Page 1 - AsianOil Week 41 2022
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Issue 841              18•October•2022                     Week 41

                    ™      India kicks off next licensing round

                            India has launched another oil and gas licensing round in an effort to kickstart
                            exploration, but an oil windfall tax may be sapping interest.

                    ™      China doubles down on hydrocarbons

                            China will seek to ramp up domestic oil and gas supply this winter, its
                            president has said.

                    ™      Malaysian contract

                            TotalEnergies, Petronas and Shell have secured a new production-sharing
                            contract for acreage off the coast of Malaysia.

                    ™      TMK wraps up coalseam gas work

                            Australia's TMK Energy has completed coalseam gas exploration work in the
                            South Gobi region of Mongolia.
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