Page 339 - REH18 Flip Book
P. 339

       10 HIKING & BIKING
 Sussex County offers a wide range of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors!
       Biking 302-760-BIKE or visit
Southern Delaware’s flat landscape, excellent roadways, and scenic routes ensure
an enjoyable cycling experience.
Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach 302-227-6181 or 302-227-2233 Enjoy the sunrise and fresh morning air riding along the Boardwalk between
5am–10am from May 15 to September 15 when bikes are allowed.
Sussex Cyclists
For cyclists desiring a longer ride, Sussex Cyclists (a local cycling group) leads day and evening rides from 11 to 50 miles mostly through rural Sussex County roads. Visitors are welcome to participate.
Southern Delaware Heritage Trail
The Heritage Trail connects rivers, scenic drives, local historic sites, country inns, bed and breakfast motels, and antiquing in Southern Delaware. The loop trail is marked by signs, which connect several historic towns west of Delaware’s beach resorts. The trail route provides 130 miles of connecting trails for cyclists and more than 70 miles of scenic country roads for motorists who like to venture off the beaten path.
Broadkill River Canoe Trail
The tidal Broadkill River provides a gentle canoe trail between Memorial Park in Milton and the Nature Conservancy’s McCabe Preserve. The preserve offers a landing spot on shore and a hiking trail.
Edward H. McCabe Preserve
143 acre refuge maintained by the Nature Conservancy, featuring native flora, fauna, rare plants, and migratory birds. A two mile canoe trail links nature preserves to the historic town of Milton. Open daily from dawn to dusk.
The Junction and Breakwater Trail
Located on the southwestern side of Cape Henlopen State Park midway between Lewes and Rehoboth Beach, the trail can be accessed east of Route 1 by taking Munchy Branch Road to Wolfe Neck Road or from the trailhead off of the Holland Glade Road located behind Tanger Outlets. Open for walking and biking, the surface is well suited for wheelchair or battery-powered devices for disabled persons.
Milford’s Mispillion Riverwalk
Adjacent to Walnut Street, the Riverwalk connects the downtown business area, a newly constructed library, amphitheater, community theater, University of Delaware Milford Campus building, and recreational areas.
Mill Pond Loop Trail
A nature trail follows the headwaters of the Mispillion River through a beautiful dry oak forest.
Milton Governor’s Walk
A brick pathway that follows the Broadkill River from Wagamon’s Pond to Milton Memorial Park commemorates Milton as the hometown of five
former governors. A canoe trail begins in Memorial Park and
goes to The Nature Conservancy’s McCabe Preserve.
The Pinelands Trail 302-645-8983
The Pinelands Trail at Cape Henlopen State Park takes you through a living example of natural and man-
made changes in a maritime
forest. You’ll travel through old bogs, drained wetlands, and maturing pinewoods. The
trail takes about one hour
to hike.
 Delaware Greenway and Trail Program
1910 Rockland Road, Wilmington
Delaware Bicycle Council
PO Box 778, Dover

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