Page 2 - SAMPLE Fledgling
P. 2

Lucy Hope
Word count: 55,000
Genre: gothic fantasy
Age range: 9+
Debut: yes
Illustrations: no Series/standalone: standalone
Why did you acquire it?
I acquired it because Lucy is a great writer and it felt like a very fresh, original story.
Cassie Engel is closing the windows of her eccentric mountain-top house against a storm when a cherub blows in and lands on her bed.The strange bird-like crea- ture seems to need her, and she wraps her in a blanket to keep her warm. She signals to her friend Raphael, whose house she can see from her lofty perch, and he comes up the winding road to find out what’s happened. He seems very discomfited by the cherub and also to
be strangely well informed about why she might have arrived.
Meanwhile, Cassie’s opera-singer mother is calling for her. So she makes her way to the room at the very top of the house, the roof of which opens to the stars, to find that her mother is asking her to get rid of the stuffed owls in the library.These owls have been in the

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