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8.0  Financial & capital markets
Georgia - Commercial banks lead May-18 Mar-18 Jan-2018 Dec- 2017 Dec-2016 indicators
Interest income (GEL mn)
274.79 269.49 257.51 275.70 227.44
Net profit / loss (GEL mn)
68.27 75.68 68.55 869.80 679.11
Bank assets (GEL mn)
35,251.76 34,272.35 33,748.40 34,593.50 30,149.32
Bank deposits (GEL mn)
15,557.27 15,346.53 15,059.04 15,717.54 13,662.0
Bank loans (GEL mn)
21,979.38 21,342.89 20,951.80 21,369.76 18,100.89
ROA (%)
/ 3.0% / 3.10% 2.0%
ROE (%)
/ 22.6% / 23.3% 13.5%
CAR (%)
/ 19.0% 18.3% 15.2% 17.3%
NPL (%)
/ 2.4% / 2.8% 3.4%
Source: National Bank of Georgia
8.1  Bank sector overview
Georgia’s banks assets up 1% m/m in May
The total assets of Georgia’s 16 commercial banks rose 1.0% in May compared to the previous month to reach GEL35.3bn, the Georgian central bank said.
The banking sector's own funds (equity capital) amounted to GEL4.6bn, which makes up 13.1% of the commercial banks’ total assets.
Meanwhile, the volume of lending increased by 1.1% m/m in May to GEL21.9bn as of June 1, the central bank said in a series of updates on the banking sector.
29  GEORGIA Country Report  July 2018

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