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bne Chart
August 11, 2017 I Page 9
domestic service, hotels, and manufacturing,
as well as forced begging and theft in Romania and other European countries” the report says. It also details forced begging and forced criminal activities, with the victims often Roma children.
Romania and Bulgaria are by no means the
only countries in the EU28 to see a drop in their scores on the MSI; the situation in 18 other countries has also deteriorated, with substantial declines also seen in Greece, Italy and Cyprus – all key entry points for migrants.
Across the bloc, Romania and Italy (ranked 133rd) have the worst reported violations, in- cluding severe forms of forced labour, such as servitude and trafficking, the study says.
Elsewhere in CEE, the situation has also wors- ened in EU member states Croatia, Czech Re- public, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. Several Western Balkan states also saw a turn for the worse, with the situation deteriorating in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro.
“The migrant crisis has increased the risk of slavery incidents appearing in company sup- ply chains across Europe,” says Sam Haynes, senior human rights analyst at Verisk Ma- plecroft. “It is no longer just the traditional sourcing hotspots in the emerging economies that businesses should pay attention to when risk assessing their suppliers and the com- modities they source.”
Turkey saw a dramatic increase in the risk of modern slavery, making the second largest drop on the global index to 58th place, which put it in the ‘high risk’ category.
“The influx of 100,000s of refugees from the Syrian war, combined with Turkey’s restrictive work permit system, has led to thousands becoming part of the informal workforce. Policing labour violations is also no longer a priority for the government, which is focused on the political crackdown, further adding to the risk,” says the report.
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