Page 68 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 68

 The complementary pairs:
Red: Strength, energy, vitality Turquoise: Activating, raises blood pressure calming, purifying
Orange: Joy, indulgence, movement, Blue: peace,
immunity, nerve anti-infammatory ,
antidepressive, appetizing, uplifting
Yellow: Let go, detachment, concentration, intellect, calcium
relaxing, promotes sleep, lowers blood pressure, pain
Green: Balance, harmony, neutrality,
helps consistency and heart-centered assertion
relief, stimulates memory
Violet: self-respect, dignity, feelings of hope and value
Magenta: change, let go of old habit,
promotes meditation stability ,
Complementary colours, their correlation and effects are psychologically noteworthy. To give the reader an example I would like to take out the complementary pair Blue and Orange:
If a client`s chart shows the colour blue blocked or if a client is in need of the treatment colour blue, this is because there might be too much stress in general, no time for self or eating, no free time, nervousness, lack of sleep, sleep deprivation. In this case the capacity of joy and indulgence is often also affected, which can lead to a lack of appetite and even depression.
If the client’s chart shows a blockage of the colour orange, this means a lack of positive thoughts, lack of joy in relationships and daily routines or of indulgence with food. This can lead to affecting the blue household and to nervousness, stress related symptoms, sleeplessness and a general lack of peace and relaxation.
The blue orange household and it`s imbalance can be read as a very simplifed explanation of depression.
Further information:, ___
{ Theo Gimbel:Healing Through Colour, 1980, C.W.Daniel{
Theo Gimbel: Form, Sound, Colour and Healing, 1990, C.W.Daniel
{ Theo Gimbel:The Book of Colour Healing, 1994, Gaia Books{ Johannes Pawlik :Goethe- Farbenlehre, 1990, Du Mont Buchverlag Köln{ Rudolf Steiner: Das Wesen der Farben, 1980, Rudolf Steiner Verlag
Gabrielle M. Buresch-Teichmann, co-author: 20 bewährte Naturheilverfahren, 1997, Milena Verlag {

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