Page 182 - REH19
P. 182
Pirates – POLICE 141 P
3 Pirates Cove Motel RhbthBch227-2844 6 Pirisino James 38672 Bright Ocean Way Slbyvl 19975 524-8179 4 Pirkle Janice 379 Lakeside Dr Lws 19958827-4636 6 Pirkle Linda 20 Nell Loop RhbthBch 19971 278-7636 3 Pirro Maragret 3 Jodi Ct Lot 110 OcnVw 19970 616-4456 1 Pirrone Piera 22733 Church Creek Dr Lncln 19960684-1673
6 Pisani Danny 132 Irons Ave Mllsbro 19966663-0317
7 Pisani Renee 20691 Tradewinds Ct Unit 6 RhbthBch 19971226-2982
7 Pisano Nicholas 33626 E Hunters Run Lws 19958827-4747
Pisarra Barbara 40058 Grant Dr Unit 48 FnwckIsl 19944537-9975 0 Pisc Vasile 3 Bridle Ridge Circle Lws 19958 827-1083 7 Pisciotta Alexander 38354 Old Mill Way Unit 47 OcnVw 19970616-2831 0 Pisorchik Pat 18 Brighton St OcnVw 19970 541-9531 9 Pitarra Michael 37468 Leisure Dr Slbyvl 19975 564-7911
6 Pitcher Patrick 36113 Overfalls Dr S Lws 19958 827-2514
7 Pitcher Rosalie 226 2nd St Lws 19958 645-6325
0 Pitcher William 16 Elderberry St Grgtwn 19947 253-8121
1 Pitman John B 37478 Clubhouse Rd OcnVw 19970 539-5280
8 Pitner Joanne 111 Mill Chase Circle Unit 69 Mllsbro 19966663-9191 8 Pitocco Lisa 30820 Trails End Dgsbro 19939 616-2563 1 Pitrizzi Michael 20040 Cool Spring Rd Mltn 19968 945-6286 4 Pitrone Paul 15 Oak Ave RhbthBch 19971212-5131 8 Pitta Stacy 56 Bristol Way Lws 19958827-4728 8 Pitta Tom 11337 Signature Blvd Slbyvl 19975988-1346 4 Pittaccio Guido 15 Beaver Dam Reach RhbthBch 19971227-9062 1 Pittard Sybil 20270 Carolyn Ct Grgtwn 19947515-1744 0 Pitter Patter 18 Pennsylvania Ave BthnyBch 19930539-8712
4 Pittinger Charles 29437 Turnberry Dr Dgsbro 19939616-2434
5 Pittler Steven 4 Indian St BthnyBch 19930 402-6858
7 Pittman Claudia 30678 Oak Ct Mllsbro 19966 933-0282 5 Pittman David 20561 Overman Way Mllsbro 19966663-9627 5 Pittman George 33223 W Edgemoor St Lws 19958 827-2223 4 Pitts Andrew F MD 16529 Coastal Hwy Lws 19958 644-7788 6 Pitts James 17027 Bristol Rd Lws 19958200-9297
Pitts James 38406 Maple Ln Slbyvl 19975564-7729 Pitts John 105 Mariners Ct RhbthBch 19971 260-9122 Pitts Marcella 36 Bethany Rd Slbyvl 19975436-1569 Pitts Norman 20815 Reynolds Pond Rd Ellndl 19941 684-3147 Pitts Thornton 7 Kauffman Ln Frnkfrd 19945 732-3099 Pitts Travis 34 Nichole Dr Mltn 19968 313-4539 Pivot Physical Therapy 2 Lee Ave Grgtwn 19947 854-6511
20930 DuPont Blvd Grgtwn 19947856-7462 701 Savannah Rd Lws 19958 644-7094 1415 Savannah Rd Unit 1 Lws 19958 703-2355 Long Neck Rd Mllsbro 19966947-4461 29 Atlantic Ave OcnVw 19970541-5706 37155 Rehoboth Ave Ext RhbthBch 19971227-5550 33195 Lighthouse Rd Slbyvl 19975436-0901
Pleva Bonnie 24560 White St Lot R54 Mllsbro 19966 549-1880 Plexico Judith 38242 Marlington Rd OcnVw 19970 402-6037 A Plichta Bernadette 7 Chesterfield Dr Lws 19958 644-1833
Plis Charlie 145 S Newport Way Dgsbro 19939616-1302 Plitko R 32133 Omar Rd Frnkfrd 19945 732-3796 Plocinski Sherri 37462 Pettinaro Dr Unit 7101 OcnVw 19970 616-4726 B Plord Peter 38130 Jetty Ln Dgsbro 19939927-0693 Plosky Mila 37530 Golden Eagle Blvd Lws 19958703-2618 Plotkin Steve 29181 Ocean Rd Unit 3 BthnyBch 19930616-3737 Plowman Terry 37587 Bay Harbor Dr RhbthBch 19971 227-9499 Plum John 22763 Red Bay Ln Mltn 19968253-8403 Plumbing Doctor The OcnVw 541-8191 Plumly B 32187 Fort DuPont Dr Mllvll 19967616-2717 Plummer Brian 22 Nichole Dr Mltn 19968 644-1974 D Plummer Brooke 3 Henlopen Grdns Lws 19958313-4169 Plummer Bruce 31436 Point Dr Lws 19958645-6323 Plummer Charles 825 Kings Hwy Apt 603 Lws 19958 644-2922 Plummer Charles 37767 N Shady Dr Slbyvl 19975436-2097 Plummer Christopher 35554 Peregrine Rd Lws 19958200-9425 Plummer Jeff 1 Fox Creek Dr RhbthBch 19971212-5910 Plunkett Robert 30 Maryland Ave RhbthBch 19971567-2453 Plunkett S Mllsbro945-5268 Pluscht Joe 4 Tingle St OcnVw 19970 829-1813 Plutte Joseph 18835 Candy Harbor Cove Unit 1502 RhbthBch 19971313-5590 Plympton B Slbyvl 524-8229
PNC Bank
5 piZZA KinG 2
2 S Pennsylvania Ave BthnyBch 19930537-2605 17725 Coastal Hwy Lws 19958645-4500 25939 John J Williams Hwy Mllsbro 19966945-6101 118 Main St Mllsbro 19966 934-3106 38069 Town Center Dr Unit 9 Mllvll 19967 537-2321 19745 Sea Air Ave Mllvll 19971227-5010 19312 Lighthouse Plaza Blvd RhbthBch 19971227-5126 31231 Americana Pkwy Slbyvl 19975 436-5400 1 W Church St Slbyvl 19975 436-8236
5 0 4 3 4 7 2 0 3 0 2
19068 Coastal Hwy RhbthBch 19971645-2500 401 College Park Lane Georgetown 19947 856-3113
358 E DuPont Hwy Millsboro 19966934-8699 Pizza Palace 3 Georgetown Plaza Grgtwn 19947 856-7555 Town Square Shopping Center Mllsbro 19966 934-8333
piZZA villA
18585 Coastal Hwy - Midway Shopping Ctr Rehoboth Beach645-2022 Pizzariello Philip 16937 Hunters Turnpike Lws 19958 703-6477 Pizzazz By The Bay 1300 Coastal Hwy FnwckIsl 19944539-3229 Pizzi Alicia 56 S Anchorage Ave BthnyBch 19930829-8443 Pizzi M Nora 102 Cedar Knob Ct RhbthBch 19971567-2915 Pizzolato Michael 24968 Prestwick Dr Mltn 19968 684-1457
722 Rehoboth Ave RhbthBch 19971 260-9734 P Point Pool 38 Degrees 26490 Crossing Winds Lndg Slbyvl 19975 988-2667
Pizarro Jorge 27808 Chris Dr Mllsbro 19966 549-1458 Pizza Hut Delivery and Carryout
Po Boys Creole And Fresh Catch 900 Palmer St Ext Mltn 19968 684-0890
Poad Brian 10 Nell Loop RhbthBch 19971 567-2621 K Pociluyko Nicholas 38243 Cardinal Ln Unit 116 Slbyvl 19975 436-5680 Pocock Virginia 1 Green Haven Ct RhbthBch 19971 212-5036 Podgorsky 32412 Plover Ct OcnVw 19970616-1080 Podlaseck Joseph 2 S Branch Way RhbthBch 19971 212-5307 L Podlesny Lisa & Ronald 33274 Bayberry Ct Dgsbro 19939927-0188
Poff James 32796 Greens Way Mllsbro 19966 947-2115
Poff Vickie 33292 Bayberry Ct Dgsbro 19939927-0423
Poffel Marjorie 6 N 5th St BthnyBch 19930 537-0440 M Poffenberger Brent & Ingrid 12 Windward Way Dgsbro 19939541-5383 Poffenberger Leon 11163 Signature Blvd Slbyvl 19975 988-1952 Poffenberger Wright 13 Virginia Dr OcnVw 19970539-2256
Poggi Gaile 2 Bayberry St Grgtwn 19947858-4778 N Poggioli Ann 36957 Trout Terrace N Slbyvl 19975 436-5818 Pohler Charlotte 2 Tucker Ln Slbyvl 19975436-2799 Pohopin Michael Dgsbro 616-3353 Pohoryles Louis 51 Harbor Rd RhbthBch 19971212-5254 O Poindexter Dianna 36984 Turnstone Circle RhbthBch 19971 278-7921 Poinsett Lisa 34742 Starboard Ct Dgsbro 19939 616-4262
Point Coffee Shop And Bakery The
Existing Mortgage Information800 822-5626 Directory Assistance877 762-2000 Hearing Impaired-TDD 800 531-1648 Branch Locations
Please See Our Menu In The Menu Guide
Pointer Richard 17 Bayard St Ext FnwckIsl 19944537-1743 Poirier Susan 28514 Traverse St Mllvll 19967 616-1904
poiSon control
Poison Information Hotline 800 222-1222
9 PJ’s 601 Federal St Mltn 19968 684-8688 8 pKS & compAny pA
7 1143 Savannah Rd #1 Lewes 645-5757
0 PKS Investment Advisors LLC 1143 Savannah Rd #1 Lewes645-5757
1 Pla Damon 119 S Newport Way Lot 27 Dgsbro 19939541-6057
Pojunas Barbara 30236 Driftwood Ct Unit 7904 OcnVw 19970616-4878 Pokoyski Marcia 418 Hudson St Ext Mltn 19968684-4551 Polakoff Steven 513 E Cape Shores Dr Lws 19958 313-5125 Poland Brenda 37450 Pettinaro Dr OcnVw 19970 616-1911 S Poland William 19993 Atlantic Ave RhbthBch 19971 227-8113 Polanskey Steve 33192 N Village Loop Unit 5205 Lws 19958 703-6321 Polansky E 31858 Carneros Ave Lws 19958827-2581 Polding Willim 32151 Dean St Lws 19958 313-4343 T Poler Susan 10082 Iron Pointe Dr Ext Mllsbro 19966663-0779 Poletto Linda 37922 Marina Rd Unit 78 OcnVw 19970 616-2480 Poley Mark 31416 Pine St Mllvll 19970402-6536
Placek Kenneth 32470 Phoebe Dr OcnVw 19970 616-2352
9 Placencia M Lws549-1007
3 Plack Raymond 39691 Seaside Ave BthnyBch 19930539-5782
8 Plane Cheryl 29 Bryan Dr RhbthBch 19971 827-4792
4 Planer Debra 5 Branchwood Dr RhbthBch 19971 260-9810
1 Plank Laura 2 Collins St DwyBch 19971260-9232
2 Plant Retrievers 13418 Seashore Highway Georgetown 19947337-9833
9 Plantation Lakes Golf And Country Club
police depArtmentS
All emergencies911
Non-Emergency-Business Lines
Bethany Beach539-1000
Dewey Beach 227-1110
Fenwick Island 539-2000
Frankford 11 Frankford Ave732-6244
Georgetown 856-6613
Milford 422-8081
Millville 856-5850
Milton 855-2980
Ocean View539-1111
Rehoboth Beach 227-2577
Rehoboth Beach Patrol227-2280
Roxana 856-5850
South Bethany539-3996
20301 Charlotte Blvd Mllsbro 19966933-8072 Plantation Lakes HOA 29787 Plantation Lakes Blvd Mllsbro 19966934-5200 Plante Charles 8 5th St RhbthBch 19971227-6662
7 Plastic Cosmetic & Peripheral Nerve Surgery Center
1400 Savannah Rd Lws 19958 645-7737 Plate Catering 17300 N Village Main Blvd Lws 19958 644-1200 Plate & Palette
3 0
5 Please See Our Menu In The Menu Guide
6 Please See Our Coupon In The Back
6 303 Main St Millsboro 19966 663-9992 5 Plath Shirley 53 Tributary Ln Mllvll 19967829-8936 4 Platia Edward 4 New Castle St RhbthBch 19971 727-5640 8 Platt Lynn 32889 Holly Pines Dr Lws 19958827-1013 0 Platt Richard 20681 Woodlake Circle Mllsbro 19966804-4040 7 Platt Theano 27405 Clearview Circle Mllvll 19967 829-1404 1 Plaza Mexico Restaurante
1 26506 Victorias Landing Rd Mllsbro 19966945-3111 8 Plaza Pamela 16518 Greenspring Ave Lws 19958703-2740 0 Pleasanton Chris 34301 Parker House Rd Frnkfrd 19945 829-1413 4 Pleasanton Ronnie 17468 Slipper Shell Way Unit 17 Lws 19958200-9780
9 Plebani Claudett 4 Aegean Way RhbthBch 19971212-2185 1 Pletcher Robert 10 Doolin Ln RhbthBch 19971226-2199
6 6 4 2 2 0 3 5 5
7 8 8 6 2 4 8 4 1 5 5 2 8 4 1 6 8 0 4 1 3 5 6 6
2 0 9 2 6 4 4 2 7 0 9 0 8 0 2 1 1 4 6
0 7 5 0 3 2 5 4 3 3 6
5 4 0 1 0
6 5 1 4 3 1 0 3 2 9 2 4 7 2 8 9 2 8 7 5 7 5 5 1 3 8 0 7 9