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Arizona Game and Fish Department
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
435-865-6100 Southern Region Office
1470 North Airport Road, Cedar City, UT
Species commonly hunted in Utah are mule deer, elk, antelope, pheasant, ducks, geese, rabbits, sage grouse, forest grouse, chukar partridge, mourning dove, and wild turkeys. Hunting is allowed in most public areas of the state, except in national parks, monuments, and state parks.
Resident and non-resident permits for general hunts can be purchased on a first-come, first-serve basis from license dealers, from DWR offices and via the Internet. Some special hunt permits are allotted via lotteries, with application periods set in the proclamation.
Guides and Outfitters:
Search for hunting and fishing guide services at the website:
Fly Fishing
Marble Canyon Outfitters at Lee’s 
Ferry on Highway 89A
928-645-2781  or  800-533-7339
Lee’s Ferry on the Colorado River in northern Arizona is one of the West’s greatest fly fishing destinations. Here at the head of the Grand Canyon, a tall water fishery of unparalleled quality and beauty has been created below Glen Canyon Dam. Marble Canyon Outfitters at Lee’s Ferry specializes in helping you make the most of your fly fishing experience.
Region II - Flagstaff
3500 South Lake Mary Road
Flagstaff, AZ
Arizona is well known throughout the country
and abroad for its quality big game hunting opportunities. There are 10 big game animal species in this great state, all of them accessible through public land pursuit. Game species include antelope, black bear, buffalo, desert bighorn sheep, elk, javelina, turkey, mountain lion, mule deer, and white-tailed deer.
Arizona is also recognized for its abundant small game species. Upland hunters can pursue three species of quail, mourning dove, white-winged dove, Eurasian collared-dove, band-tailed pigeon, blue grouse, five types of squirrel, cottontail rabbits, as well as sandhill cranes and chukars.
A general hunting license is typically all that is required, with exception to any appropriate stamps for migratory and waterfowl species.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Region II - Flagstaff
3500 South Lake Mary Road Flagstaff, AZ
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
435-865-6100 Southern Region Office
1470 North Airport Road, Cedar City, UT
For up to the minute fishing “hotspots” go to:
 Authorized Arizona and Utah Hunting
and Fishing license agents in the area:
If you want to purchase a license/permit from one of these agents, call first to determine whether or not it is for sale.
Also available online.
Lake Powell Convenience Center
901 North Highway 89
Page, AZ .............................. 928-645-5998
Stix Liquor and Sporting Goods
5 South Lake Powell Boulevard
Page, AZ .............................. 928-645-2891

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