Page 63 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 63

 The Hygeia Spine chart colour test
The 32 vertebrae of the spine are represented in 4 major areas: the mental, emotional, metabolic and physical area. Each area consists of 8 vertebrae in the same order of 8 colours: magenta, violet, blue, turquoise, green, yellow, orange and red.
The mental area having 7 cervical and one thoracic vertebrae, meaning the Ego, Thoughts, the intellect. {
The emotional area consists of 8 thoracic vertebrae, where relationships, emotions are expressed.
The metabolic area includes 3 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae and means metabolic processes and the small home ( homestead ) and bigger home (birth family).
The physical area corresponds to the Sacrum (8 vertebrae) and means physical activities, habits and sexuality.
Every day some vertebrae in our spine are active and refect the themes in our life, we are active with or dealing with.{
The spine chart colour test gives clear indication of colour energies in the body and informs on which level of being - mental, emotional, metabolic and physical - there are imbalances or blockages. As each colour possesses specifc meanings, depending on the level, the overall picture informs what the client is dealing with and in which areas he is in “a fow”, which areas are blocked or stressed. Typically, 8-15 vertebrae are active.{ The Chart produces a unique pattern and changes constantly.
Once flled in pairs of complementary colours are joined. If every active vertrebrae can be joined with a complementary colour, then there is balance in the respective area of life. Colours bridged indicate a healthy exchange of energy within the body and a free fow of communication between the areas.
Vertebrae, which do not have a complementary pair, are called unbridged colours, as they are in imbalance. They are the needed treatment colours. If more than one unbridged colour is found, the treatment colour is the one with the strongest signal, plus it´s complementary colour.
As every vertebrae also has a physical, organic equivalent, it can be seen, which organs are in danger to be affected by a longer blockage or imbalance.{
Therefore this test is an excellent preventive technique.

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