Page 10 - UKRRptJan21
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      2.3 ​Polls & Sociology
       Volodymyr Zelensky had an electoral rating of 27% (among decided voters),
Petro Poroshenko 14%
Yuriy Boyko 10%.
Party support:
Servant of the People 21%
Boyko’s Opposition Platform 17% Poroshenko’s European Solidarity 15%. source: Poll, Dec. 16-20
Half of Ukrainians are optimistic about 2021​, according to a nationwide poll completed Monday by Kyiv’s Rating Sociological Group. Of 2,500 people interviewed, 52% expect the new year will be better than 2020, 27% do not expect changes and 18% say it will be worse. Young people, women, residents of Kyiv and of western Ukraine were the biggest optimists.
About 71% of Ukrainians believe the nation’s affairs are going in the wrong direction​, while 18% believe they are in the right direction, according to a poll released on December 23 by the Rating Sociological Group. About 63% believe an economic crisis could be possible in the new year owing to government incompetence, compared to 23% attributing it to the coronavirus and only 9% to the war in Donbas. Only 16% believe the economic situation will improve in the next six months, compared to 47% who believe it will worsen. Meanwhile, about 70% of Ukrainians believe Ukraine’s economic conditions worsened in the last six months, while 7% have seen improvement. About 56% said the financial situation of their family has worsened, compared to 7% who have had improvement. About 65% of Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the work of President Zelenskiy, compared to 32% who are satisfied, according to the poll. However, only about 39% of the public supports early presidential elections, compared to 58% that is opposed. On the other hand, about 60% of the public believes the cabinet should be dismissed, compared to 35% opposed. Only 16% of the public is satisfied with the work of Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, compared to 65% that is dissatisfied. About 58% of the public supports early parliamentary elections, compared to 39% opposed. About 30% is satisfied with the work of Parliamentary Speaker Razumkov, compared to 51% that is dissatisfied. The poll was conducted between December 16 and 20 among 2,000 respondents.
Ukrainian President Zelensky remains the nation’s most popular politician, enjoying the trust of 44% of the public ​(compared to 53% who distrust him), according to a poll released on Dec. 2 by the Rating Sociological Group. The second-most trusted politician is Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko, who has earned the trust of 33% of the public (compared to 54% who distrust him). The third-ranked politician is former PM Volodymyr Groysman, who is trusted by 31% of the public (compared to 58% who distrust him). The poll was conducted between Nov. 28 and 30 involving 2,500 respondents. The power of celebrity is intense among Ukrainians, considering the most popular politicians are a television star and world champion boxer. Zelensky’s celebrity luster is particularly powerful as Ukrainians have decided to dump the blame for government’s failures on his righthand man Andriy Yermak (9% trust vs. 44% distrust) and the low-key PM Denys Shmyhal (15% trust vs. 46% distrust). The same poll revealed that 34% of the public can't even identify who Shmyhal is.
“Only 1 in 10 CEOs expect the investment climate to improve in 2021,” is the bleak headline on a survey of 101 managers in Ukraine conducted for European Business Association by Vasil Kisil & Partners law firm. Ukraine’s ‘investment attractiveness index’ has fallen to 2.4 points out of a possible five, the lowest level since 2013, reported the EBA. Two thirds of executives polled
 10​ UKRAINE Country Report​ January 2021 ​ ​

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