Page 12 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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3.1    Macroeconomic   overview
Mixed   performance for   South   Caucasus in   WEF’s   2017 competitiveness ranking
Georgia’s   GDP growth   tapers   off   at 3.8%   y/y   in   July
The   three   countries   of   the   South   Caucasus   have   recorded   mixed   results in   the   2017/2018   iteration   of   the   World   Economic   Forum's   Global Competitiveness   Index   released   on   September   27.    Thus,   while   Azerbaijan and   Armenia   climbed   two   and   six   places   in   the   ranking   to   35th   and   73rd   out   of 137   countries,   respectively,   Georgia   stagnated   in   its   performance.   It   lost   eight positions   to   place   67th.
Common   problems   amongst   all   three   countries   were   the   fact   that   they   lagged in   financial   market   development   and   also   technological   innovation,   healthcare and   education   and   infrastructure,   particularly   in   the   dissemination   of   mobile communications.   However,   all   three   ranked   among   the   top   10   countries   in   the ranking   for   the   reduced   number   of   administrative   procedures   and   time   needed to   open   a   new   business.
Georgia   excelled   in   certain   aspects   of   its   macroeconomic   environment,   such as   inflation,   for   which   it   ranked   as   the   best   country   in   the   study.   Meanwhile, both   Azerbaijan   and   Armenia   ranked   poorly   in   the   area   of   macroeconomic environment   -   Azerbaijan   because   of   the   deterioration   in   its   economy   since   the drop   in   oil   and   gas   prices   in   2014,   and   Armenia   because   of   its   unbalanced government   budget   and   lack   of   national   savings.
The   annual   ranking   looks   at   12   sets   of   metrics   to   determine   the   institutions, policies   and   factors   that   contribute   to   high   levels   of   economic   productivity   in the   countries   under   study.   The   majority   of   the   countries   topping   the   ranking   are in   the   Organisation   for   Economic   Cooperation   and   Development   (OECD)   - Switzerland,   the   US,   Singapore,   the   Netherlands   and   Germany,   for   instance.
Georgia's   economic   growth   continued   to   slow   in   July,   when   GDP expanded   by   3.8%   y/y,   national   statistics   agency   Geostat   reported   on August   30.   In   June,   economic   growth   stood   at   4.6%   while   in   May   it   was 5.3%.
The   small   and   trade-reliant   Georgian   economy   in   the   South   Caucasus   has seen   a   slowdown   in   economic   growth   in   recent   years,   following   similar   trends experienced   by   its   main   trade   partners   –   neighbours   Turkey,   Azerbaijan   and, to   a   smaller   extent,   Armenia   and   Russia.
However,   following   GDP   growth   of   2.9%   in   2015   and   2.2%   in   2016,   the Georgian   economy   is   expected   to   grow   by   over   4%   in   2017   according   to   the government's   projections.   In   the   first   seven   months   of   the   year,   GDP   has expanded   by   4.4%   y/y.
Meanwhile,   consumer   price   inflation   stood   at   6%   in   July,   Geostat   said   in   the same   report,   showing   a   softening   compared   to   the   7.1%   y/y   inflation   registered in   June.
The   increase   in   producer   prices   for   industrial   goods,   at   10.7%   y/y,   was marginally   lower   compared   to   the   12.3%   y/y   registered   in   June.
12       GEORGIA  Country  Report   October  2017                                                                                                                                                                      

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