Page 59 - PNMRT AnnRpt 2020
P. 59
PNMRT Rangatahi Leadership Wānanga
The Chairman advised that the Trust has only received two applications for the wānanga that is being held from 7-11 October 2019. Application forms are at the registration desk and owners were encouraged to talk to their mokopuna or tamariki aged between 13-18 years of age to see if they would like to register to attend. The wānanga is open to rangatahi that whakapapa to Wellington Tenths Trust and Palmerston North Maōri Reserve Trust. Applications close on Monday 9 September.
New Website
The Trust now has its own website which went live today.
Strategy Plan
Laryhs Makowharemahihi raised the matter that she raised at the last annual general meeting where she had asked if the Trust had a Strategic Plan. The Chairman advised that Trustees hold a strategic planning meeting every year and have always had the focus on the projects in Te Whenua and Te Ao Amua.
The area of communication has also been a focus and this was the purpose of the road trip held in June to Taranaki to meet face to face with owners and assist with succession. The new website, annual report, newsletter, and increasing use of the facebook page have also been important factors in improving the communication with owners.
Another key strategic goal has been the return to Wellington as that is where we belong and we have done that by investment in Hīkoikoi, in Te Raukura the Wharewaka, and in further investment in Thorndon Quay. Those three places say a lot about the Palmerston North Māori Reserve Trust.
The Chairman advised that she and Trustees take on the board the comments that Laryhs Makowharemahihi has made and will undertake to make a strategic plan available next year.
Capital Dividend Tax
The Chairman advised that today owners approved a dividend payment of $5 a share which is not taxable for owners. The Trust has been doing that continuously with dividend payments and we will continue to do that for as long as is possible.
$100m Celebration
To celebrate reaching the $103m mark there was a cupcake for everyone to take home with them.
Palmerston North Ma¯ori Reserve Trust