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                             MARYLAND STATE OF (Cont)
Deaf Maryland Schools For The
101 Clarke Place Frdrck.............301 360-2000 TTY.......................................301 360-2001 Columbia..................................410 480-4500 TTY.......................................410 480-4501
See General Assembly
District Court Of Maryland
Worcester County
Ocean City 6505 Coastal Hwy
Clerk’s Office.....................410 723-6935 District Court
Commissioner ..............410 723-6659 Snow Hill
Clerk’s Office.....................410 219-7830
Commissioner ..................410 219-7848
Education Maryland State Dept Of
Departments May Be Reached Direct By Dialing The Listed Numbers Maryland State Education Building
200 W Baltimore St Administration &
Finance Office Of ..........410 767-0011 Certification & Accreditation Division Of
General Information.....410 767-0385
GED ..............................410 767-0538 Client Assistance Program
Toll Free........................800 638-6243 Instruction Division Of......410 767-0316 Gifted & Talented..........410 333-1910
TTY For Hearing
Impaired ..................410 333-2666
Workforce & Technology Center
2301 Argonne Dr Bltmr
General Information.....410 554-9100
State Superintendent
Office Of ...........................410 767-0100
Elections State Board Of..800 222-8683 Somerset Co Board
Of Elections ......................410 651-0767 Worcester Co Board Of Elections
201 Belt St SnwHl ............410 632-1320
See Labor-Licensing & Regulation Dept Of
Energy Administration Maryland
1800 Washington Blvd #755 Anpls....................................410 537-4000
Environment Dept Of The
1800 Washington Blvd Bltmr
Toll Free....................................800 633-6101 Information Number................410 537-3000 Emergency Number 24 Hours ..866 633-4686 Regional Offices
Eastern Shore Regional Office
201 Baptist St Slsbry ........410 713-3680
Legislative Office
45 Calvert St Anpls...........410 260-6301
Ethics State Commission
9 State Circle Anpls...................410 260-7770
Financial Regulation Division Of
See Labor Licensing & Regulation Dept Of
Fire Marshal Office Of The State
Administrative Office
1201 Reistertown Rd Pksvl...410 653-8980 Toll Free................................800 525-3124
Maryland Arson Hotline ...........800 492-7529 Northeast Regional Office
Fire Prevention.....................410 836-4843
General Assembly-Annapolis Maryland
Information..............................410 841-3000 Toll Free................................800 492-7122
Delegation Information Worcester.............................410 841-3431
Department Of
Legislative Services ..............410 946-5500
General Services Dept Of
General Information Toll Free .. 800 449-4347
Governor’s Office
State House Anpls ..................410 974-3901 Outside The Baltimore-Annapolis
Metropolitan Area Call .........800 811-8336
Health & Mental Hygiene Dept Of
Information Number-Emergency
Toll Free................................866 318-1559 For Long Distance Callers
Toll Free............................800 638-6252 TTD For Hearing Impaired
Toll Free............................800 553-3140 AIDS Information
Toll Free................................800 638-8864 Drug Control-For Prescription Or Non-
Prescription Drug Complaints
Bltmr....................................410 764-2890 Hospitals
Deer’s Head Center
351 Deer’s Head Hospital Rd
Slsbry ...............................410 543-4000
TTY.......................................410 543-4036 Eastern Shore Hospital Center
5262 Woods Rd Cmbrdg...410 221-2300 Holly Center Slsbry .............410 572-6200 Kidney Disease Program...........410 764-4799 Medicaid Information ..............410 764-4755
Mental Hygiene Administration.....................888 767-6500
Pharmacy Assistance Program..410 767-5394 Project KISS-Kids In Safety Seats
300 W Preston St Bltmr........410 767-6016
House Of Delegates
General Assembly Main No ......800 492-7122
Housing & Community Development Dept Of
2 N Charles St Ste 450 Bltmr
General Information.................410 209-5800
General Information.............800 756-0119 TTY......................................................711 Or Call...............................800 735-2258
Multifamily General Information..800 543-4505 General Information.............800 445-4340
Single Family Housing Homeownership & Special Loans Programs
General Information.............800 638-7781
Human Relations Commission
Carey Bldg-Eastern Shore
Hospital Center-Cambridge
Statewide Toll Free .............800 637-6247
Human Resources Dept Of
Statewide.................................800 332-6347 TTY Line ...............................800 735-2258
For Information On The Services Listed
Below Call The Above Number Adoption/Adult Abuse/Child Abuse-Neglect Child Care/Child Support/Food Stamps Foster Care/Medical Assistance
Temporary Assistance To Needy Families
Temporary Cash Assistance Emergency Assistance-MEAP For
Information Call ...................800 332-6347 Social Services Dept Of
Wicomico County
201 Baptist St Slsbry ........410 713-3900 Administration.................410 548-4891
Income Tax Information
See Comptroller Of Maryland
Job Service
See Labor Licensing & Regulation Dept Of
Justice Administration Governor’s Office Of State Board Of Victims Services
100 Community Pl Bltmr......410 697-9338
Juvenile Justice Dept Of
Worcester County Office
301-C Commerce St SnwHl...410 632-0206
Labor-Licensing &
Regulation Dept Of
Somerset Worcester & Wicomico Counties
Accountancy-Maryland State
Board Of Public
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6322
Architects-State Board-MD
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6322
Athletic Commission-State
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6222
Barber Examiners-Board Of
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6320
Cemetery Oversight
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6229
Collection Agency Licensing Board
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6079 Toll Free............................888 784-0136
Cosmetologist-State Board Of
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6320
Division Of Financial Regulation
500 N Calvert St Banking............................410 230-6100 Consumer Credit...............410 230-6100 Collections Agency ...........410 230-6100
Electricians-State Board Of Master
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6163
Employment & Training Division Of Maryland Job Service
Somerset County
30415 Mt Vernon Rd
PrncsAnne....................410 677-4261 Unemployment Insurance Division Of
Unemployment Insurance
Employer Tax Info.........800 492-5524 Unemployment Insurance Fraud Hotline
Toll Free........................800 492-6804 Engineers-State Board Of
Examining Stationary
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6270 Professional Engineers
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6322
Foresters-State Board Of
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6224
Home Improvement Commission
500 N Calvert St ...............410 230-6309
Labor & Industry-Division Of
1100 N Eutaw St
Administration- 2019
Commissioner ..............410 767-2241 Apprenticeship & Training...410 767-2246
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