Page 11 - Playbook Handbook
P. 11

         On the website you will sort content by Categories and tags. In general,
Categories = places to go,
Tags = things you see/do along the way
Full list here: ERCTKAnoWKaxe2JiR0JiTtJrwMgGfpbP3FKbkI/edit ?usp=sharing
Everything you write about should encompass play in some way. For example, if you feature a hiking trail, focus on the streams to play in, the bridges for playing "Pooh Sticks" etc.
Playgrounds are our specialty! With playgrounds, we can open up play to all. Follow closely with new playgrounds being built in your region.
The quality of your photographs goes a long way! You are more likely to attract and retain an audience if you have quality photographs.
The vast majority of your content should cover each county in your region. Any content outside your region can be tagged as "Day Trip". A good way to start would be to research all the areas you want to visit and make a bucket list (For example look at town pages for the public playgrounds in each area, search facebook groups for kid friendly dining, etc.)

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