Page 11 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 International Light Association
The felds of light, colour and sound are often specialised into sub- groups – lighting and design, industrial pigmenting, optometry, medicine, art therapy, mental and physical health, educational and remedial support, and equipment development, to name but a few. These, though sharing a passion and understanding of light, may not collaborate or even communicate and thus, with the express goals of both connecting those with expertise in light and colour and of raising awareness, the International Light Association (ILA), was founded in Belgium in 2003. The ILA mission is to share and disseminate information, educate, initiate and promote research, and create an open-hearted, broad-minded and integrative community in the felds of light, colour and sound.
This book, drawn from the work of speakers who have presented at the now sixteen years of annual ILA conferences, supports you the reader in fnding information, guidelines and inspiration in the complex, astonishingly beautiful feld of light. Science is daily gaining, or validating, understanding of how vibration and frequencies impact all aspects of the living world, not only ourselves, but equally fora and fauna. Here is your opportunity to join the conversation.
A treat for the senses, a challenge for the mind, a wake-up call to environmental awareness.
The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness takes you to a
 place at once novel and familiar. Read on!
Thelma van der Werff & Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen
With Love & Gratitude

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