Page 74 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 74

 nocturnal insects or small animals. With LAN increased such plants will rarely if ever fower or reproduce. Not only the plants but their pollinator species as well are affected. As an aside on light as colour, it is often the case that strongly scented, white-blossomed plants are pollinated at night as the whiteness and scent aid the night-pollinators in fnding the fowers. Red fowered, non-heavily scented plants are generally pollinated in the daytime by birds, whose eyesight is keen but sense of smell little developed.
Anecdotal evidence of LAN and trees brings stories of mangos producing fruit way beyond the usual season, but only on the side of the tree continually exposed to a street light. And again, with full street lighting, there are Florida palms that never fower because the photo-periodicity required to do so never happens. For deciduous trees, being in continual 24/7 light means the growth period may be extended way past the normal time thus the shedding of leaves followed by dormancy is delayed. A possible consequence is that ice and snow are able to build up as would be less likely on bare branches, the tree is weakened by the added weight, and broken limbs ensue. Arborists note that the foliage of trees grown in continuous light is more susceptible to air pollution and water stress, and the trees are less viable.
With light pollution, some species of fsh are reported to be emboldened, leaving protective cover at inopportune times. The hormone systems of wallabies are disrupted leading to delayed reproduction with young being born past the time food sources are optimal. Corals spawn only in darkness and with shoreline illumination at night, are failing to reproduce.
This is but a cursory overview of LAN, life, and the ecological balance vital to the web of existence. However, even from these few illustrations, it can be seen that the effect of LAN reaches far, and the light we so enjoy at night may not be good for us, or our fellow earth-dwellers.
Further information:

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