Page 81 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
P. 81
6.3 Responsibility and sustainability
The Code of Ethics
An updated version of the Ratti Group’s Code of Ethics was approved through a resolution of the B.o.D. of Ratti S.p.A. on 9 October 2013 and with successive resolutions, by all subsidiar- ies. It contains the main ethical principles and general rules that characterise activities, and commits all parties who, in their di erent ways, carry out activities for the Group, referring expressly to the directors and the corporate bodies, the employees and external contractors, agents, consultants, suppliers and trade partners.
The Code of Ethics is based on six fundamental principles:
1. Complying with the regulations in force in Italy and in other countries in which it applies;
2. Legitimacy, loyalty, probity and transparency;
3. Confidentiality of information;
4. Fair competition;
5. Respect for the physical, moral and cultural well-being of people;
6. Protection for the environment.
Apart from managing general business a airs in accordance with principles based on the free market, responsibility, transparency and partnership, the Code governs numerous as- pects of management such as policies on gifts, gratuities and other benefits, as well as the protection of trademarks and patents.
The Code operates according to criteria that are oriented towards continuous dialogue and the creation of value in relations with shareholders, customers and suppliers, who are asked specifically to guarantee a working environment that is healthy and safe, salaries and work- ing hours that comply with local legislation, opposition to child labour, freedom of associa- tion and the absence of discrimination.
The Code also governs relationships with authorities and institutions, such as supervisory authorities and regulatory bodies, public administration, political parties and trade unions. The Ratti Group does not make any contributions, whether direct or indirect, to political or trade union movements, committees and organisations, or to their representatives.
Finally, the Code provides rules for the probity and transparency of financial reporting, the internal control system and the management of extraordinary operations, as well as guide- lines for the management of information, IT resources and communication. A chapter is dedicated to the most sensitive aspects of environmental and social sustainability, such as the management of human resources and the protection of people and the environment. With regard to human resources in particular, the Group wanted to emphasise a number of fundamental rights that already informed the way it does business: prohibition of the exploitation of workers, in particular children, prohibition of harassment and abuse, the ab- sence of discrimination and freedom of association.
The protection of people and the environment is reflected in the promotion of a culture of safety, guaranteeing a working environment that is both comfortable and safe, while the environment is safeguarded through the dual values of environmental protection and energy e ciency.
The Code of Ethics may be consulted by accessing the Procedures area of the Company’s intranet or the Sustainability area of the website
The Code of Ethics responds to the need to clearly define
the ethical principles which underpin
the Ratti Group
and is the reference document that regulates relations with a range
of stakeholders including employees, customers
and suppliers