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                                                 V 204 VELARDE – Vidant
                            A B C D
Velarde Alex & Patricia
5085 Ormondsville Rd Aydn 28513746-4326
Velazquez Gilbert 3005 Noah Ct Grnvl 27834493-7104 Velazquez Norberto Dr PA
120 Oakmont Dr Grnvl 27858756-7789 Velleman Michael Grnvl353-3943 Vencor Inc 128 Snow Hill St Aydn 28513  746-2560 Veneski Chastity 2243 Vicky Ln Grnvl 27858689-2616 Veneski Michael 2317 Meadow Ln Grnvl 27858758-7012 Venters C M 969 Fairway Rd Aydn 28513746-6050 Venters Hunter & Ashley
6863 NC Hwy 43 Grnvl 27858746-4676 Venters Martha746-3755 Venters Robert 4178 Terrace Dr Aydn 28513  304-2214
Vidant Health V
Corporate Offices 2100 Stantonsburg Rd Grnvl 27834
Main Number  847-0033 Chief Executive Officer  847-6690 Chief Adminstration Officer847-6690 Chief Financial Officer  847-4582 Accreditation Office847-4565 External Affairs Office  847-5983 Facilities & Properties847-4587 General Counsel Office  847-5246 Health Access847-2024 Human Resources Office  847-8718 Information Technology Office  847-4976 Patient And Family Experience Office  847-4565 Quality Office  847-1946 Strategic Development & Growth Office 847-5346 Vidant Medical Group  847-6156 Vidant Community Hospitals847-5104 Vidant Bertie Hospital794-6600 Vidant Duplin Hospital  296-0941 Vidant Medical Center847-4100
Vidant Home Health & Hospice
2100 Stantonsburg Rd Grnvl 27858  847-7830
Vidant Medical Center
2100 Stantonsburg Rd Grnvl 27834  830-0012 General Information847-4100 Patient Information And Room Numbers847-4476 Patient Information And Room Numbers847-4477 Academic Loan Program  847-0827 Access East847-6809 Accreditation  847-4565 ADA-504 Coordinator  847-6029 Administration  847-4451 Admissions (See Patient Access Services)847-5941 Ambulatory Services
Ambulatory Medical Unit847-5105 Ambulator y Radiology Unit  847-5594 Ambulatory Radiology Unit #2847-4950 Ambulatory Surgical Unit847-0774 Vascular Access Program  847-4606
Surgical Observation 847-8020 Aquatic Therapy  847-5555 Audiology And Hearing Aids  847-4448 Audit And Compliance  847-0125 Behavioral Health847-6895
Psychiatric Referrals  847-8791
E Venters Ronald C 4148 New Circle Dr Aydn 28513 746-6693 Ventresca Judith 975 Sunnyfield Dr Grnvl 27858364-2300
Venture Properties-Taft Family Offices
2700 W Arlington Blvd Grnvl 27834689-6676
Venture Rehab Group
300 E Arlington Blvd Grnvl 27858355-5535
G Venue 3214 S Memorial Dr Grnvl 27834756-4455 Veon William 413 Edenton Ct Wntrvl 28590321-4924
Veranda The 3607 S Pitt St Frmvl 27828  753-4348 Verbanac K M 1800 Old Mill Ct Grnvl 27858  355-5549 Verbraska Amanda 605 Avery St Grnvl 27858565-8413 Verde Spa 610 Old Tar Village Rd Wntrvl 28590321-4757 Vernelson J Dwight & Jimmie
Administration  847-7867 Med Oncology Inpatient Unit  847-4110 Outreach  847-9507 Patient Navigation 800 472-8500 Patient Support Groups847-7943 Screenings847-6018 Surgical Oncology Inpt Unit  847-1434 1 East847-8619 1 East Infusion Center  847-4114 Gamma Knife Center  847-2611 Tumor Registr y  847-6219 Cardiology  758-3211
3231 Old Creek Rd Grnvl 27834  830-1104 Vernelson John L 1802 Mason School Rd Stks 27884  758-6238 Vernelson Joseph D 4664 US Hwy 264 E Grnvl 27834  758-3517 Vernelson Shirley 806 Falcon Circle Grnvl 27834752-7697 Vernelson Wayne 3267 Old Creek Rd Grnvl 27834752-7555 Vernon Jason 1113 Grovemont Dr Apt G2 Grnvl 27834  227-4357 Vernon Jasper 3378 Shaman Ct Wntrvl 28590746-2462 Vernon Rachel
1404 Chestnut Ridge Ct Apt B Grnvl 27834  364-8056 Vernon William 2293 Staton Mill Rd Bthl 27812  215-0302 Vernon William Dwight
4990 Eastern Pines Rd Grnvl 27858  758-6046
M Veron William L 1216 E Firetower Rd Apt D Grnvl215-5868 VersaMed LLC 801 WH Smith Blvd Grnvl 27834329-0227 Veryser Diane 215 Hammond Ave Bthl 27812  825-5541
N Vest Janet 111 Lakeview Dr Grnvl 27858  758-3472 Vest Pattie L 127 E Catawba Rd Grnvl 27834  758-4109 Veterans Of Modern Warfare Call  414-2024
O Veteran’s Outreach Center
1021 WH Smith Blvd Grnvl 27834  355-7920
Veterinary Outpatient Clinic
4747 NC Hwy 33 Grnvl 27858758-0062
Vetrano M & J 1900 Sherwood Dr Grnvl 27858 321-8159 VFW Post 7032 1108 Mumford Rd Grnvl 27834  758-3251 Vianale Christine 4030 Bells Chapel Rd Grnvl 27858  565-5101 Vibrance Medical Spa & Wellness Center
1025 WH Smith Blvd Ste 106 Grnvl 27834  830-9001 Vic Felicia 6076 Gay Rd Frmvl 27828749-0097 Viccaro Bertha
Psychiatric Referrals (Pager) 413-4117 Campus Bus Ser vice  847-7886 Cancer Services
3842 Fairmont Village Dr Apt C Aydn 28513  304-2275 Vicers Leavy 2116 Scotsdale Ct Wntrvl 28590756-1548
S Vick Allie 4469 NC Hwy 222 Fntn 27829  752-0355 Vick Blair 1504 Paramore Dr Grnvl 27858  551-0549 Vick Deanza Grnvl  689-3573
T Vick Edward 2003 Fairview Way Grnvl 27858 756-5441 Vick Hope 131 Tyson Loop Rd Frmvl 27828753-7354 Vick Howard 4145 Blount St Aydn 28513  746-8822
U Vick Jacquelyn L 4364 Bell Rd Frmvl 27828  749-5212
Cardiovascular Service
Admissions  847-7087
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation847-5736 Case Management
Inpatient Case Management  847-4490
Social Work-Discharge Planning847-4490 Utilization Review847-4959 Center For Learning & Performance847-4466 Children’s Emergency Department847-1517 Children’s Hospital816-7333
Family Support Network847-5120 Children’s Miracle Network847-5437 Clinical Evaluation Unit847-5072 Clinical Information Management847-5782 Community Care Plan Of Eastern Carolina847-6430 Community Health Programs  847-5702
School Health Programs847-6574 Pediatric Asthma Program 847-6834 Senior Services 847-0550
Vick Katie L
1603 Woodwind Dr Grnvl 27858  752-5729
Vick Larry 2277 Kay Rd Grnvl 27858752-8381 Vick Stanley 1055 Nash Rd Frmvl 27828753-5067 Vick V 100 Hickory St Grnvl 27858 830-2772 Vick Verchie A 105 Vernon St Grnvl 27858 355-4555 Vick Wiley Rev 5884 NC Hwy 43 Grnvl 27827  752-0406 Vickers Don 4108 Colony Woods Dr Grnvl 27834756-5153 Vickory Frank
510 Treybrooke Circle Apt 34 Grnvl 27834  565-5077 Vickrey Jessica 3865 Edwards Rd Grmslnd 27837  215-1026 Victoria’s Secret 714 SE Greenville Blvd Grnvl 27858  321-1001 Victory Christian Assembly
4748 Stantonsburg Rd Grnvl 27834  830-1442 Victory Christian Center
102 Laughinghouse Dr Grnvl 27834756-5647
Corporate Planning  847-2222

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