Page 4 - Flora+ of the Black Range - Vol. 2
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 Black Range website photo galleries: The images in the galleries have not been thoroughly vetted but are believed to be accurately identified.
In some cases the SEINet listing could not be verified for the Black Range, as noted above. There may be several reasons why this is the case, including inconsistencies found on the specimen sheets which clouded the area of collection and a certain lack of “search capability” on the part of the editor. Most importantly, however, the entries listed in light blue should serve as a guide for the efforts of future collectors.
Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness is the premier botanical website for southwestern New Mexico. We all owe a debt to Russ Kleinman and the many other contributors to that site for the work they have done (and regularly do).
The “verification listing” has no other significance than the fact that the indicated source was used for initial verification. It does not indicate, for example, that the specified location is the best location to see the species.
Scientific names may be subject to challenge. The species name used here generally follows the nomenclature used in Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness. In some cases speciation determinations may be in dispute. In some cases the “generally accepted name” may be in dispute.
Unless there is no accepted English common name for a species, at least one of the most common names is listed.
Other Volumes
This checklist is the third volume of a three-volume set. All three volumes present the same information (except there will be minor variations due to digital updates which occurred between the publication dates of the various volumes) but it is arrayed differently.
✦ In the first volume, plant species are listed in alphabetical order by family name, and then by
scientific species name (Latin binomial). That volume includes a listing of the plant collectors who collected the specimens referenced in the checklist.
✦ In the second volume, species are listed in alphabetical order by scientific species name (Latin binomial). That volume also lists the sites most frequently referenced in the checklist and provides a general description of their locations.
✦ In the third volume, species are listed in alphabetical order by English common name. Therefore, multiple entries are possible for each species.
We currently anticipate that the second edition will be issued in 2022.
Your help in improving this, the first edition, will be reflected in the second edition. No further editions are planned at this time.
This checklist is not available in hard copy; you can not buy it. It is free. If you have a copy, please forward it to anyone who might like to have it. The Black Range website does not accept advertisements nor does it accept monetary donations. It is “not-for-revenue”. It is about sharing knowledge. This publication is available as a .pdf on the Black Range Website or in magazine format at our bookcase.
This publication is offered to you under a Creative Commons non-commercial license; you are free to use it for whatever non-commercial purpose you wish. Copyright will be aggressively enforced and penalties exercised in the case of any unauthorized commercial use.
  Table of Contents
1. Methodology
2. Disclaimers and Points of Clarification
3. Other Volumes
4. Copyright
5. Table of Contents
6. Anna Isabel Mulford
7. Listing of Plant Species in alphabetical order by English common name

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