Page 22 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 22

Extra vocabulary
            COMMUNICATION                                     breathtaking          a ordable

                                                              not breaking the bank

           1 a  Read  the  following  information  about
                 tourism in Viet Nam.                                                       ‘The food is
                                                                                          delicious and not
              In  2014,  a  total  of  7,874,300  foreign  tourists      ‘Things are    expensive. I love the
              visited Viet Nam. What are the reasons that make   a ordable here.            seafood!’
                                                                  We can have a
              Viet Nam a tourist attraction for foreigners?     lovely time without
              Here’s what some foreign visitors had to say:     breaking the bank.’

                 ‘There are so
                 many beauty            ‘The people are
                  spots. Ha              so friendly and
                 Long Bay is              welcoming!’

            The landscape              The people                The price               The cuisine

           b  Work in groups. Discuss the visitors’ opinions above. Do you agree?
              Add two more reasons to the list.

                Unit 8/ Tourism
           24   Unit 8/ Tourism
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