Page 110 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 Water and materials testing
The obtained data showed that the electrophotonic method has high selectivity and sensitivity when used for the study of liquid-phase objects, in particular, various types of structured water, oils, and biological liquids. The obtained information depends on the chemical composition of the water, but the determining and most interesting dependency is that of the structural composition of the liquid. The electrophotonic parameters are determined by the emission activity of the surface layer of the liquid, which depends on the presence of surface-active valences. This property is obviously determined by the structure of the near-surface clusters, which means the electrophotonic method is one of the informative methods for the study of structural-informational properties of liquids. At present, several research lines have been developed to study different liquids, including blood [].
The method of electrophotonic imaging has had much development in recent years, mostly with the introduction of the Bio-Well device and internet-based processing of information. Thousands of medical doctors, practitioners and researchers are using Bio- Well GDV devices in more than 70 countries and this amount is growing.
We are Light Beings and we need to show this to people.
Further Information: Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, Professor St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia,
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3. Korotkov K.G. The Energy of Health. Publishing, 2017.
4. Polushin J, Levshankov A, Shirokov D, Korotkov K. Monitoring Energy Levels during treatment with GDV Technique. J Sci Healing Outcome. 2009, 2(5): 5-15.
5. Jakovleva E, Korotkov K. Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine. GDV Bioelectrography research, Publishing, 2012: 1-160.
6. Augner Chr, Hacker GW, Schwarzenbacher S, Pauser G. Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): Eine auf physikalischen Methoden und Meridiananalysen basierende Technik zur Untersuchung von Stressreaktionen und energetischen Schwachstellen – Zwischenbericht laufender Forschung. (GDV: A Technique Based on Physical Methods and Meridian Analyses to Detect Stress Reactions and Energetic Weaknesses. Report of Ongoing Research.) German Journal of Acupuncture & Related Techniques 2010; 53: 14-20.
7. Polushin J, Levshankov A, Shirokov D, Korotkov K. Monitoring Energy Levels during

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