Page 57 - UKRRptNov22
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  9.1.7 TMT sector news 9.1.8 Tourism sector news 9.1.9 Utilities sector news
             Kyiv’s electricity deficit may reach 30%. As a result of the Russian attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the electricity shortage in Kyiv may amount to 30% of need, so the outages will be longer and affect a much larger number of consumers, reportedenergy company Yasno. "The destruction is serious. That's why we have a sharp deterioration in the energy supply situation. The deficit of electricity in Kyiv can be as high as 30%," the company said. Usually, Kyiv consumes 1,000-1,200 MW, but currently, the estimated available capacity is 600-800 MW, the energy supplier explains. "In other words, almost half of Kyiv may remain without electricity," the energy experts added. To prevent a complete blackout, the distribution system operators will limit electricity consumption according to Ukrenergo’s instructions. However, despite these efforts, outages will be longer and will affect a much larger number of consumers.
Ukraine will not be able to export electricity until March.Ukraine will resume electricity exports no earlier than March, according to a forecast voiced by the head of the Verkhovna Rada's Energy Committee, Andrii Gerus. The parliamentarian added that the potential loss of export earnings for Ukraine from the stoppage of export is very large -bns of hryvnias. But, according to Gerus, Ukrainian authorities have prioritized the supply of electricity in Ukraine
   57 UKRAINE Country Report November 2022

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