Page 28 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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Financial   sector   distress   has   manifested   itself   across   the   region   in   many   ways. Since   mid-2014,   the   decline   in   commodity   prices   and   a   slowdown   in   key trading   partners’   growth   have   made   it   more   difficult   for   borrowers   to   service their   debt.   This   has   been   especially   true   for   foreign   currency   loans   where currency   depreciation   has   also   added   to   the   debt-servicing   cost.
Consequently,   overdue   loans   have   increased,   eroding   the   reserves   banks   set aside   for   difficult   times.   This   has   reduced   their   capital   further—with   many already   undercapitalised   by   international   standards.   In   addition,   limited supervisory   independence   has,   in   some   cases,   impeded   the   resolution   of deep-rooted   problems,   including   poor   lending   practices.   These   vulnerabilities are   holding   back   credit   growth   and   reducing   confidence   in   banks.
Country   authorities   have   taken   steps   to   address   these   pressures,   including through   increases   in   minimum   capital   requirements,   injections   of   capital, mergers   and   closures   of   problem   banks,   and   the   strengthening   of   supervisory laws   and   regulations.   But   more   remains   to   be   done.
A   careful   sequencing   of   reforms   is   needed,   starting   with   a   proper   identification of   bad   loans   and   capital   needs.
Second,   timely   intervention   into   weak   banks   is   essential   to   minimise   the   risk   of vulnerabilities   spreading   further   through   the   broader   financial   system.   Any government   support   should   be   provided   under   strict   conditions—for   example, funds   should   be   channeled   only   to   viable   banks   with   adequate guarantees—that   help   minimise   costs   to   the   public   sector.
Third,   liquidation   of   bad   assets,   and   openness   to   private   investment   in   the sector   should   be   pursued   transparently,   with   the   goal   of   promoting competition.
Finally,   regulators   must   continue   to   strengthen   lending   practices,   develop   and implement   crisis   management   frameworks,   and   fully   enforce   prudential regulations.
Financial   sector   repairs   will   complement   the   region’s   ongoing   fiscal,   monetary, and   structural   reforms   in   various   ways.   Fiscal   consolidation   is   needed   to address   the   wider   fiscal   deficits   and   higher   debt   generated   by   the   earlier   (and appropriate)   increases   in   public   spending   to   support   growth.   But   this   should strike   a   balance   between   supporting   economic   activity   in   the   short   term   and ensuring   sustainability   in   the   long   term,   while   prioritising   productive investments   and   protecting   the   poor.   A   strong   financial   sector   will   help   this process   by   not   only   reducing   potential   fiscal   pressures,   but   also   supporting   a successful   debt-management   strategy.
28       GEORGIA  Country  Report   October  2017                                                                                                                                                                      

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