Page 95 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
P. 95
The decision to report more widely than merely on the themes identified by Lgs.D. 254/2016 was born out of an awareness of the specific social and environmental importance of a com- pany operating in the luxury and fashion sector. The Sustainability Report was considered to be the ideal instrument for presenting to the stakeholders the activities, projects and results achieved in the 2017 financial year (1 January - 31 December 2017) in economic, social and environmental terms, as well as initiatives undertaken, and the commitments made with the principal stakeholders. The data are reported with the goal of presenting a clear picture of the actions and the characteristics of the Group.
The process of reporting information and figures has been structured in a way that guaran- tees comparability, with the aim of facilitating an accurate interpretation of the information and giving all stakeholders a complete overview of the trend of Ratti’s performance.
The reporting perimeter of this NFS is the entire Ratti Group (Ratti S.p.A. and its fully consol- idated subsidiaries), with the sole exceptions of Ratti USA Inc. and Ratti International Trad- ing Co. Ltd. for environmental and social matters, due to the small number of people they employ (two employees for Ratti USA Inc. and one employee for Ratti International Trading Co. Ltd.) and their negligible environmental impact (given that they do not have production activities). This document (NFS) was approved by the Board of Directors of Ratti S.p.A. on 15 March 2018. In drawing up its NFS the Ratti Group adopted the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (henceforth also GRI Standards), published in 2016 by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), selecting the option “In Accordance Core”.
This NFS has been verified by an independent company, EY S.p.A. (which has also been appointed to audit the Ratti Group’s financial statements), in the manner laid down by the regulations currently in force. The relevant report may be consulted on page 108.
For any clarification with regard to this Sustainability Report please send an email to
Analysis of materiality
The materiality matrix represents, in summary form, the most significant (“material”) aspects for the Ratti Group and its stakeholders.
The materiality matrix is the product of a structured process involving management and stakeholders which, after a detailed evaluation of the significance of a list of aspects of sus- tainability, has allowed the most important aspects to be identified. These are the aspects to be reported, clarifying the links with corporate strategy and specifying how they should be managed, along with the relevant key performance indicators.
The list of aspects to be evaluated was created in accordance with the provisions set out in article 3, paragraph 2 of Lgs.D. 254/2016 and on the basis of all the aspects specified in the GRI Standards. In agreement with the Management, it was decided to consider as material those aspects that emerged as significant for Ratti or for its stakeholders.
The materiality matrix thus obtained was approved by the CEO.
Material themes are of three types:
1. economic: the financial performance of the Ratti Group, its procurement policy and its
economic relationship with its suppliers, the fight against corruption;
2. environmental:theenvironmentalimpactoftheRattiGroup’sactivitiesand,therefore,the