |)Uioin.
Olaperr.nes T. Fuicy. !!. N
junior vice president. Miss inci-s will be star-led al the Com- J lil v
Mis. I.e.ster ,1. ffobinson. Oreijjialion: .Student. Hair: f'.cd.
!;>e^: (Irer-ri.
. and, actress: Cary Giiinl and marie similar lo lh:il of the hridr The affair, held in the form ul'lVJiu
and she wore matching plumes in a Cinistniits hop \\as atlen.'lcd jMai Uiolcy. "ll. N.
•thy Hirst. Mary Sherman. Mary!<^'cenhlatl; conductress. Mrs. A report was given by Mrs. Rc- Klix;ibc111
!.)vr- fur r kiilii : 1oiifo-lit al Hi l.''on Alrxaivlrr of BrnokKn. N. Air War V.. nn l">rf. '27) af ^ o'rloc:k a> Iir-r
^Ef* firnii[> 2] to i!f Whflt rnialifrr'alinii
, ;'.; ^'ou rl<in'l have lo \\oar a uni- Ibe v,arfronl. slov'.'ly frir about 10 minutes, picl;
lions exactly for ncsi. rr.-^lu.
Alfred Xeller. brother of anrl work a? spotters. mooJnnics, terminated al th<- plw-uie of Hi-
time. .5 thc-Month LMJUS" !i
Ihe bride, was best man. Ushers riggers, rariio technicians, mes- air minisler. aii'l mr\-.<i;n<-n run-, i i>e disehargefl at any tun-. -.Vonien
I Ret/Piled 'rom •Tht Loo'i-ol-'
c| | Mieinrs
w ere Ihe Messrs. Albert Xellrr.
window shades.
Another Opportunity
'mide r,nrl hrifie^roonv
Mr>- .tohn McGooiisn offc-rc'; -
imen -,. h(.n \\^: u;,.h. -larl.s -ix ."in 1 1 1
• •(- fi tut] behind ;.'riiir kitrU'.M)
marriage iiy her I;Uhor. was love ST. JOHN'S NURSES DANSANT—Senior nurses of St. John's hospital sponsored a dance <>! Iv in while xlippr-i salin, princes:
style, en train made witli a yoke C. Y. A. Sail last niqM. Dancing couples are shown here-, left to right—Jack Bourassa, Helen'
Colors Ii. AVIM ('. S, (.). Uiiililiiir/
of Irish lace. \\'i,!i ht-r £Gv\ n slicjSchruender. Edward Lyncli, Blanche Lawlot, Rutli Duffy. John McDonough, Honor G. Kclley and I.0\\ l-:i.l, Mis. Mabel Cohen to [lie new r s
voie n finder Up veil of "' ' . J. Nadworny.
held in jdiice v.ilh a r-oronet. She'
i. irried a priut-r houk ^hich be-- I.OVVKl.I. Tin- liiiinni-nhile Con- hnperi lo ihe [jiothcr of tlic bi iric- ception <'. Y. A liiill on Stackiio!.1 nruoin and which lieen cur-
l ed l>y h-T on her \vi-rlriin,, ^•street was the scene, hist evening,
u eiv
0. building
«ii.s flcrled to serve in the ollici-i,
of president of the Indies: au.xili- ' ' ' ,
niy to Lowell Post No. 'Al, Jewish Mernners were urged by (ho War Vcii-iiiris, for nu. ' ensuins 'president, M,s. Xipporah G. Light- year 1011! m a meetinx h,.|il re-:man, to attend civilian defence, ccnily ,nl ih0 Lowell Hebrew:r-lasses. I'speciiillv iho^c on Wed- ' onimuiuty Ccntci'. Other o(licers: nesday niomin-'al Liberty hall
in the same riale '2$ veur.s .tj,ro. of an cnjo\ab!e even! as student lieiits nen- •d. ]-:<l\Mird l.ym Ii was The liridrsniaid. Miss Lillian nurses at St. John's linspiial heir; tor. ides v.'erc ill. ,1,
Mary Collins, Maiion
CaDierine Cniinoi, Ki^tbe
(dine. Kilo"ii Kivlmr.
Kici:ins, li..r< .Ti.idan. ilai riel ,
lleynolds, Mar}:arel Nii^enl, Ma-
nc liulcluns. Frances lt>an. Doro-: ' '-'>.v; treasurer. Mrs. Ida: inunity Center soon,
i"i h niK ind ket p ihun In-Ill.
Favotile motion picture ai-ior1 Downed in raidilKil red taifrln'parly. !wnrn •i'ik .'mil Dr. Ado
follows: .Senior during the month of Januarv. An-
lerf-on. sister of Ihe bride, >\as'their annual infoi ni.i! dancin-. bo\\ i
president. M rs.Mollie l.e- other tirsl aid course for begin- •
Favorite dress color: (Jrcen. , |, j,-. ,..,,.,, ,,| | . . ..
her a sho j( w lilc c )ln by ahoul SU couiilcs. C'hristma-! Mi.-:
ravonte type clothes: Sport, santhc-mums ^^rea1lls-, laurel anil holly iverr-'uf rhi liulb Puffy niis .hairniiin iNiiyc-, Hetty .McDonougli. IJorolhy I alc Cohen; chaplain. Mrs.,bccca Chodekcl, chairman of the
Height: Ficc feet,
Favorite .summer resort Cob- Favorite orchestra: Bl ld v 1> v i'l'he ushers were Robert Porter,
Angcline Mnt|>liy. ; ; ~
.Golilman, M rs. Anne Goodman the Bedford hospital.
i"1"1 Mrs. Hose Kaplain. Mrs. Kliz-i Mrs. Zipporal, G. Lishlman as .aliL-il, Hind wn.s appoinled cone-Auxiliary state national defence
dies., No\v York.
belt's pond. ravori.t,e S,.un comi.c: S"up-erm"a-n-. :Albert , llober,ls<o,n. Na|1Kl
, J , F.lwin> MRc-
I rtf -i\/v; Kr.^iwc j»l"'"<ln>!; secictiiiy. ichnitman for the Fort Dcvens I U^Kl) S lALL l |JL i> I II was voted lo have a closed jarea. gave an account of lire
Favorite \-.inter rc-surt: Whit' Javoriteson^ororcbestralc-om-! -,,,, ,,„„.,.„ ^ be,1v,,^1]y Mountains. liosition: All Alone and
Favorite summer recreaiioti On the record: Louise is very: dccoralerl with lame!, poinseltia .Swinimin:: and danciiiEr. proud of her collection of photo- plants and white, chrysanthemum* l-'avor'ite v,-inter iccreation ^raphs of motion pirlure actors all in keeping \\rth liie Chtislmas
v instiillalion lordlier wilh the ;Cliamikab parly given jointly by I)V :^ts. v mytior . lii<l<lu.v. ;1, anil Ihe r-omrnillce appointed ; the Lawrence and Lowell au.vilt- — • - l o s,.,ve nt the lime is composed iaric.s (01 Hie patienls at Ihe Lovell
He.e a,,, tv.i, bi.M.m casseiol, iof Mrs. Mabel Cohen, chairman, iGeneral hospiial, Fort Devens. 'Mis. lOlirahpth Oihen, Mrs. Kate The members voted to continue anrl economy, full nf .o.iien. Mrs. Kli/abeth Kind and > give IfKI per cent co-qperalion wralher. Miss irla Levy. Il \uis also voted'to Ihe Her! Cross, both in their
OTATOKS WITH thai Hie auxiliary present color*,drive and in sewing work. CGTTAGK CHKKSK
J-«\VKM,.-.ML-;5 Hsta Xeller.
Mnu^lH^r of Mr. and Mi=. Harry >>
7cil<T. 1'.'!,") Pi iiu-cloji houlc-v^rri, Can aclifin Women Irut lo an nit- [ni'f' h^rnnir i hr brine of Mr. Robert T~~ '
H was announced I hat an e\-'ihis city.
ecutive (meeting will be held ai '
Maude Pli.rmsioad's nn Tues
evening. .Ian. f>, at T..10 o'clock. D'YouviUe Parl Akx.inri^r. von of Mr. ann Mr< A -ftl 111 ll ire s OIT,
tfvnuamha\in^irovihlrzrltini:[1i \TI I I1 lionir,L'.Ti Piiiuetnn MONTRKAL, Dei.
r-uilablo matciial In make oliu*- I"ml I^JClOGV KOOHI Rabbi -lo-epli v\"anen performeri C'anatia is recruiting v.nmcn lo Rid,Ihe ages of '21 and 'ft; slie rnns! h
mil rurtain?, pri'ii<ip5 a rnmni3TMcj LOWELL—Tlic Christinas pa,tv Ihr cr-ionion>'. in (be empire's air war. lover five feel in I,eight, .onforn in the sitivf tiinik wilt yield oin'which was to hsve been held !a.-'l Tlic bri'ie v.rts r'\\rn n marriage T|lc (ilv4 }-t> lrejujt= for Ih r,'to v.eiglii MnnrI;
rirnpe?, bf d>preaci?, V>lankcU or
-uch thai may he ilyrd lo piovidc
I lie righl (!' tfi
fil rc£ulalion=. Rcniombcr. if you
arc Ltsin:; old nialcria!, it tic 'alherinc RHcy, chairman, ha< pink camellias. ;b,, called.
nf .sullitionl thicknes.s to l?r iighl- )liinn!?f{ an intcrc-slinj-j program Miss Kveiyn Alexander, sister of Rea'lv to serve air.where -in an appropriair: lr;nl • test. P.irtb.j proof, an<l il niu.^t fir \\'hole ana-snr] il is hoped thai r\> many the bridegroom, was piain of1,Canada" or he\omi." liie ('. W. A lerlucalion and rc-'h ration cej-t .| larpc rnouKli to cover The entire ^nK'nih^r^ *? ;»os5ilil^ v.ill aUonri. honor. She was gowned ,'n dusty A. F. wit!be the equivalent of fieatca must be produced. No rivil • \\iivlo\\p with plonry of room to,Guests of (]ie c 'oiling \vi!l he- pink jersey, street length, v.ith:Britain's W. A. A. F.—for "WaaK"^servants or married women v.ilti
Ln c11 A
nif:l11hv «'D'Youvillebylir-rfallifr,vnrralightpow-,'\Voni-n'FAuxiilliianrrsv-Aiiti!|",."'TM""*,'"''"'l'."''''""*V
rjiMiig^' anri ^ Cfiltnti-.'
1 al all r J - , c 1nar iian ! ]l>l<h:anl{ nnlso mmuljM M
" loni lit at the iramins:: RIK! -,acte^r anr!^have a
ealion. sbe mus.t ii--
in this land of plentv. there 'io ","' k'"w '10" lo «.s« U"' TM°°l handy of modern sewing machine n only on reason: American attachments, let your local sewin.c hoii":wives Laven'i ' "" "" enler inslru'i you. The flat dani- "'•„ . ei attachnionl looks very much I ri" ollir e of civilian dr-fnnse HI,e an embroidery hoop and holds erlares il i- lire patriotic duly of,the fabric in place. Cut awav the wry homekeeper to provide well frayerl material around the cd-es
nYr blue aftfinoon dress «ithiForc(, hav<, Stan,,, iraining. am| " *' "" «"0'l char
•ov.n acce?.;e.ries and a corsage;^jthin six months MOO more will
cdvi-1 iti>!" [o ]iass
c.nlden Ihllffill:; 'offee r,: milk Li'N'i'lIKON
ntill fniit salar) T.
young children v ill be :n-<-i?pt>'r|. .-pare on all s:de>. Use a reliable. Isrcaler-LnwcH ^irl.s who rirr ^tu- aece.-soriCs. of royal blue. Her cor- as the term coos for the British f
ra<y-mclhori dye anr] follo\v clircL1- i'i^nfs al D'Vomiilc at the prc>cnl sage -'.as of Talisman ro^1.--. women who ferry fighter planes. 1 Officers' api'0:rilrii 'nls HKIV ',c
.alaneerl meal., for lier family. 0[ t|)e .spot ,„ h(1 (|arne(i p]atc ha, kind of ammunilion is as (he material in Ihe darner frame. mpiiitani as Ibe fom-fiiolor.-ci oring it rlov u under the needle innib'T- fouling fioin 1.'. S. f.ic- and lower ihe presser bar onlv aliei >on ria\e r..nio'.cd Uic pre-s- uwd. mer.vis put er foot from the machine. Afler •allli dcpailmenN. ,he stiiching has been finished in ami newspaper-, one direction, turn the hoop around
and ordeilies. wfio want to iriT.iiv ;nav oijtam And as in Britain, th'-ir princi-
Blackout Maek
S.tores on both coasts are reported Hairy S^arl/. brother-in-law of many men ?.?.possible foi cornoat swamped with demands foi curtain the bride: Nathan teller, brother :''1','.^-
a s
"^.jflannelette. Also in the blackout of the bride and bridegroom and""TM''''" women air force m^moc-i:-
oroth'r of the bride: Harry Si-
boominsr: nions, hroth'-r-m-Uw r,f the bride: ;Pal funrlion will a- That ihe
arc flashlights and dark Harry Fcldmsn. friend of the 'vi" f:!l an-v s"ff -1"0" °" th" rjon' to become offifr;? ;u
piano ^^lr;cfion.=; during moriy.
fi^h KnthusiftMn Kr [ior(r 1-
! rnonlns fi oni no . , .
Lcremony. Mr. snl ,(r,=. Alexander:^ offic(vr ]n (h . rolintl..;.- idutic-.s of the ,'iir-.',on\ office position, civil sorvirr position, «,ere a?.M,Moa in rprr-ivirc quests] u H sn al-rt and inuiti^ni ^r-
ny tfK'ir r-srrra> *nd atl^nd^nls.; tjon of Canada'* v.ornm v.t,o IVUT !
i h" hri'if's n-,f.lher votr n jreen sr,r.-,'.ered tl;i- f?.ii. TJ '•>' v-,n Li.. • rsikilicd r ook^. !i',"iH-;. and b:n-'. n print <irrvs v,-ith hrrc- n staiioncri ^at FI:. cC. A. Y'. >;--,!,on-. ; '|;ii[jn;''iU a •:•; -^.[il-, 1
1' ]\ th
rji rj.fjf.s to h''l' hortri ,1
iiiiry hule lint (•• '!-, rt'.intiily rlre.-.- l:i> U.i.KlHi.s'lte. h", finder.- in n <
business office position
MOW YEAR TERM BEGINS arce.--ories an-l a rors.i;e of red \cill live ?.* Kit fo
.: ft?., ho^-itftl a —i-' 'li.
A niU'SH-LP CTHRSK ]\ hrlnp nfTrrrrt for >r>unc men and
v omrn. v^hn are anxious to vocurr nn inlrn^ivr traininc: also
elementary snd advanrctl roiirsrs in Shorthand. Typr\vritinc. i'hflr^ : of thf 2i;e.-r br.o'r; .!r -. Hesd'juarler.; v il! he- \n Toronlo.
.\cconntin?. Officr .^Iac^^^»^^ operation, and other hu*inrs°s Harry .SirriC-r^ \\^\ t h?.r;;r
7 lie heM imtrucfnrs. rquipinrnt. and rrnpln>mm(
1ion v.-as i^ro^ i'icd r-. Mi Goohfln.
. ,ih ran';
, Bid}!;.
P. N. PRACTICAL FRONT C.'orsel.s anil foiufolrilrs
Miseries of Colds
the Mrrriinsrk Valley are M >nur scrvier.
>Torr flian 100 I.. (,'. C graduates are in (,i\il Srr\irr, anrl
thousands are in himin*-^ employment. It t* impn^ihle no\v for us to meet Ihr demand far offke help.
Th- ^ift o/ \'r,f Hi
^10 \,f'i:\ rr,ar. -, »?. - ?. ].r\- The ^rift of Th^: nrior lo the of honor '.'.-*< a -oM 'mxcl.
Tbe brido 1.=. a pr?,dv;?.le. cf oil bi^h school and is ?, n;
As in the [;. c. "K no fa.v<vril,>m e,-rs \'. liich v.;il .'l^
'of officers. Candi
. . Ai! p.rf. !be i, "' r-..f riirr'nt
Now uhcn ;.ou rc.ich for Vicks
VapoRuh lo relieve discomforts
And miseries of colds—m^kc this
wonderful family standby give Viclis treatment—with all its you EVErl BETTtR RESIRTS IHAH
22fi Centra) St.
Day and Kvcning Division
their home at 'J33 Princeton 'n r <p[>ointnirr>l.
boulevard, this city, j DIAL ,11)70 - >.
Tel. 5000
Andvice in sohins; ynur pervonal following j v.rn'c.;)m trip, Mr. " "' f«"'iily Irouhlr*. ( nnvnltatinn^ and Mrs. Alexander plan to n\?.\\r daily. Come in porVnn nr phone
VICKS helps clear congestion in upper miseries of v vAPoRua brc^thir.g passages, relieves mus- colds. Try it! Till ImpfWd Wl/
$8.50 Styles
. . .
firm. The hndejrooni v.a.' grad-l ualed from Marqusnd universitv and is a member Of Slsma Phi Delia fraternity. He is an insur- ance broker.
. l-oO.)
s'M. jfc
fll lio
riiat L' .
t n<n- \'-iii br- v. inp:
.rary. ,hey v.ill have many "rnttv•" ! !-nke o^-cr Ir.iiniru- f ll, nir-.o-
M 'lT l jour ts and and star, slitciiing ci osswisc.'.- Or- hm,. and
[ur[inr;ilif;n nf earii ni^l. Fifleen cji>tincl. geological eras MI >-i\n li^lii fli^- .Va/.i and Nip- .11-? rr;'ie-enter! in Ihe material
<\\jKj-:d btn\ccn the summit of Hrjc-: Canyon and the floor of the Grand Canyon.
Here'sIheImproved .,««• »TONCr O * J
Canarhan ,omen arc fl , . [ftll thorn.
r\\\\\\.f:<\ r-^'.'ji.rhes to Hie ino.-.t fr-minin (:nininn- .iHnnii^ di^>s >V='.1 <;in llnr; ". :|l fil!'makes n'; differeii' ^ vf^'Mie
j The 1'fX/j uon'im f^j Tlic hon-,e v.a*. dcrorated 'Jth! "Tbr. ma.^ of jiqi>irie:-, >0 f^r,' l[lat'-r will bc^in ^^IK Iar~e bouquet5 of rut flo-^'T- for duties -,- hi* 11 Ih
To prepare quirkly for a defense !ho reception which folhwon l^\^ul ^v^wttt^i rvr^v ,reentit rVrile on .scrviff. ; r>z liTJ.-o cvonini' 1- foinv^I or rmr
roses. The mothe; of the ori->-',r,nd undergo the
-room '^ a> £f'm\ nc'i in "olark anrj The recruits •.;:!] t/- ir:tin'"Ti L'nl.-t fre;,:? '.v;ih uiiich >I'.e v.-o ?.'?'.\ force insirnctor, .ind oy 'AO ••or?a^c of yr>iIo'.^ io?.e«. mren from Brilnin's "U'nrif.-." ":'r
i f r,onr
---V " ' . _-..•.•_
Mr-. Ilnrry S'^art/ v. a. in,^ e romin^ lo C'.n^da for 11:1= jo
PENtTRATEStoUpper bronchial tubcsirith soothing medicinal vapors. STiMUUTfSchtjtund bacl; surfaces Hkc a varmin; poultice.
11 nir <'oniman<l.'<nt,
$10 Styles 1
cular forcncss, or tightness—and so brings rra! honcst-tr>goodn«ss comfort. To get this improved
n-LOd--.!-, Vo\i ?a\f. .VT.^i on
benefits-just massage VapoRub for 3minutesonBACKaswellaj on throat and chest, then spread |f'jreha?o,
Kxpfrl exl i a
fitting r
_ Here is all you have to do: use
Angle L. Wallace COKSET SHOP
( rntral niock—Tnkr F.lrtnlnr C'or. Crnlrnl nnrl .Mirldlo Sh,
VapoRtib the improved Vicks • a thick iaycr on chest and cover way. As illustrated above this up.Tliit'sthc.,
more thorough treatment acts 2 improved— ' F« Bjtlsr Results ua>s at once, to brinr; relief. better— Vfcks ViORKSfORHOURS...castscough;, waylorelieve
* ^
|)iirl> and Hie co-fhriirinon McKlcney, liliinchc l.awloi, .lulia'^ t-'ohen; guard, Mrs, Annici hospital committee, on the holi- wi<rr the- Mi
Greatest thrill: Her litst formnl. -n,c ,,«,..., „,.,„ ,,.1S Julm F M(.. used alxiut Ihe hall and coriidoi.--.
(.reatest chill: A lioiu nip tOjCuirX. brother of the bride-room, In addition lo general r!ari<-in^Mildier! I'lcvan Hon.n Kellr-y anrl Scoslak. Jennie Sienkcwic/. anrl.Cooiior; trustees. Mrs.Marion1jday party given Mie patients at
Skating, skiint; and dam-iiiL:. and actresses-. She lias no fear scasrjn
Obligation she most dislikes of not fullillirif: her ambition since Dunn;: Ihe ccicnionv solu.-, were
\V;nthi£ for people. Ray and cliarniin.-; persona lit > given In Mrs. John liaL-^eity. Jlobby: Collcriinc pitlures of has already \\on host of A reception \\as held at the
motion picture actors anri actrc-
Favorite meat: Steak.
Favorite lisli: I.o'asler.
Favorile vegetable: Spina-1
Ambition: To have a lot of permit
n rcr'civins their ^uesl.s by their attendants and parents. The mother of tlie bride wore blue, silk jersey, lull length, and a nintcliin<; Iiat with face veil and a corsage of orchids. The mother of the bridegroom wore aqua, silk jersey,
i-l sr-ivin;:si Finn- lo Ti inedium-sixcd pi 'J cups cottage cliei-se. I |r
r-up milk,
Slice potatoes Ibin,
.yclia Darraii
Jluiplcr U) Mold
|Gro\v Vegetables and Serve Country,
H'ancis Gate
Lodge Elecls
i reasure Mecling at Samel ime
friends. She likes winter sjiorts !Alldlncr L'uundy dub which was jvery much and while usui" some <!(1i'onili'<l wilh Christmas trees. jof her spaic time for skating, slic evergreen spiajs. and vases of cut lalso is awaiting siillicient snow to floivers. The con rile as assisted
Jiiuglilcr Born to
\ '-dwiird J. i ipnicys LOWELL—Mr. anilM r s .
mi LOWKl.L—On Saturdav after- "Grow vegetables, anil serve your resislanl glass layer cake dish.
SWKKT I'OTA'['O1-:S ANU SALT lllcvnlutionary All members! And if you don't have "a plot of
New Officers - ! Kdward J. Ticrney of North Hill length and white orchids.
sprinkling with salt and
each ln\cr. in a well-grcaseil, lieal-lnoon at X o'clock members of country at Ihe same lime" is. Ihe
I.OWEI-1^—The regular meet in;! Cholmsforn amtounce the Later in Ihe day, Mr. and Mrs. of Francis Gate lodge. No. B9, De-; birth of a daughter, horn on McGuirk Iclt tor'New York and I Dec. 2li at SI. John's hospital. Washington and when the re-i gree of lionor Protective associa- Mrs. Tierncy is the former turn they will live at -10 Kim- street, Andover. For her going! away outfit, the bride chose n! black and sold crr-pc hat with} matchingaccessories. Overher| grrwn she wore a mink coal upon. which were pinned lavender and-
•yellow orchids.
i _The bride is a graduate of;
Pour milk over nil and bake iniiLyrlia Danull chapler. Daughters advice of Ihe Office of Civilian a moderately hot nven 1:17:1 dcgjo( "lc American Revolution, will] Defense consumer experts lo every F.t about 1 IS-1 hnurs. lurid n Treasure meeting of theiAmerican housewife.
tion. \\-as held recently in Highland1 Harriet T. Fa'-an. Voritas hall. Mijs Beatrice M. Cleary,president,wasincharge.|[> j j [" C"
'Ti M'lvingsl
l;,,-,, asked lo bring am souvenirs;land to pbnt. Ihcn accomnlisli the
lplk s of l ri( "1 lo end by not wasting any food , <" ' '"" "' "
-I Nomination and election of otli-. LJClil clll I". 01111 111
largesweetpolaliies.Ilablcspotms,meetingand tellthestoriesthat,stuffyoubuyat(homarket. brown sugar. igo with them. jai (Ten million people in England
cers for the coming year took <\,! . _• , [ i ' place wilh the following members:' I at I led IO
Soak .Mill pink ov\-ernigyht iIn, , j(ll|| violrd Hnline, of Ihe Ma- , ' ' ''^'S'ii'R upon ns lo supply their wal.r: drain, iv.-l boiled sv.-eet sarlnis-eils VViimen's Defense Corps 1<J."" requirements. Only by the
M. deary: lirst vice president. Lena': LOWKLI. Mr. and Mrs.john Clnplo vod
Upton: second vice pi esident,'char'- J. Smith, 132 Branch street, an-i - '" l-nwrence. The briric- lotte Douglas: treasurer, Aiiniyjmnounce Ihe marriage of Iheir, "room IS a Kr=<-i»iile of Keith Aca- I.ovejoy; reeorrlinK secretary. Be«s'--!daughter. Beulah Felton .Smith, lol''0"^' anri Is «"i|'lo>'cJ by the New sie Damon: pianist. Mildred Je-n- Mr. Charles H. Holtzman, Jr., <oii :Kn8lamI Telegraph and Telephone,! ness: usher, Ora Clmpdclaine: as-,of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Holtz-:LOT|C:I nr<"mch.
sistant usher. Ruth Gurney; inner man of New York cily. The cere-:
watch, Louise Lorraine: outer jmony was performed on Christmas I j\'T|
watch, Catherine Guerin. I afternoon at 3 o'clock St.) J'
;IO ill a tv.-o-iirlarl heal-r'c.-islltril The meeting will he 'eld al liie of vcselalile.-;. 2.30.000 Ions of.rruil.•
After the meeting a Christmas Anne's chapel by Rev.Laurence \/I
i cranberry relish.
Art King (right] maintained watch as air r^id observers yeslcr-j CKANBKRFIY fllOLISH
North Andover schools anrl Low- ell Stale Teachers college and was
Place n^ r» or three slices of pota- defense. ' is(1"(l tlicm "lc tlu'cc million cans;
UO to J2 servingsi
were served by Aline Cote and Following a wedding trip '."^PQJ-JPI-I- A |p ,, [ . -Curing ibe day on threc-hour shifts and men at night on fwo- apples, '2 1-2 cups cranberries, -1
turkey was Elizabeth Bai retto ofJMr. and Mil Holuman w°i"l'l m'ak'e"' Wcstford. [thrir home al 132 Branch streei.
rriccl lo *«
party was tield. Refreshments JH. Blaekbtirn, rector. (Irace Donovan. The winner of the New York and Washing!
e x < : i n a e i
Lh Ur s'h-"s—AP WIREPHOTO. °
WOMEN KEEP SKY VIGIL—Mrs. Harry Vande Berg andMrs.
^ '
mud cm* rliif i^«^n :. ~_
' ^
day at a post al Point Fermm here. Women keep the lookout One clip sugar. '2 cups water, -1
must see that (here. U no waste in anything.
Don't throw away scrap mate- rial. Don't use (he telephone un- necessarily. Don't use lights that aren't neederl. Don't Ihrow away old papers.
And. above all. don't squadet- time anil energy listening to and spreading unfounded rumors from
'jiolato and she, lengllu\'ise, wis(1 ll c nf 111
will give a shoit talk on civilian " ° ' supplies can we
'glass ntilit.v rlisli; spi inkle \v lib liome of Mrs. Arllmr 15. Parker. ":c '>0° n'1"1TM 4°TMn eggs, and
bn ^•n sugar and top willi a piece
Ul hostesses '.\'ill "
P<>«ntls of poullry.
wasling food,
liakc in a modr •'IT.'i deg., ahrml i prn'l; is done. S
Ursiila Ilos-l
: guard
. .
|al 2 o'clock by a meeting of Ihe hoard.
Women Can Do
Hoil sugar anil uatcr logellrei Job lor Defense
for :> minutes. Pitv apple-, je-
mo'.'ing slem anrl r-nris Oil in'<i in Own Kitchen se<'tir,ns and r-ook in syi up v.jy
over anrl clean eranbei i ie-.. p•erePIl form or drive rtn amtinlaiu'e lo
oranges and sl'n e fins--' Arid help win Ibis war. Yon ran do a job •'I'll Iline Mending
fianbonios nnd niange •'T' for dcfen-e lighl in .\fiur own With ihr aid of the flat darner
|»P'S in svnrp and simmer minrrtesloneei.Clnl!be
allaclnnent,evenabeginnercan Kn''»v Ibiil ihe nrni>' mend table linensand towels iislit 'Me hoys hceruiso of on her sewing machine, and she. nrid'-rnoii hrnrni than [or anv will lind that the finished job is 'otherreason':\Ylr<-rithatcanhap-.beautifullyneatandstrong.Ifyou
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