Page 46 - The Paduan Summer 2021
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Jeffrey A. Tuma ’82, father of Jessica Tuma ’07; brother of Robert Tuma ’80, Gregory Tuma ’81, Brian Tuma ’84, Scott Tuma ’88, Christopher Tuma ’90 and Doug Tuma ’92; Uncle of Julia Tuma ’19
Frank J. Valenta, father of Jim Valenta ’75 (deceased) Josef “Sepp” Viehbeck, father of Kurt Viehbeck ’81; grandfather of Karl Viehbeck ’11 and Katharina Viehbeck ’13
Donald A. Webber ’92
Lawrence R. Wenz ’71
Patricia M. White, mother of Timothy F. White, Jr. ’84 and Robert J. White ’86
Daniel P. Wolan ’82
Rachel Zangardi, mother of Leonard Zangardi (deceased) ’74
Frances M. Zavesky, mother of David Zavesky ’76, Ray Zavesky ’77, Tom Zavesky ’78 and Steve Zavesky ’83
Harriet E. Zawie, mother of Greg Zawie ’87 and Karen (Zawie) Stakolitch ’89 (Scott Stakolitch ’81)
Albert F. Zdolshek, father of Gary Zdolshek ’71, Dennis Zdolshek ’73, Alan Zdolshek ’74, Dale Zldokshek ’76 and Glen Zdolshek ’79
Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Please share any news of members of our Padua family who have passed by emailing us at
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Send us news of your career, graduations, marriages, births, travels, gatherings with classmates or anything newsworthy that you're willing to share. For inclusion in the next Paduan magazine, email your info to alumni@
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Request a Baby Bib for a Future Bruin!
Alumni can request a baby bib for a Future Bruin by filling out the form online or emailing
Please include the following information:
First & Last Name | Maiden Name (if applicable) Alumni’s Graduation Year | Baby’s Name
Baby’s Birth Month | Address | Phone | Email
Address changes and all correspondence to:
Padua Franciscan High School | Advancement Office
6740 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
Tel: 440-845-8224 | Email:
Attention All Newlyweds
Alumni who recently have been married and share their exciting news and photo with us will receive a Padua Christmas ornament. Email your news to
Please include the following information:
First & Last Name | Maiden Name (if applicable) Alumni’s Graduation Year | Address | Phone | Email
Submit story ideas to the following:
Rachel (Teron) DeGirolamo ’02
Director of Communication & PR
Follow us on social media @paduafranciscan