Page 203 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 203
More than a decade later, thousands of people had learned about the therapeutic side of colour in healing and art, but there was always something missing: colour therapy was still not part of their lives. The price of the state-of-the art colour therapy devices like Bioptron’s products made healing with light inaccessible to many. Colour therapy needed to be readily available, affordable and easy to use so it could slowly become an essential part of daily hygiene, but there was nothing out there to fulfl these requirements.
After three years of magnanimous and complicated models, basic simplicity was the answer: I had a simple-to-use portable and affordable colour therapy torch that costs no more that a single holistic treatment. Colour Therapy in a nutshell: a small LED torch, battery operated with a custom-made rubber ftting into which seven handmade glass flters can be easily attached and removed, according to the colour light needed. A step- by-step manual with 21 tried and tested colour therapy treatments accompanies this small portable torch.
Each treatment is based on a map of pressure points that follow Peter Mandel’s method of colour puncture. During the 25 years of my massage and colour therapy practise those 21 treatments were my bread and butter, for my clients, family and friends. The illuminated torch, ftted with a coloured flter, lightly touches the skin for one minute per pressure point, or half a minute for children and babies. Each treatment in the book accurately shows which colour to use and precisely where to apply it, as well as the list of imbalances it can help to harmonise. We call the imbalances ‘illnesses’ and the harmony ‘health’.
The frst treatment in the book, Energy Balance, is a six minute routine (or three minutes for babies) that can be part of our daily regimen. In the same way we brush our teeth every morning, we can balance our energy to kick start our day. Headaches, menopause, colic, sleeping diffculties and lack of concentration are among the 21 symptoms addressed in the manual. I keep my colour therapy torch and flters in a silk pouch in my handbag always ready for action.
My wish and intention is that through this basic, affordable torch a wide audience gets familiar with the healing properties of colour light. Once Colour Light Therapy becomes a necessary part of our-well being, there are some amazing, scientifcally-proven colour therapy devices that one can invest on. The new generation is open to alterative healing; it is our mission to educate them about therapies that play such a fundamental part in our own lives and professions.
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