Page 8 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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2.3     Ukrainian,   Georgian   and   Moldovan   MPs   ask   for   EU membership   perspective
Six   Ukrainian,   Georgian   and   Moldovan   MPs   have   issued   a   communique asking   the   EU   to   offer   their   countries   a   membership   perspective   at   the next   Eastern   Partnership   summit   in   November.
All   three   countries   have   signed   deep   and   comprehensive   free   trade agreements   (DCFTAs)   with   the   bloc   and   have   been   working   on   meeting   the EU's   democracy   and   economic   standards.   Many   see   the   two-speed   Eastern Partnership,   which   comprises   of   more   Europe-centred   countries   like   Ukraine, Georgia   and   Moldova,   but   also   of   Belarus,   Azerbaijan   and   Armenia,   as   a symptom   of   Brussels'   expansion   fatigue.   In   the   absence   of   political   feasibility for   further   bloc   expansion,   the   scheme   ensures   that   the   bloc's   eastern   flank   is nevertheless   aligned   with   its   values   and   markets.
In   the   communique,   the   six   authors   ask   that   the   EU   open   a   membership perspective   at   the   upcoming   summit,   that   a   new   European   investment   plan   be introduced   and   that   Brussels   supports   their   participation   in   EU   agencies   and community   programmes.
The   development   comes   with   the   European   Parliament   having   prepared   a draft   report   recommending   further   integration   between   the   bloc   and   its   eastern neighbours   by   abolishing   roaming   charges   and   developing   high-capacity broadband.
2.4     Saakashvili   joins   forces   with   opposition   leader Tymoshenko   to   oust   Poroshenko
Stateless   former   Georgian   president   Mikheil   Saakashvili   has   promised   to join   forces   with   opposition   leader   and   former   Ukrainian   prime   minister Yulia   Tymoshenko   to   oust   President   Petro   Poroshenko,   whom   he accused   of   failing   to   fulfill   promises   made   during   the   Maidan   protests.
Speaking   outside   a   hotel   in   Lviv   on   September   12,   Saakashvili   said   that   he was   not   seeking   the   presidency   for   himself   but   was   going   to   support Tymoshenko   in   the   presidential   election   slated   for   March   2019.    The   president has   been   embarrassed   and   his   position   weakened   by   Saakashvili's   stunt.    But some   commentators    have   accused   Saakashvili   of   great   irresponsibility    for breaching   the   law   in   the   way   he   did.
"I   am   fighting   against   rampant   corruption,   against   the   fact   that   oligarchs   are   in full   control   of   Ukraine   again,   against   the   fact   that   Maidan   has   been   betrayed," Saakashvili   told   journalists   at   an   impromptu   press   conference   on   the   street.
Saakashvili   was   served   legal   notice   at   the   hotel   on   August   12   by   Ukrainian authorities   for   having   forced   his   way   across   the   border   from   Poland   at   the weekend.   Ukrainian   border   guards   and   police   presented   him   with   an   official document   detailing   his   alleged   violation.
Poroshenko’s   decision   to   make   Saakashvili   stateless   in   July   (he   gave   up   his Georgian   citizenship   after   the   president   made   him   governor   of   Odessa)   has
8          GEORGIA   Country   Report    October   2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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