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     money," the official said. "In the short term, we could create, with our partners, a structure to manage these funds and invest them. We would then use the proceeds for Ukraine."
US Embassy in Madrid receives letter bomb similar to one that explodedin Ukraine's embassy on November 1. This is the sixth explosive sent to administrative or military buildings in Spain. All of them contained similar, homemade substances, according to Spanish authorities.
Germany recognizes Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian people. On Nov. 30, Germany’s Bundestag recognized Holodomor, the man-made famine of Ukrainians ordered by the Soviet authorities, which killed millions in 1932-1933, as genocide of the Ukrainian people. “From today’s point of view, the historical and political classification as genocide is obvious,” the statement reads.
A speech given by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was cut after she mentioned that “100,000 Ukrainian military personnel have died to date.” Von der Leyen's claim highly contrasts with earlier statements made by the Ukrainian government, which has implied that Ukrainian soldiers maintain a 1 to 10 ratio of killed-in-action compared to the Russians. The true number of Ukrainian soldiers lost is not made public – that information is considered to be classified.
   2.9 Polls & Sociology
    Most US poll respondents (66%) think that weapons should continue to be sent from Washington to Kyiv, and to a slightly lesser extent (59%) also financial aid. Meanwhile, two thirds of respondents state that US troops should not be sent in and most respondents are wary of sending long-range weapons capable of hitting undisputed Russian territory, fearing that it would escalate the fighting.
Looking at pledges of military aid to Ukraine between Jan 24 and August 3, the US government has committed to providing the most arms, weapons and other equipment by far. $25bn in military aid was pledged up until the given date, according to the Ukraine Support Tracker by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
   20 UKRAINE Country Report December 2022

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