Page 2 - bne IntelliNews George country report Sept 2017
P. 2

Table   of   contents
1.0   Executive   summary
1.1    TBC   Bank   eyeing   digital   expansion
2.0   Politics
2.1   Stateless   ex-Georgian   president   Saakashvili   leaves   Poland   for   Lithuania
2.2   Russia   pokes   Georgia   in   eye   with   Putin   visit   to   Abkhazia   on   war   anniversary 2.3   US   VP   reassures   Georgia   of   continued   support   during   state   visit
2.4   Georgia   divided   ahead   of   October   local   election,   says   NDI
2.5   Georgia   suspends   top   officials,   seeks   transparency   in   abducted   journalist   probe 2.6   Georgia,   Ukraine   to   coordinate   efforts   to   join   the   EU
2.7   Politics   -   misc
3.0   Macro   Economy
3.1   Macroeconomic   overview 3.2   Macro   outlook
4.0   Real   Economy
4.1   Industrial   production 4.2      Inflation
4.2.1   CPI   dynamics
4.2.2   PPI   dynamic 4.3   Fixed   investment 4.4   Labour   and   income
4.4.1   Unemployment,   income   dynamics 4.4.2   Retail   sector   dynamics
5.0   External   Sector   &   Trade
5.1   Balance   of   payments,   current   account
5.1.1   Import/export   dynamics 5.1.2   Current   account   dynamics 5.1.3   Capital   flows
5.1.4   Gross   international   reserves
5.2   FDI
6.0   Public   Sector 6.1   Budget
6.1.1   Budget   dynamics   -   funding,   privatization 6.2   Debt
7.0   FX
8.0   Financial   &   capital   markets 8.1   Bank   sector   overview
8.1.1   Earnings
8.1.2   Loans
8.1.3   NPLs
8.1.4   Banks   specific   issues
2          GEORGIA   Country   Report    September   2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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