Page 13 - FRESA CompanyProfile
P. 13

Salty canapé:
» Bruschetta ( various tastes)
» Small sandwiches with turkey fresh dip and and lettuce
» Small cheese-herb balls flavored with different spices » Fresh salads (various types)
» Pasta with herbs and sauces
» Chicken breast with two different flavors
» Freshly made corn bread with cheese based dip Sweet canapé:
» Small dessert bites
» Seasonal fruit bites
» Water (by Rugova) and coffee
The price of of the above menu including coffee
and water is 6 00 EUR (VAT included) Discount for
300 + person: price per per per person person is is 5 5 5 5 EUR ( VAT included) The venue and the the the timeframe of of the the the event will be specified at the the the time time of of service ordering by the the customer customer The customer customer is to to to provide tables where the the food and drinks will be placed All items will will will be be be brought to the the the the the venue by by FRESA FRESA FRESA one hour before the the the the the start of of the the the the the event event event The food and and and drinks will will will be be be displayed and and and and made ready for
the the the the the the event event event and and and and its guests by by FRESA FRESA FRESA Upon ending of of the the the the the the event event event FRESA FRESA FRESA will will collect the dishes and and leftovers Payment conditions:
The payment is is made in in in in in in full within 5 days upon receiving the original invoice from FRESA Contact person for
this catering service:
Edis Agani at at at edis@fresafood com com and +377(0) 44 240 985 or
Albina Nura at at at albinad@hotmail com com 12

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