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Environmental Commitment
We promote sustainable forestry and recycling.
• WeparticipateintheSustainableForestryInitiative,whichintegratestheharvestingoftrees with the conservation of soil, air and water resources. Due to this initiative, there is more wood growing across the country today, than at any time in the past century.
• ThemillthatproducesthepaperusedinourbooksisChainofCustodycertified.Thismeans we can trace the wood back to the area it came from to ensure the wood is certified. A certi- fied wood product must be harvested from a forest that meets strict standards of sustain- ability, ecological diversity and socioeconomic responsibility.
• The paper used in our books is produced from renewable and recyclable resources. Our paper comes from the world’s largest recycler of old newspapers and old magazines.
• Ourbooksareprintedonearth-friendlypaperthatuses50%lessfiberthantraditionalpaper and is manufactured Totally Chlorine Free.
• WeuseSoybean&otherrenewableinksources.Allourinksmeet requirements for use with the “Soyseal” label.
• TheUVcoatingandbindingglueusedonourbooksis100%recy- clable.
• Thepaperusedinthisbookismadefromotherwiseunusablelumber by-products.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions & increasing use of renewable energy
• ThemajorityofthepowerusedtoprintourbookscomesfromHydroelectricpower,bring- ing us close to our ultimate goal of Carbon Neutrality.
• Thepapermillthatproducesourpaperiscurrentlybuildingan$85millionbio-massboiler that will generate over 75% of energy needs through “Green Energy.”
A Commitment To The Future
The Phone Book continues to emphasize and develop environmentally friendly practices to help conserve our natural resources. We are committed to environmental improvement and reduction in energy use.
As the Phone Book continues to grow, our deep respect for the environment will guide our continued commitment
to improvement in environmental performance, reduced energy use and resource conservation.