Page 58 - The Paduan: Winter 2020
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Michael S. Roztas ’92, father of
Jimmy Roztas ’21, and Jenna Roztas ’24
Mary I. Ruggiero, mother of Frank Ruggiero ’74 and Sandra (Joe Schuerger, Board of Trustee member); grandmother to Joey Schuerger ’09 and Dominique (LoSchiavo) Main ’09
John R. Russell ’80, brother of Jim Russell ’82 and Joe Earhart ’69
Nicholas M. Saintz ’08, brother of Stephen Saintz ’04 John Salettel ’69, brother of Bill Salettel ’75
Daniel J. Schill, father of Daniel J. Schill II ’83
Frank J. Schilling, step-father of Valerie
(Bonacci) Stuber ’96
Douglas Scholle, father of Heather Scholle ’94, Julie Scholle ’98 and Lauren (Scholle) Solander ’00;
grandfather of Hayden Speeth ’19 and
Samson Speeth ’21
Margaret A. Schram, mother of Joseph Schram ’79, John Schram ’80 and Bill Schram ’86
Norman Schuette, father of Rob Schuette ’93;
grandfather of RJ Schuette ’19
William J. Sebjenics ’70
Scott Andrew Sechler ’13, brother of Samantha
Sechler ’11
Maureen Sedlak, sister of John Sedlak ’71
Fr. Ildephonse Skorup, an original friar faculty
member of Padua
Rebecca Ann Stary, mother of Kristen (Stary) ’87
(Marty ’86) Vrsansky and Lauren (Stary) Pilarski ’92 Gregory J. Stefaniak ’69, brother of Carl Stefaniak ’72 Patricia “Pat” Strejnowski, mother of Dave Clark ’87
and Karen Strejnowski ’98
Richard T. Stropki ’70
Carol Lynn (Kocur) Styles ’95
Stephen “Steve” Sykora ’86
Jeffrey T. Trotter, father of Lauren Trotter ’12;
brother-in-law of David Discenza ’66
David J. Vasarhelyi ’85, brother of John Vasarhelyi ’83
and Mark Vasarhelyi ’89
Franklin Vergilii, father of Mark ’89 (Jennifer, former
Board of Trustee member); father-in-law of Tom
Bandwen ’85; uncle of Rich Marrapese ’86 Dieter H. Vetter ’80
Blanche Ann Wallace, mother of Kevin Wallace ’85
and Brian Wallace ’88; grandmother of Robert Wallace ’12, Alyssa Wallace ’14, Lynsey Wallace ’17 and Bradley Wallace ’17
Timothy F. White, father of Timothy F. White, Jr. ’84 and Robert J. White ’86
Roger Wilczewski ’74
Karen (Lucchese) Wiltman, sister of Phil Lucchese ’81 James Allen Worgull, father of Jason Worgull ’91
and Brian Worgull ’01
Janet M. Zust, mother of Dan Zust ’76
Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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Rachel (Teron) DeGirolamo ’02
Director of Communication & PR
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