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 Top Stories
 December 2020 I Page 4
product promo department at the cybersecurity firm Kod bezopasnosti, the pandemic has created a window of opportunity for hackers.
"There is an entire class of systems where vulnerabilities cannot be fixed without completely shutting down the entire system," he was quoted as saying by Kommersant. "Therefore, a system can stay vulnerable as long as permission has been issued to shut it down." Meanwhile, global exchange of data could also provide hackers with opportunities for attacks.
Andrey Yurshev, director of the product management department at InfoWatch ARMA, told Kommersant that an increase in the number
of cyberattacks in recent months is part of
a global trend that involves higher proliferation of software controlled by cybercriminals in one way or another.
"Imported software is manufactured in such a way that it sends so called telemetric info back
to the manufacturer," he explained. "Therefore, corporate networks used only for enterprise purposes can inadvertently send all information required for cyberattacks to hackers." The increase in the number of cyberattacks could also have to do with the general digitalization trend
in Russian business and state agencies, Pavel Kuznetsov, deputy head of the expert security centre Positive Technologies, added.
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