Page 20 - Diving In India Demo
P. 20
15.Frogfish 16.Garden Eels
• Interes3ng facts about the dive site
Lots of interes3ng juvenile marine life can be seen here. Due to the proximity of the backwaters, the nutrient flow helps the growth of algae in abundance, which in turn boosts the popula3on of Nudibranchs and Seahorses.
4. Tex Mex:
• Intro & History
It is a shallow and one of the best sites with a variety of marine life. It was found in early 2016 when lead instructor Jonah was leading a dive for a couple from Texas and Mexico. Hence it was coined “Tex Mex”. There is also an old and rusty anchor here. This site is covered with juvenile fishes and coral spouts. Being covered in rocks, and the discovery of the anchor, this dive site holds many mysteries deep beneath its surface that s3ll need uncovering.
• Features
Boulders on a sandy boOom
• Suitable level for divers
Fun divers (Scuba diver cer3fied and up), Discover Scuba Divers
• Depth 12 meters
• General Fish life (rated 1-5)
Grouper, Nudibranch, Bannerfish, Lobster, Scorpionfish, Trumpeuish, Moray Eel, Parrouish, Cleaner Wrasse, Pufferfish, Cleaner Shrimp, Starfish, Dancing Durban shrimp, Sea urchin, BuOerflyfish, Sea Cucumbers.
Ra3ng -3
• Coral (rated 1-5)
Fan corals and whip corals
Ra3ng -3
• Currents
Mild to moderate currents usually from North to South direc3on
• Visibility Average 5 meters
• Temp