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“VP Demand Creation Services fully describes the coordinated knowledge and activities required in our marketing execution services. Print is still vital to our clients, but it is something we do and a service we provide, but not who we are. Our clients recognize this, and rely on a greater level of depth and breadth in our expertise and service.”
‘You do so many things. When are you going to drop the Press from your name?’” Moore continues. “We had already researched the URLs surrounding ‘Demand Creation Services,’ as this seemed to describe perfectly what we do for ourselves, our publishing and association clients, and our food clients. Very few clients have ever stated, ‘I came to you because there aren’t any good printers out there.’ Without fail, they sought us out because they have to move the needle – create sales growth – and we help them do this, execute it, measure it, and continually improve upon these efforts.”
The re-branding to VP Demand Creation Services is now in full swing. “Most printing companies think they are in the printing business, when really they are in the marketing execution business. If their clients could create results better, faster, or more effectively without print and postage, they would certainly do so. Clients don’t print because they want to; they do so because it creates results for them,” says
Moore. “And the af iction of most companies in this business is that they have so much more to offer, and that their clients only value what they do, instead of what they know.
“Our clients realize that
we have an entire marketing execution team at their disposal, and can provide that team for
a fraction of the cost than if
they were to hire all of these people themselves,” says
Moore. “Here’s an example: We recently conducted a marketing test for one of our association clients whose board of directors mandated a raise in membership dues from $55 to $65 per year.
Our team recommended testing it  rst, which is how we conduct our own business. So, we had a promotions and graphics team put together the A/B direct mail test with both offers and creative platform for print and e-mail; we had our I.T. team adjust the database so when an
‘A’ member responds online, they get the ‘A’ offer; and when the ‘B’ member responds,
they receive the ‘B’ offer. Also, our call center database needs to receive the same information if the member responds by phone. Next, there’s a database manager who tabulates and reports on all of this, and develops the knowledge to go forward. And,  nally, there’s an account manager who coordinates the entire effort. Our clients would need to hire six or seven folks to execute their monthly renewal programs with this science and precision. We proved the $55 rate was a more successful outcome.
“Likewise, in foodservice, if Sara Lee sells
a Ballpark Hot Dog promotion to a chain of regional convenience stores and gas stations, they go on our ful llment site, personalize
the posters for their windows, the static clings for their beverage cases, the pump signage, and we build the kits and ship within one business day,” explains Moore. ”Then, there might be a volume incentive plan where the chain, or individual store, submits a rebate to be rewarded for buying  fty cases or more.
We execute the program, process the reward, and provide the summary knowledge for the program. Did the promotion attract new clients for Sara Lee? Did it help sell new products to existing locations? Did it create the demand they need to achieve their objectives?” These questions are answered by the detailed reports and their analysis, which helps with making short-term and long-term decisions.
primed to embrace its new identity. Moore summarizes it best: “VP Demand Creation Services fully describes the coordinated knowledge and activities required in our marketing execution services. Print is still vital to our clients, but it is something we do and a service we provide, but not who we are. Our clients recognize this, and rely on a greater level of depth and breadth in our expertise and service.” 
ith all of its past success in various industries, and the talent pro le
to execute them, the company is
34 Traverse City Marketing Times • Fall 2014

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