Page 243 - OCE18 Flip Book
P. 243
S 202 SNOW – Song
Snow Hill Christian Church
300 Park Row SnwHl 410 632-4629
Snow Hill Citizens For Decent Housing
310 Greenbrier Dr SnwHl 410 632-0688
Snyder Richard 301 14th St OC 21842410 289-1799 S Snyder Robert & Joan 9400 Coastal Hwy OC410 723-3286
Snyder Stacey 204 Senators Way Brln 21811 410 641-9904 S Snyder Troy 37500 Leisure Dr Slbyvl 19975 302 988-1595
E 303 N Washington St Snow Hill 21863 410 632-2551 Snow Hill Drawbridge Pocomoke River SnwHl 410 632-0511
Snow Hill Elementary School
515 Coulbourne Ln SnwHl 21863410 632-5210
Snow Hill Family Medicine
428 W Market St SnwHl 410 632-0892
Snow Hill Fire Dept 4718 Snow Hill Rd SnwHl410 632-2110 Snow Hill Foodrite 308 E Market St SnwHl410 632-2746 Snow Hill Grain Inc 308 Timmons St SnwHl 410 632-1388 Snow Hill Health Dept
6040 Public Landing Rd SnwHl 410 632-1100 Snow Hill High School
315 Holly Ln SnwHl 410 632-3177 Snow Paula 1 The Point Brln 21811 410 600-0708
500 W Loockerman St Dvr 19904877 701-2141 S Social Security-National Toll Free 800 772-1213
Soda Jessica 5 51st St Unit 5 OC 21842 443 664-7683 S Sodaro Michael J & Gloria S
305 S Church St SnwHl 21863410 632-5270 Snow Hill Library 307 N Washington St SnwHl410 632-3495 Snow Hill Lions Club
11601 Back Creek Rd Bshpvl 410 352-5088
Soghomonian John Bshpvl410 352-5909 S Soistman R 11305 Marina Dr Apt 41 Brln 21811410 600-4777 S Soistman Richard 259 Ocean Pkwy Brln 21811410 600-0349
Sokel E 58th St & Atlantic OC 21842 410 524-5805 S Sokol Marianne 11 143rd St Unit 207 OC 21842410 250-6263 S Solan James 38831 Bayview E Slbyvl 19975302 436-8124
Solar Eli 10039 Beaverdam Creek Rd Brln410 641-0352
Solid Waste Authority Delaware
5458 Market St SnwHl 21863410 632-9860 Snow Hill Mennonite Church
5927 Worcester Hwy SnwHl410 632-2734 Snow Hill Middle School
522 Coulbourne Ln SnwHl 21863410 632-5240 snow hill PhArmAcy
5610 Market St Unit 2 Snow Hill 21863 410 632-3500 Snow Hill Post Office
Citizens’ Response Line800 404-7080 Solie Christin 36358 Day Lily Pkwy Slbyvl 19975302 988-2103 Solito Mark 11464 Maid At Arms Ln Brln 21811443 664-6799 Solle Cindy 745 Mooring Rd Unit 203 OC 21842 443 373-2124 Solley Charles 606 Dory Rd Unit 205 OC 21842410 390-3494 Sollod Karen 158 Clam Shell Rd OC 21842443 373-2658 Solomon Eli 204 S Heron Dr OC410 723-2262 Solomon Elyse 144 Newport Bay Dr OC 21842410 524-6572 Solomon Jeanne 14324 Wight St OC 410 250-6025 Solomon Josef Rabbi Slsbry410 742-2564 Solomon Richard
306 N Washington St SnwHl410 632-1275 Snow Hill Public Works Office
213 Cypress Ln SnwHl 410 632-1163 Snow Hill Senior Apts
4854 Washington St SnwHl 410 632-1990 N Snow Hill Transfer Station
O Snow Stephanie Chariss
11226 Assateague Rd Brln 21811 410 973-2265
36367 Sunflower Blvd Slbyvl 19975302 988-1914 Solovey Leesa & John 21 Royal Oaks Dr Brln 410 208-1381 Solowski Dennis
Snowden Damon OcnPns 410 973-1167 Snowden Wayne
38804 Cleveland Ave Slbyvl 19975 302 436-6496 Snowhill Flower And Gift Shop
105 63rd St Unit 104 OC 21842 443 664-2330
Solt Arthur 35 Footbridge Trail Brln410 208-9016
Solum Edward 211 Teal Circle Brln 21811410 600-4163 S Solutions LCB S
Q 218 Washington St SnwHl 410 632-2477 Snug Harbor Canvas 12636 Sunset Ave OC 410 213-1984
R Snyder Adam 60 Lighthouse Rd Slbyvl 19975 302 524-8495 Snyder Allan 130 Teal Circle OcnPns410 208-1025
412 E North Pointe Dr Apt 125 Slsbry 21804443 944-0301 S Solutions Plus 35583 Atlantic Avenue Millville 302 539-6421
Snyder Barbara
36442 Wild Rose Circle Slbyvl 19975302 436-4318
Snyder Blair 4 Beach Ct Lot 218 Brln 21811410 600-4043 Snyder Chris 12810 Heathland Dr Bshpvl 21813443 727-3131 Snyder Christin
11615 Shipwreck Rd Unit 6 OC 21842410 390-5228
T Snyder D J 13001 Wight St OC 410 250-4662 Snyder Diane 3301 Points Reach Brln 21811410 600-0934 Snyder Donna 8 Robin Hood Trail Brln 21811443 513-4024
U Snyder Harold OC 410 524-5466 Snyder J Rt 54 Slbyvl 19975302 436-9095
Solyak George 508 Tidewater Cove Brln 21811410 600-0922 Somd Oag Ocean City Rd Brln 410 641-1387 10323 Ocean Gateway Brln410 641-3204 13000 Ocean Gateway OC 410 289-7126 1 W Market St SnwHl410 632-3359 Somers Linda Stcktn410 632-0203
Somerset Choice Station Antiques
11731 Somerset Ave Princess Anne 21853410 651-2238
Somerset & Crisfield County Airport
4784 Jacksonville Rd Crsfld410 968-3062
Snyder William S 12820 Whisper Trace Dr OC 21842410 213-8272
snow hill ciTy of
refer To The government (Blue) Pages in The front of The Book
Snow Hill Clinic 6040 Public Landing Rd SnwHl 410 632-1100 Snow Hill Deliverance Center
Sobkowiak John 134 Clam Shell Rd OC 21842410 723-2639
Sobol Kelly 509 Sunlight Ln Unit 2 Brln 21811 443 513-4860 S SoBo’s Wine Bistro S
108 Stevens St SnwHl410 632-0007 snow hill denTAl AssociATes llc
1015 Eastern Shore Dr Slsbry 21804 410 219-1117 S Sobota F 20 Bridgewater Rd OcnPns 410 208-1125 S Sobus Miranda 53 Seafarer Ln Brln 21811 410 600-4052
Socha Donna 8 Henrys Mill Dr Brln 21811443 513-4932 S Social Security Administration S
Sobczak Karen 629 94th St OC 21842 410 524-2890 S Sober Theodore & Ann S Black Bart Trail Slbyvl 19975 302 436-4983 S
2608 Baltimore Ave OC410 289-3864 S Sodaro Susanne OC410 524-2258
Soft Touch Car Wash North S
2755 N Salisbury Blvd Slsbry 21801410 742-1090
SOG Construction Company Inc S
11602 Shipwreck Rd Apt B OC 21842410 520-0027
Sommers Robert 110 Old Wharf Rd OC 21842410 723-2704
Sommers Rosemary S
Snyder James
28972 Cordgrass Circle Slbyvl 19975 302 988-2908
Snyder James 38229 New Rd Slbyvl 19975302 988-2157 Snyder John & Sue
12842 Fox Ridge Ct Bshpvl 21813 410 352-3003 Snyder Joy 10306 Willow Dale Ct OC 21842410 390-3354 Snyder Keith 10050 Golf Course Rd OC410 213-0997
Somerset Jewelers Inc 412 S Atlantic Ave OC 410 289-7011 Somerville Thos Co The
X Snyder Larry 8 39th St #401 OC 21842 443 664-5324 Snyder Larry D 429 14th St OC 21842410 289-2959 Snyder Lynne 7 White Horse Dr OcnPns410 208-1592 Snyder Michael
154 Peach Tree Rd OC 21842410 390-7906 Sommerset Community Service
6855 Mt Vernon Ave Slsbry 21801410 572-2714 Son Graphics
4701 Atlantic Ave Apt 23 OC 21842443 664-7717 Snyder Michael
107 Convention Center Dr Unit 77b OC 21842410 524-3955 Snyder Patricia 125 Ocean Pkwy Brln 21811 410 600-0018
2300 N Salisbury Blvd Slsbry 21801410 202-3103 S Son Spot Ministries 12 Worcester St OC 410 289-1296
Song Martin 4500 Coastal Hwy OC410 524-1951 S
11002 Cathell Rd OcnPns410 641-5020 Somin Lawrence E & Marie F
13 Egret Rd Slbyvl 19975 302 436-4437 Sommer Henry