Page 3 - The Silver Fire
P. 3

   The Silver Fire - As It Happened - Part 1 (Con’t)
They return and there is a consultation. (editor: photos above and immediately below are blog photos - photos at top center and top right by Bob Barnes)
“Dear Annie,
I would not be at all surprised if we have to evacuate. And only a little less surprised if Kingston burns. A gray and orange roiling plume just over the ridge can make one a Nervous Nellie.”
“Hi Susan, I am thinking about you and the fire and hoping you don't have to evacuate. Perhaps you have already. Are you still planning to come to Salida tomorrow? I am sitting at Cafe Dawn drinking an iced latte.”
“Hi Bob and Val, Tom will have told you already about the fire over the divide that is blowing this way. The day before yester-day we smelled the smoke, then yesterday morning there was a smoke plume visible south of
Emory Pass. Today the plume is much larger and billowing grayly. Yesterday we were put on notice that there may be an evacuation, and I have written a list of items to bring out should we need to evacuate today. The wind conditions are not too bad right now. The fire is between seven and fourteen miles away, on a slope west of the divide, south of Sawyer's Peak. The wind direction pushes the fire toward Kingston still, I believe, or south of. All for now-- Susan”
Dora Mae Holen
Are you still planning to leave to Colorado tomorrow?
“At the present time I am thinking if Kingston is going to burn, I could

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