Page 5 - Sustainability Report 2019
P. 5

Letter to the stakeholders 5
Chapter 1 6
The search for beauty with a commitment to sustainability
1.1 The legacy of a great history 8
Ratti’s history and the company today 8 Mission, vision and values 9
1.2 The elegance of innovation 10
1.3 The Ratti Group today 12
The Ratti Group’s activities 12 Corporate structure 13
Chapter 2 16
Uniqueness and talent, ingredients for success
The value of people 18
2.1 Ratti’s employees 18
Enhancing and safeguarding the diversity of the individual 20 Safeguarding fundamental rights: 20 the prevention of child labour
2.2 The process of selection and turnover 21
2.3 Training and developing talent 21
2.4 Health and safety 23
Safeguarding the health and safety of employees 23
2.5 The welfare of our employees 24
Welfare in the Ratti Group 24 Ratti takes part in the programme “Workplace Health Promotion” 25
2.6 Communicating is the key to sharing 26
Internal communication 26
Chapter 3 28
Material becomes creation
3.1 From creativity to the finished garment, a guarantee of quality 30
Talent that lends form to ideas 30 The production cycles 32
3.2 A virtuous circle of good practice 33
Selecting suppliers 33 Social responsibility of the supply chain 33
3.3 A commitment anchored in the most advanced standards 35
Standards and certifications 35
Chapter 4 40
Ratti’s environmental commitment
4.1 Sustainability in textiles: challenge accepted 42
The sustainable offer 43 Dyes and chemicals, the new frontier of sustainability 44 Careful management of discharges 44
4.2 Less resources consumed, a better future 45
The management of water resources 45 Monitoring energy consumption 46 Travel better to consume less 47
4.3 Objective: the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste 48
The management of waste 48
Chapter 5 50
Ratti, adding value to the community and the region
5.1 At the forefront of communicating sustainability 52
Recognition given to the Sustainability Report 52 A glance at the Ratti world 52
5.2 Believing in talent, investing in the future 54
Schools, universities and training 54
5.3 Partnerships that do good 56
A partnership in innovation 58
5.4 Ratti and the Foundation supporting culture 59
The antique textile collection of Antonio Ratti 59 The promotion of visual arts 59
Chapter 6 62
Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management
6.1 The governance structure of the Group 64
The Board of Directors of Ratti SpA 65 Governance for sustainability issues 65 (Legislative Decree 254/2016)
6.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics 66
The Code of Ethics 67 The Remuneration Committee 67 The Ethics Committee 67 The Board of Statutory Auditors 67 The Organisational Model and the Supervisory Body 68
6.3 Managing risks to include sustainability 68
The internal control and risk management system 68 The prevention of corruption 69 The management of sustainability risks 70 The main risks of an environmental nature 70 Principal risks associated with the management of personnel 71 Principal risks associated with corruption 72 The main risks of a social nature 72 The main risks relating to human rights 73
Chapter 7 74
Economic performance
The criteria of this Report 78
Methodological note 80
Perimeter, purpose and contents of the Sustainability Report
and the 2019 DNF 80
Analysis of materiality 81
Stakeholders and the process of involvement 83
Annex 85 GRI Content Index 94
RATTI GROUP | Sustainability report 2019

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