Page 28 - Diving In India Demo
P. 28
• Map
• Images of fish and reef 3-4
• Interes3ng facts about the dive sites
Divers can see lots of Nau3lus in this dive site. The chances of spokng Nau3lus and Dogfish among the rocks and sandy areas are quite high here. Look for the gaps under the rocks to spot these amazing creatures.
9. Pirates Booty:
• Intro & History
This site was found while diving from a mini live aboard during a weekend sleepover out at sea with some brave divers and the Temple Team. The coordinates came from the fishermen, and the divers explored the site. One can find clusters of rocky forma3on in the whole reef. Moreover, since it was a pirate themed mini live aboard with everyone on board wearing a pirate costume, this site has been named the "Pirates Booty".
• Features
Rocks scaOered on a sandy boOom
• Suitable level for divers
Fun divers (Advanced Open water cer3fied and plus)
Students undergoing Advanced Open water cer3fica3on course
• Depth
24 meters max depth
• General Fish life (rated 1-5)
33. Dogfish
5. Sawtooth barracuda
10. Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp
4. Baeish