Page 242 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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I have been a student of vision and light for 46 years as a practicing Doctor of Optometry. The breadth and depth of vision and light is still unfathomable but exhilarating to study. As a doctor my emphasis has been the therapeutic application of light and color to treat vision problems.
Vision is so much more than acuity or eyesight. Vision emerges from many feedback biological systems such as posture, cervical, vestibular, non -cortical, cortical, circulatory , respiratory, digestive, and emotional centers to name a few. Ultimately vision is a chief part of consciousness and cognition. The sensory and motor inputs and outputs comprise the function of many visual skills in gathering light. These include eye coordination, focusing, tracking, visualization, peripheral and central processing of the visual felds. Loss of regulation and control of theses skills can be restored through sensory-motor training and the application of specifc light frequencies into the eye, as in Syntonic Phototherapy.
The true nature of light had been debated for thousands of years. The physics of light was the life long study of Albert Einstein who, in the end, said its mystery may never be fully understood by the rational mind. The therapeutic application for color and light is widespread and is wonderfully explored in Anadi Martel's book Light Therapy.
My own study of light has focused on physiology, neurology, psychology, and physics as they apply to visual science. The science of using light and color to treat visual problems has been incomplete. The ocular and non ocular (sub cortical) neurological pathways have been clearly described but how the actions affect healing of visual problems is now beginning to be understood. Science is now emerging that begins to clarify the healing power of light. Answers lie in quantum and biological physics. From the work of Bishof and Oschman, biophysics can now theorize how the millions of biochemical reactions in our cells and throughout the body are regulated by photons, through the water and crystal matrix. Chromophores, photo acceptor molecules found throughout the body that receive light energy to be used for energy production, storage, and chemical signaling in a myriad of biological feed-back loops. The effects of light on cellular physiology and chemistry begins to explain the immense power of photo- biological modulation. All applications of light for healing have a foundation in frequency medicine.
The recognition that all matter and energy have specifc inherent frequencies is primary to the feld of Syntonic Photo-therapy. Syntonic Therapy is the ocular application of specifc frequencies to balance the

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