Page 266 - CCO17 Flip Book
P. 266

30 49
18 39 72 85
TD Eure Marine Construction Co
575 US Hwy 70 Radio Island Beaufort  728-4191
Thomas Simpson Construction
2401 Arendell St Morehead City  247-4401
Turnage Corp 5039 Mattie St Morehead City  727-0740 Vaughan & Associates Custom Builders Inc
128 Cottontail Run Newport  240-1902 Wayne’s Construction Co
161 Gloria Dawn Rd Morehead City  726-5961 WFCS Atlantic Beach 241-6668 Wojo Contracting
Morehead City  726-8726
Islands Choice
Jim Dandy #12 1884 NC Hwy 24 Newport  727-5444
contractors-general (cont)
Hannula Construction
5309 High St Morehead City  240-1366
Holt Edwin N General Contractor Inc
173 Fox Dr Swansboro 393-8875
Hunter Enterprises
113 Gloria Dawn Rd Morehead City  726-0606
I J Hunter General Construction
208 Carolina Pkwy Morehead City 726-1486
Joyce & Associates
6994 US Hwy 70 Newport  223-3171
Kulin Construction & HVAC
112 Nine J Dr Newport  223-4540
LA Downey & Son Inc  726-2847 LA Johnson Construction
135 Sherwood Ave Cedar Point 393-2010 Marshall S M Construction & Realty Inc
See Marine Contractors
contrActors-remodeling & rePAiring
1800 NC Hwy 58 Swansboro  393-9999 Mather Chris Construction Co
104 Hodges St Morehead City  726-6216 MF Construction
211 Atlantic Beach Cswy Atlantic Beach  240-1992 MJ Underground
5058 US Hwy 70 Morehead City 222-3040
mPm construction
Serving Carteret County And Surrounding Areas 222-8887
Owens Construction
109 Sherwood Blvd Beaufort 504-3163
Pine Ridge Construction
271 Seashore Dr Atlantic Beach  225-7351
Primus Contracting Inc
2896 NC Hwy 24 Newport 764-2438
rolAnd d lAwrence jr generAl
Serving Carteret County And Surrounding Areas 499-0035
S F Ballou Construction Co
Morehead City  726-0780 Scott Construction Inc 728-2246 Staebler Homes Inc
d r contrActing
3302 Bridges St
742 US Hwy 70 Otway Beaufort 504-4885 N Gil’s Market 797 Chatham St Newport 223-4813
Go Gas 1403 W Corbett Ave Swansboro 910 326-7277 O Handy House
#10 665 US Hwy 70 Davis 729-1081
#6 2310 Arendell St Morehead City 240-2223 P #7 65 Chatham St Newport  223-5356
#2 101 US Hwy 70 Smyrna  729-6911 Q
Handy Mart #134
3806 Arendell St Morehead City  726-9669
#71 7065 US Hwy 70 Newport 223-0445
801 WB McLean Dr Swansboro  393-2323
#57 701 W Corbett Ave Swansboro 910 326-4196 S
In & Out Mini Mart T 3294 US Hwy 70 Beaufort  838-1066
8754 Reed Dr Emerald Isle  354-3784 Straub Built Homes LLC
203 W Main St Swansboro 910 326-8008 Sunbuilt Construction
301 E Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach240-0117 tAylor’s construction
Island Cove
2500 W Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach 808-2223
7030 Hwy 70 East New Bern  229-5554 (See Our Ad On FACING PAGE)
U 3216 Cedar Island Rd Cedar Island  225-0246 V
Contractors – CONVENIENCE
65 C A
Serving Carteret County910 467-2561 (See Our Ad On THIS PAGE)
convenience stores
C-Co Mini Mart 5647 US Hwy 70 Newport  223-4121 M Crossroads Mini Mart
#3 4068 Arendell St Morehead City 726-0446 K & V Grocery
307 Mangrove Dr Emerald Isle 354-1949 W Kangaroo Express
#918 407 E Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach  726-8974 X #906 1501 Live Oak St Beaufort  728-5885 #3157 302 WB McLean Dr Cape Carteret 393-7951 Y #3473 5230 US Hwy 70 West Morehead City  727-0070
Korner Store The
1135 Marshallberg Rd Marshallberg  729-9611 Z
(Listings Cont'd on NEXT PAGE)

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