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 54 I Southeast Europe bne March 2023
On February 17, 2008, Kosovo’s parliament declared independence
and Hashim Thaci, a former KLA political leader, became prime minister. Fatmir Sejdiu was the first president of independent Kosovo.
Serbia disputed the legality of the declaration of independence and asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to determine if it was legal. The ICJ concluded that the declaration did
not violate international law and as
a result the UN adopted a joint Serbia- EU resolution, which initiated
an EU-mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.
Milosevic was indicted in May 1999
by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for crimes against humanity in Kosovo and other charges. On March 11, 2006, Milosevic was found dead in his prison cell in The Hague detention centre.
More recently, high-ranking Kosovan politicians have also been called to account. Two decades after the war, Thaci faces trial in The Hague. In June 2020, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office filed an ten-count indictment against Thaci and three former KLA commanders
for crimes against humanity. As well
as being the first prime minister of independent Kosovo, Thaci also served as Kosovo’s president in the period from April 2016 until November 2020, when he was sent to the detention centre.
Escalation in 2022
In 2013, the two sides reached the Brussels Agreement, intended as a foundation for future cooperation and a starting point for reaching a final agreement on the normalisation of their relations.
However, progress since then has been sporadic and 15 years after the declaration of independence, Kosovo and Serbia are still at odds.
The last time the situation escalated was in the summer of 2022 when Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti decided not to recognise ID cards and
car number plates issued by Serbian authorities for Serbs living in Kosovo. He asked Serbs to change their car number plates for Kosovan ones. The move sparked protests and rebellious Serbs in the north started erecting barricades, which was supported by the Serbian authorities.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claimed the new rules meant that Kurti had plans to expel Serbs from Kosovo, and he said that Serbia would not allow this to happen.
The situation calmed down before the New Year holiday, when Vucic, under international pressure, ordered Kosovan Serbs to remove barricades from the roads.
Maximum efforts
With war now raging in Ukraine, EU
and US officials are doing all they can
to bring the two sides to the negotiation table to find a comprehensive solution to their dispute in order to avoid another conflict in Europe.
The latest French-German proposal for Belgrade and Pristina was accepted in principle by Kurti. Vucic seems ready to
might resemble a mini-state, which would be under Serbian control.
The ultimate goal for the Kosovan side is recognition, but Belgrade still refuses to recognise Kosovo as a separate country. If the plan is accepted, Serbia should allow Kosovo’s entry into international institutions, such as the UN and the Council of Europe. Vucic says that recognition of Kosovo by Serbia was
not mentioned in the plan.
Currently Kosovo is recognised by more than 100 countries, but five EU member countries, as well as Serbia’s allies Russia and China, still refuse to accept Kosovo's independence.
Resolving the situation would allow
both countries to progress towards
EU accession, and would also
improve Kosovo’s image in the eyes
of international investors. At present, investors are reluctant to come to Kosovo as the situation there is still unstable.
The country of 1.8mn people has one of the highest jobless rates in Europe, and is also struggling with high corruption, a flagging economy
and energy issues.
“With war now raging in Ukraine, EU and US officials are doing all they can to bring the two sides to the negotiation table to find
a comprehensive solution and avoid another conflict in Europe”
discuss the plan, but has been criticised by the opposition. The plan sparked divisions in Serbia and snap elections are not excluded.
One sticking point is the Association of Serb Municipalities. Belgrade wants Kosovo to allow the formation of the association in order to discuss the French-German plan further.
However, the authorities in Pristina fear that setting up such association would harm Kosovo’s national interests as it
With the north still unstable, the Nato-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR is present with about 3,700 soldiers. Kosovo’s Security Force (KSF) is tasked to defend the territorial integrity of the country and is under the control of KFOR. Since 2018, KSF has been in the process of transformation into an army, which is expected to take 10 years.

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