P. 26

What to Expect Once Your Home Hits the Market
We like to list all homes on Thursday each week with showings to begin on Friday. This allows me to drum up a lot of buzz around your house for the weekend. After all, the majority of buyers are searching on the weekends.
Your home is always shown to buyers with a licensed real estate agent present. We subscribe to a showing service that approves showings to licensed agents only. Should someone from the public wish to see the home, either the DREAM Team or a licensed member of our of office will be present to show them. A lock box will be placed on the front of the home with access only given to agents. The first few weekends is when you will see the most action on your home and it is imperative to allow every showing request you can. We generally allow showings from 8 am to 8 pm. If buyers cannot see the home then they won’t want to buy it. Sellers who restrict showings have their homes sit on the market longer than those that do not. We can come up with a custom plan for showings that best fits your schedule along with maximizing the potential to sell during the first few weekends.
Though, sometimes a hassle, it is important to keep the home tidy and “show ready” at all times. Buyers perceive an untidy house as a negative. You want to present your home in the best possible condition at all times. Serious buyers like to open closets and kitchen drawers so they can see the space and envision their own stuff in them. We recommend locking up or removing any valuables while your home is on the market since there will be various buyers in your home throughout the listing period.
A lot goes into an offer besides just price. You want to take a look at the terms and conditions as well. We will go over all of the pros and cons to make sure you accept the offer that makes the most sense for you.

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