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                              Forests, rivers, parks, and streams provide the ideal setting for some of the state’s best hunting and fishing. There’s something for everyone.
                                                                                   Hunting & Fishing
Delaware Division
of Fish and Wildlife
89 Kings Hwy., Dover
Any resident of Delaware who is 16 or older, but less than 65, is required to have a license to fish in non-tidal waters.
Non-tidal waters include lakes, ponds, impoundments, and streams where the tides do not occur. Most non-tidal waters are fresh except for brackish water impoundments. A license may be obtained from over 100 license agents (mostly sporting goods and hardware stores) throughout the state. Licenses can also be purchased online. Each holder
of a fishing license must display the license on an outer garment while fishing. The cost of a fishing license for non-tidal waters for a resident is $8.50 and $20.00 for a non-resident. A fishing license is valid through the calendar year in which it is issued. Non-residents may purchase a 7-consecutive day fishing license for $12.50.
For freshwater trout fishing, possession of a trout stamp may be required.
Freshwater Ponds in the Dover-Milford Area
Abbott’s Pond, Andrew’s Lake, Blairs Pond, Coursey Pond, Derby Pond, Garrisons Lake, Griffiths Lake, Haven Lake, Massey’s Mill Pond, McColley Pond, Moore’s Lake, Silver Lake,
and Tubmill Pond provide hours of fishing, boating, or simply relaxing.
Tidal Water Fishing/ Boating Access Areas
Some of the best fishing in the Mid-Atlantic States is on Delaware State Park beaches. Bowers Beach, Port Mahon, and Woodland Beach on the Delaware Bay offer fishing and boating access.
Other Important Fishing and Wildlife Numbers
Licenses and Permits
Delaware Division
of Fish and Wildlife
89 Kings Hwy., Dover
Situated midway on the Atlantic Flyway, Delaware hosts a large concentration of wintering waterfowl, especially snow geese
and ducks. Doves, squirrels, cottontail rabbits, white-tailed deers, and raccoons also offer excellent seasonal hunting throughout the State.
There are 50,000 acres of State wildlife areas and thousands of acres of State forests open to public hunting. Eight State parks — Brandywine Creek, Cape Henlopen, Delaware Seashore, Fort DuPont, Holts Landing, Lums Pond, Trap Pond, and White Clay Creek — offer public access areas for licensed hunters with a valid permit.
At Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, restricted public hunting is permitted for deer, waterfowl, and, in one small area, upland game. Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, with 16,251 acres, has numerous waterfowl blinds and areas designated for upland game hunting.
Federal Wildlife Info
Bombay Hook
Delaware Bay Estuary Project
Prime Hook
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
                                         HUNTING & FISHING

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