Page 3 - bne magazine July 2022_20220704
P. 3

 bne July 2022 Contents I 3
 34 EU to use €2.4bn of carbon credit cash to fund green projects in CEE
35 UN stresses green issues are key to reducing poverty and boosting sustainability
36 Uzbekistan’s IT sector on fire and targeting the vast US market
42 Global red warning lights are flashing as stagflation looms
44 World hit by interest rate and inflation shock says IIF
46 Turkey’s despair rating score is worse than war torn Ukraine’s
49 'Sugar rush' in Uzbekistan as prices skyrocket
43 Why Kosovo is one of the fastest growing economies in emerging Europe
44 Coaldependent Kosovo prepares for leap to renewables
45 Auto components manufacturing starts shift from war-afflicted Emerging Europe to North Africa
47 Reforms and privatisation to drive Uzbekistan’s mid-term growth
50 Ukraine set to dominate Czech EU presidency
51 Brussels to release recovery fund cash for Poland despite doubts over rule of law reform
52 Estonia’s PM kicks Centre party out of governing coalition
56 Bulgaria’s reformist government loses no- confidence vote
57 Turkey on verge of total bankruptcy says Erdogan’s former economy czar
59 High-ranking politicians from Serbia and Bosnia attend ‘Russia’s Davos’ shunned by West
60 Ukraine and Moldova granted EU candidate status in face of Russian aggression
63 Ukraine’s budget is underfunded and in need of Western help
65 FBK accuses Putin and Miller of using Gazprom as “bottomless purse” in latest scandal report
66 Ukraine calls for a total ban on all Russians travelling overseas
68 Claims Ukrainian grain shipped from Crimea to Turkey could test Ankara- Kyiv relations
69 Belarus will make its Eurobond payments in Belarusian rubles
70 Face to face with Putin, Kazakhstan’s president refuses to recognise Ukraine breakaway republics
72 Georgian government braces for blocking of EU candidacy
73 China hectors Central Asia to steer clear of big power politics
74 Kazakhs vote to confirm removal of Nazarbayev’s grip on power
75 After 675 years researchers conclude Kyrgyzstan was the home of the Black Death
76 Ukraine should not have to pay for this war
78 The world continues to hurtle towards recession and potentially financial crisis
79 How to keep the EU accession dream alive
82 Estonia’s President Alar Karis
85 Ukrainians expect conflict to intensify – RIWI

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