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     membership, and no one else," Stoltenberg noted.
 Most NATO countries have exhausted their stockpiles of weapons for Ukraine. This mainly concerns small countries, reported the NYT. However, according to a representative from the alliance, 10 states can still provide more weapons. Among them are France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. In total, NATO countries have equipped Ukraine with weapons worth about $40B, which is approximately equal to France’s annual defence budget. For example, Paris handed over 18 Caesar howitzers to Kyiv, which is 20% of its artillery. Germany has previously stated that it has almost exhausted its possibilities for Ukrainian aid, and Italy does not plan to provide any new supplies. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted to the countries of the alliance, in particular Germany, that the guiding principles of NATO, which require members to keep stockpiles, should not be a reason to limit arms exports to Ukraine.
Ukraine has extended martial law and mobilisation until at least February 2023. Martial law has been extended every 90 days since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and has seen curfews and checkpoints spring up throughout the country. Meanwhile, the extension of mobilisation means that the blanket ban on Ukrainian males between the ages of 18 and 60 leaving the country has stayed in place.
A ceasefire and peace talks are needed to resolve the war in Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told public radio on November 17. "Sanctions policies are another step towards war," Orban said in the interview. "Anyone who intervenes in a conflict [using sanctions] also takes a position which is a step towards one of the warring parties; in other words in the direction of war," he said. If Europe "sees itself as part of the war", it will be drawn into it, and the dangers to Hungary will grow, he said. "It's clear that little by little we're slipping into this war; we're not being shot at yet, but we are very close to becoming party to the war ... What Europe is doing is very dangerous," he said. Hungary talks the language of peace but "no one else is following that line," he said.
The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution on reparations to Ukraine from Russia on November 14. The UN General Assembly, by a majority of votes, adopted the ‘Providing legal remedies and reparations in connection with aggression against Ukraine” resolution, prepared by Ukraine with co-authorship by more than fifty countries. The resolution contains a confirmation of the UN states’ position in support of the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine and a demand for the Russian Federation to withdraw all its armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. Furthermore, the General Assembly acknowledges that Russia should be held accountable for violations of international law, in particular its aggression, as well as for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights. Accordingly, the Russian Federation’s legal consequences should include compensation for damages caused to Ukraine.
NATO Parliamentary Assembly recognizes Russia as 'terrorist state,' calls for special tribunal creation on November 22. "The resolution names Russia the most direct threat to Euro-Atlantic security," said Tomas Valasek, a member of the Slovak delegation to the NATO PA. "It states clearly that the state of Russia, under its current regime, is a terrorist one,"
  16 UKRAINE Country Report December 2022

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