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     the development of related industries and enterprises that provide the sector with inputs.
The Russian government is focusing on creating new transport corridors to expediate economic growth and local economies. In particular the program is focusing on the Eastern and Azov-Black Sea corridors as well as the international North-South route.
A comprehensive plan of measures and projects has been developed to build high-tech infrastructure, with a total budget of over RUB4.5 trillion, including approximately RUB300bn from the federal budget.
According to a conservative forecast, cargo traffic in the North-South direction will increase by 135% from 2022, to about 32.5mn tonnes in 2023. Traffic in the Azov-Chernomorsky direction is expected to increase by almost 70% to about 300mn tonnes, and traffic in the eastern direction is expected to increase by a quarter to reach about 350mn tonnes.
In 2022, the total carrying capacity at the Eastern test site is expected to be almost 160mn tonnes, and the approaches to the seaports of the Azov-Black Sea basin will have a carrying capacity of more than 125mn tonnes.
Since the imposition of sanctions Russia’s logistics network has become increasingly clogged as many companies have been forced to redirect their exports from western ports to eastern ports as they swap European customers for Asian ones.
● Ships
The combined cargo traffic of Russian seaports rose by 0.7% on the year to 841.5mn tonnes in 2022, the Association of Commercial Sea Ports said in a statement on Thursday. Handling of dry cargoes decreased by 2% to 404.7mn tonnes, while handling of liquid cargoes grew by 3.4% to 436.8mn tonnes.
Danube shipping will transport products from Europe’s largest metal producer. Ukrainian Danube Shipping (UDS) won the HBIS Serbia tender for transporting more than 500,000 tons of the company's metallurgical products, the company reported. The contract will provide the UDS fleet with consistent work throughout the year. Ukrainian Danube Shipping is one of the largest shipping companies in the Danube region and Ukraine. It operates on the 2,400 km stretch of the Danube, from the mouth of the river to the port of Kellheim, Germany. The UDS fleet includes 75 self-propelled vessels and 245 barges.
 9.1.4 Construction & Real estate sector news
    Ukrainian developers predict a moderate increase in demand for housing in 2023 - within 15% due to the expansion of mortgage programs and a request for the restoration of de-occupied regions, but the main factor will be the success of the defence forces at the front. In the best case, in 2023, demand for new buildings can grow by only 15% compared to 2022, but it will be more than 60-70% less than in August-October 2021, predicts co-founder and managing partner of INSPI Development Volodymyr Sementsov.
 54 UKRAINE Country Report February 2023

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